20 habits that will help you «pump» yourself

According to statistics, about 45% of our daily actions we perform out of habit. This is the engine of progress: without habits, each step would take us a lot of time and effort. That is why it is so important that they are healthy and useful.

Without noticing it, we live at least part of the day guided by habits. So, by making them more useful, you can significantly improve the quality of life.

20 Healthy Habits It’s Time to Introduce Your Life

1. Add lemon to water. First, lemon is a natural source of vitamin C. Second, lemon juice helps boost the immune system, aids in digestion, detoxifies the body, and helps keep the body hydrated.

2. Start keeping a gratitude journal. Spend at least 5 minutes before bed to remember what you were grateful for today — this will help you refresh your memory of the events of the day and end it on a positive note.

3. Spend 10 minutes stretching every morning. Have you ever watched a cat stretch sweetly? Stretching sends a signal to your body that you are awake, relaxes your muscles and reduces tension in your body.

4. Walk outside. Yes, this advice is included in every first article of this kind, but a more effective and environmentally friendly way to relax after a busy day has not yet been invented.

5. Meditate. Start with at least 10 minutes of practice: close your eyes and focus on your breath.

6. Look into the eyes of a passerby or a new acquaintance. This will help you establish closer contact.

7. Take care of your body — in any way that suits you: go for a manicure, choose clothes in which you will feel freer and more confident, take a relaxing bath.

8. Stand up straight and straighten up. You have no idea how important posture is!

9. Buy a large beautiful water jug and drink a glass before each meal.

10. Find yourself a teacher — someone who will give you specific advice and guidance or simply motivate you by their example. Understand what you expect from this relationship and, if possible, feel free to seek support.

11. Replace the coffee you drink with green tea, especially after XNUMX p.m.

12. Buy special glasses for working at a computer, if you feel that your eyes are dry and tired, and do not forget to use drops.

13. Give up sugary soda in favor of minerals.

14. Floss everyday.

15. Hug someone you care aboutand in general don’t be afraid to show your affection.

16. Set your alarm 10 minutes earlyin order to succeed.

17. Sort the garbage. Get a special container or separate boxes at home and find out where a collection point for sorted waste is located in your area.

18. Give away regularlythat you don’t use go to charity.

19. Take a break from social media — ideally every day. Devote this time to a good rest, work or self-development.

20. Remember to smile — especially if the day turned out to be unimportant. Smile, even if there is no mood and the smile looks fake. This simple act will release the same hormones that are released when we laugh sincerely.

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