20 Pets Who Think They Have A Human

And not in any way not the other way around. Therefore, when their owner begins to behave like the master in the house, cats and dogs are completely bewildered.

Who is the head in this house? This is not an idle question. Agree, many animals give the impression that they were the ones who got themselves a man and now have the right to dispose of his house, time, resources and everything else. Especially often cats sin this. The cat lovers must have smiled shyly now, remembering how they climbed into bed and settled down to sleep literally around the cat.

“Well, as soon as I disturb him, he sleeps so sweetly, my be-be-bear,” they stroke a cheeky face, which is asleep right in the middle of the bed and does not even think to move.

It is also absolutely impossible to shake a cozy pet from your knees – you will sit there until His Majesty sleeps and goes about his business.

Dogs also sin with similar behavior. “My dog ​​decided that my boyfriend is her boyfriend. And she flatly refuses to let me go to bed – he lies in my place, hugs him, ”complains one of the victims of the arbitrariness of the pets.

And another owner of a dog, a charming husky, told about the opposite situation: “My dog ​​waits every morning for my boyfriend to wake up, get up and leave. Then he climbs onto the bed, lies under the covers, and this is what I see when I wake up. ” And it’s really funny.

Incidentally, this is not an isolated case – quite often dogs take the place of an absent person on the bed. But what a surprise for someone who woke up face to face with a hairy face!

“I never go to bed until I feel its surface,” the cat lover shares on the Reddit social network. The girl can be understood: snow-white pets are almost invisible on white bedding.

And we have collected other sassy pets who are sure: the master’s bed is the best place for them. And there is nothing to argue about!

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