
By refusing sex, we voluntarily deprive ourselves of many of the benefits that a regular sex life gives us. We offer to study the advantages of intimacy, which will help you regain interest in sex. However, always listen to your desires. It is absolutely not worth forcing yourself to enter into an unwanted intimate relationship for the sake of health, and even more so the requirements of a partner.

1. Sex keeps you connected with your partner.

Of course, sex should only take place by mutual consent. Any coercion to intimacy, even in marriage, is considered violence.

Nevertheless, in the life of most couples there comes a period when sex gets boring. And after a long absence of a sexual relationship, returning to a regular schedule is harder.

If you feel that your “not wanting” stems from fatigue or laziness, and in the process of foreplay your desire may still awaken, it is worth trying to have sex. In addition, you can say “stop” at any time.

Sex does not have to be passionate and memorable. Ordinary, routine sex can also bring satisfaction, improve mood and even improve health.

2. Sex helps you forget.

Oxytocin, the hormone that causes orgasm, partially disables memory. This effect lasts up to five hours. For a while, both partners forget that he spent all the money on her credit card, and she was late for an hour at work.

For women, there is an added benefit. During an orgasm, the part of the brain that is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress is turned off. Simulation of orgasm does not give such an effect.

3. Sex sets you up for pleasure.

When you feel good with a partner, your brain gets used to associate it with the pleasure received. In order to change the relationship in marriage, it is enough to spend more pleasant minutes with each other.

4. Sex really brings you closer to each other.

Passion is what distinguishes your relationship with your closest person from relationships with friends and girlfriends. Yes, you two are best friends and close people, but sex adds passion to your relationship.

5. Sex sharpens the sense of smell

Prolactin levels rise, which causes brain stem cells to produce new neurons in the area that perceives smells (the olfactory bulb).

6. Sex helps you lose weight

Passionate sex burns at least 200 calories — the same as 15 minutes on the treadmill. British researchers found that having sex three times a week for a year neutralizes the effect of eating six Big Macs.

7. Sex reduces depression

The hormone prostaglandin, which is found in semen, activates female hormones. During an orgasm, endorphins are produced that elevate mood and cause euphoria.

8. Sex relieves pain.

During sex, the level of oxytocin rises 5 times compared to the norm, endorphins are produced, which have an analgesic effect. Sex also stimulates the production of estrogen, which alleviates the pain of menstruation.

9. Sex is good for the heart.

In women who have frequent sex, estrogen levels rise, which protects against heart disease.

10. Sex helps the immune system

One sexual encounter per week increases IgA levels by 30%, boosting the immune system.

11. Sex is good for the bladder.

Thanks to him, the pelvic muscles that control urination are strengthened.

12. Sex is good for the prostate.

Some urologists believe that there is a link between a man’s lack of a regular sex life and prostate cancer. True, in this case, self-satisfaction is no less effective, but is it worth giving up other benefits of sex?

13. Sex adds shine to your hair and skin.

Estrogen is produced in women during sex, it also makes hair shiny. During sex, sweat is released, the pores are cleared and the skin becomes radiant. In addition, the level of serotonin rises, and therefore, after sex, you seem to glow all over.

14. Sex calms the nerves.

It is ten times more effective than a Valium pill and has no side effects.

15. Sex will help with a runny nose.

Yes Yes! Sex is a natural antihistamine. It even helps with hay fever and asthma.

16. Sex helps to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks.

Regular sex will help you put your figure in order and also correct your posture.

17. Sex strengthens the immune system.

Endorphins stimulate immune cells that fight disease.

18. Sex keeps you young

It reduces the level of cortisol in the blood, thereby relieving stress and slowing down the aging process.

19. Sex Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Osteoporosis

In women who have frequent sex, estrogen levels rise, which prevents the development of these diseases.

20. Sex is euphoric

Who will refuse this? The best way to achieve euphoria naturally is through sex!

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