Many probably think otherwise. After all, man is the crown of creation, the highest stage of evolution, and it is up to him to decide who to take to his home. Well, you can continue to indulge your vanity.
“I was walking out of the store, a little kitten ran out of the bushes by the road, ran after me, squeaked, cried. I stopped and asked what I should do with him. And he climbed onto his leg, then onto his shoulder. So we went home with him, ”the friend says in confusion. She had no idea of getting a cat: allergies. But now there are three of them: Sasha, her chocolate-colored lapdog and a cheeky white and gray cat. Sasha drinks pills for allergies, the dog wonders how it happened and love in this house now not only him, but the cat does not see anything strange in the situation.
“The little kitty came to us by herself – she followed her daughter from the store, walked through the door, and clung to me. She was pretending to be cute. We were looking for her owner for a week and finally decided to keep the kitten for ourselves. And when the cat realized this, she showed all her true essence: it hunts birds and brings prey to the house, fights with our other cats and a dog, eats everything that it can reach. Once she got into the oven, and another time we found her in the refrigerator. She was not our cat, but she made sure to become one, ”writes Jennifer Lee in the group“
There are hundreds of stories like this. Cats do not ask anyone’s opinion when choosing a home. They just come and stay. Sometimes, however, they use a person as a “daytime group”: when their owner is at work, they come to their neighbor. “This ginger cat belongs to my neighbor. He comes to watch TV with me. “
And sometimes other animals come instead of cats. “My house, my cat’s bed, but not my possum,” writes the surprised cat owner. The possum doesn’t seem to agree with him. He is quite comfortable on the cat litter. Especially after a shower.
“Since the lockdown began, this cat (or cat) has settled in our house. Sometimes she sleeps with us in the same bed. She’s so cute! We adore her, ”write the forced owners of the black-and-white handsome. She came out of nowhere, and how long she decided to stay is known only to herself.
“This young lady started coming to our yard in the summer. Her visits became more frequent, and soon she was visiting us every day. Then she stayed overnight. And then she gave birth to four kittens under our porch. She soon dragged them into the garage. Then – on the porch. Then to the kitchen. And today I woke up and saw them here. It seems that they are not going to move out, ”- the story of the raider seizure of someone else’s property.
“Once someone threw a little tabby cat under our door. He hid under the porch and screamed terribly from there. Meowed so much that my two older cats got nervous. I went outside, got on all fours and meowed at him for half an hour, until he calmed down and crawled out. He was so thin … I fed him and went to bed. Thought he would go back to the street through the cat door. Ten minutes later he climbed into my bed and fell asleep. “
Sometimes the “invaders” are brought in by the older cats – they literally lead them into the house, to the bowl. And then how to expel this miracle?
Others show desperate stubbornness: they knock on the door, on the window, until they are allowed inside. Then they leave, come back again. And they remain.
“I brought this guy a piece of bacon. In the morning I woke up with him in an embrace. ” The guy’s face in the photo looks confused. Well, who willingly leaves the house where the bacon is found? Definitely not a cat.
They are able to literally walk through walls to settle in their dream home. They can hypnotize you from behind a window or door until you let them inside yourself. Then they will climb on your head in the literal sense of the word, but you will only be glad.
How can you resist their charm?