20 plants that repel pests from the garden

Beetles, ants, even ticks – for some reason they cannot stand even the sight of these flowers and herbs.

What dirty trick does not encroach on the harvest, and on the owners of the summer cottages themselves. There are aphids, and all kinds of beetles, and ticks, and flies, and mosquitoes. I don’t want to flood the beds with insecticides – this is not why we grow our own cucumbers, tomatoes, so that they do not differ from the store ones in the amount of poisons and nitrates. But there are the most natural ways to scare away pests from the site: you just need to plant the right plants.


Flies and mosquitoes are afraid of him like fire. So it makes sense to plant it not only in the country, but also at home in a pot on the windowsill. Moreover, its aroma is usually pleasant to people, as basil seasoning is very popular.


Do not think that this is a complete exotic for our region. Laurel feels good outdoors in summer and great in a pot in winter. And also – scares off ants, fleas, even cockroaches. It was not for nothing that our mothers kept a gauze bag with a bay leaf on a shelf with winter clothes: they knew that this way they would be more whole.


It is possible that she really will attract a couple of cats to your site. But it is not exactly. But that mosquitoes, ticks, midges, beetles will scare away – this is one hundred percent. But be careful: mint grows very quickly, it will have to be limited.


First, it’s beautiful: chives bloom in gorgeous purple shaggy flowers. Secondly, it is delicious: in salads and pie fillings, it is simply amazing. Thirdly, the carrot fly, various beetles and aphids do not tolerate its species alone.


These fall flowers contain pyrethrum, a chemical that repels ants, Japanese beetle beetle, mites, including spiderwebs, cockroaches, even bed bugs. Therefore, for the home, such a flower is a good choice.


Growing dill is a pleasure. Moreover, it grows like a weed itself, requiring no care. Dill repels aphids, bedbugs, spider mites, cabbage caterpillars, tomato hawk moths and many other annoying insects. It’s also delicious.


Another delicious seasoning that in addition can scare away slugs, snails and aphids. It can grow in a pot and in the open field, it is very unpretentious and good for health.


Garlic phytoncides even viruses can scare off, according to grandmother’s recipes. And also – vampires. But if this is a myth about vampires, then garlic scares away carrot flies, snails, crunchy and other pests with a guarantee.


Smells good, looks great – why not decorate the garden with lavender? Moreover, its aroma is pleasant only to people. Insects, especially blood-sucking ones, cannot stand it. Therefore, lavender essential oil is also a great way to scare away mosquitoes and midges that love to sting gardeners.


Another great natural repellent. Lemon balm is unlikely to help cultivated plants fight pests, but a summer resident with mosquitoes and midges can easily. It is enough to grind a few leaves between your palms and apply to open skin areas, and not a single mosquito will fly close to you.

What other plants save from insect pests, see our photo gallery.

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