20 things only really bad neighbors do

Even one such act is enough to understand: you live under the same roof with a real monster.

Those who have ever lived in a hostel or communal apartment will carry the memories of this experience throughout their lives. It’s really unforgettable: shared kitchen, toilet and bathroom, lots of neighbors, and everyone has their own daily habits. Which, unfortunately, are not always good.

Probably, everyone who tried to live with someone other than their parents had to deal with the unpleasant habits of a flatmate – they rented a house or tried to build a relationship. It turns out that even such a trifle as the way to squeeze out toothpaste can irritate a person. Just look at this!

But if you can somehow get used to this, that is, such habits that look objectively vile, it is very difficult to tolerate them. And, perhaps, not necessary. We have collected just such actions that only very bad neighbors in the apartment do, and made our own everyday anti-rating.

“My dad puts leftover food in the refrigerator right on the shelf. No, no plates or containers. For example, this is how he put a piece of meat, “writes the girl on the forum on the social network Reddit. “Oh dear, this is disgusting,” they sympathize with her in the comments.  

“And my husband decided that he needed to sleep comfortably. So he bought himself a smart mattress that remembers the position of the sleeping person. The key word is yourself. We have a common bed, but he put the mattress only on his half of the bed, ”wrote a girl whose personal life is clearly not all right.

“My classmate and I are renting an apartment together. I went to my parents for the holidays, came back and found that our living room had turned into a pigsty, ”the student boy complains.

“My wife never looks at how many groceries we have left in the house, she just buys,” – the caption under the photo of a whole collection of identical goods. But in general, the stock is not tight, we know that for sure.

For even more annoying household habits, see the gallery along the arrow to the right. Scroll through!

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