20 stars with deep nasolabial folds

What are the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles around the nose, and why even celebrities cannot get rid of them.

Nobody wants to get old. But over the years, the necessary substances are produced worse and worse, which keep the body in good shape. Nature begins to paint age on the face with the help of wrinkles, folds, grooves. And if the mind with life experience becomes more flexible and perspicacious, then the body, having walked a long life marathon, loses its elasticity. The nasolabial folds are one of the first to inform that “the girl is ripe” – from the word “maturity”. These vertical skin creases along the nose descend treacherously to the corners of the lips, the cheeks sink, the facial features become sadder. And no matter how much of your money is interested in the pocket of a plastic surgeon, “sadness” over the years shamelessly settles in the lowered corners of the mouth. Confirmation of this is the faces of even the richest and most famous.

Let’s look at 56-year-old Demmy Moor.

Demi Moore

We all know that the Striptease star is even subject to Soldier Jane. The actress tirelessly goes in for sports and painstakingly monitors her appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. But nature cannot be fooled. Collagen and elastin, which are responsible for creating a dense, elastic skin frame, without declaring war, are produced less and less. From this, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture, dehydrates, becomes flabby and begins to sag. And even though you collect it to the top of the head and tie it in a pile, it is still less and less able to keep the dense muscles and fat in the cheek area. The nasolabial folds no longer say “hello, beauty”, they confess their love to the mistress and promise never to leave her.

I must admit that not only age affects the appearance of folds in the nose, but the very appearance of a girl, for example, from Afro-parents. Mom and Dad gave Whoopi Goldberg such anatomical features of the face that from a young age Karin Johnson (real name Whoopi) had cute folds at the mouth. And no collagen masks and beauty injections would help here – this is the structure of the skull of the Oscar-winning actress.

If you do not remember Whoopi in your youth, because you were not yet born, then look at the age-untouched Neytiri from Avatar, an actress Zoi Saldana… She inherited the nasolabial folds from her ancestors: Lebanese, Irish, Jamaicans, Indians, and, in particular, from a Puerto Rican mother and a Dominican father. These are the multinational roots of the daughter of the chief of the Omatikaya clan, which gave her deep folds around her nose and mouth.

Active facial expressions and excessive emotionality also cause the appearance of wrinkles on the lips. “Mouth to ear, even sew the strings” – they say about the main “Pretty Woman” Julia Roberts и Cameron Diaz, because of which “everyone is crazy about Mary.” This saying rather refers to the bright and lively temperament of the actresses. There is no need to hide your cheerful character. And here’s how to reduce expression lines, you can learn from these movie stars. Julia drinks at least 2,5 liters of water a day. Mind you, not a cola bought in a Hollywood buffet, but still mineral water. Cameron rubs his face with ice cubes in the morning. Thus, the skin acquires more moisture and the external aging process is slowed down.

Rapid weight loss provoked the appearance of “nasolabials” in Tara Reed… The American Pie star does not consider it necessary to admit her thinness, as well as the fact that she has become much older at 43 because of her 43 kg weight. The audience is almost used to her anorexic appearance, but Tara’s skin did not have time to adapt to the dramatic weight loss of the hostess – it sagged in the place where the cheeks had recently been.

Several other factors affect the appearance of nasolabial folds – these are sudden temperature changes during extreme filming, a long stay in the sun of the Caribbean islands, bad habits provoked by the tabloid press, and dirty ecology in megacities heaped up with boutiques. And … scorching spotlights on the red carpet. How else can you explain the deep wrinkles in stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Blake Lively and others.

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