Most people choose to ignore or even deny the fact that something has gone wrong in their relationship with their partner. Does this method help? Of course not. It’s like sweeping dirt under the rug: sooner or later there will be so much garbage that it will not be possible not to notice it.
When we fall in love, we often lose ourselves, dissolving in a partner. It should be remembered that it is possible and necessary to show love for another without giving up oneself. Check if any of these signs are in your relationship. If yes, then it means only one thing — it’s time to pack your things and leave.
1. You began to doubt your own worth. This feeling should not be, because a loving partner will keep you feeling that you are the best.
2. Your partner often blames you for something. If he considers you the root cause of any problems in relationships and in his life in general, this only says one thing — he is not able to admit and take responsibility for his own mistakes. You do not have to forever play the role of the guilty and correct them for him.
3. You fight all the time. Conflicts, of course, can also arise in happy relationships. But if the fighting doesn’t stop even for a day, think what are the chances that you will actually be happy in the future. And in no case do not confuse scandals with passion.
4. You can’t be yourself. You do not have to forbid yourself something so that your partner loves you. If he can’t accept you for who you are, he probably doesn’t deserve you.
5. You have to apologize for your partner. Protecting loved ones is natural and normal, but constantly coming up with excuses for their bad deeds is not.
6. You often wonder if your partner is angry with you. Relationship anxiety is not good for anyone. If you are wondering, “Is he angry with me?”, “Well, what did I do wrong again?”, The relationship is far from healthy.
7. Relationships are bad for work. It is normal to keep in contact during the working day. It is not normal if the partner continues to write and call, knowing that you are busy or sitting in an important meeting.
8. Those close to you think that you have become different from yourself. Relatives and friends notice changes in us faster than we ourselves. And if everyone says that you are not changing for the better, you need to think about it. Perhaps the reason for the change is in your partner.
9. There is no trust in relationships. It doesn’t matter which one of you doesn’t trust whom. Lack of trust will ruin any relationship.
10. The thought of parting brings relief. Of course, everyone sometimes wants to be alone or spend time with friends. But if you are better off without a partner than with him, then parting will be the right choice.
11. You don’t feel safe. It doesn’t matter if the feeling is constant or only happened a couple of times. In a relationship, you should never feel threatened.
12. You are a bad influence on each other. In a worthwhile relationship, partners inspire each other, help each other become the best version of themselves. If both of you (or one of you) click on the points that awaken a monster in the other, it is unlikely that something good will come of it.
13. You realize that you could be happier. Perhaps the previous points did not apply to you. But if you feel that you are not very happy, or think that you deserve more, is it worth it to stay?
14. Your partner gives you ultimatums. For example, he threatens to break up if you don’t do something or, on the contrary, do it. This is primitive manipulation, which means that the partner is not confident in himself and is trying to control you.
15. Your partner’s needs have become more important than yours. In a healthy relationship, the desires and needs of partners are of equal importance — a healthy relationship cannot revolve around one person. If a partner is not ready to compromise and take into account your desires, there is no question of equality and respect.
16. You are afraid to speak your mind out loud. Because the partner will be offended, angry or leave you. But you have the right to say what you feel and what you want. And if fear stops you, think about whether you really want to be with such a person?
17. You have to ask for permission. Taking into account the feelings and desires of a partner when making decisions is absolutely normal and even correct. But the partner cannot be the one who allows or forbids you something. The final decision should still be yours.
18. You stopped communicating with friends and family. Or they began to communicate with them less. If you invest all your time and energy in just one person, you will lose everyone who loves you.
19. Relationships are like swings.. It’s good, it’s bad, it’s great, it’s disgusting. It may seem that this way you will never get bored, but in reality it will end in a “shaken” psyche or a nervous breakdown. Healthy relationships need stability, not jitters.
20. You feel stuck. If you are not leaving because you are afraid that you will be left alone or that you will not find someone better, then it is definitely time to leave. At least in order to work on self-esteem and develop self-love.