They pierced everything for themselves – ears, eyebrows, navels, lips and even tongues. And they say they don’t hurt at all.
When did you get your first piercing? The first puncture was made at about 20 years old.
Piercing for me – this is the first adrenaline and a kind of knowledge of my body and sensations, the addition of my image. Now – accessories, without which I feel uncomfortable. In total, I had 10 punctures, I am planning a couple of new ones in the near future.
Reaction of others: the reaction of those around in megalopolises is either ignorance or positive, because the XNUMXst century, and humanity in its development should already be surprised at completely different things. But this does not work in my hometown and other small ones. There, piercings, “not the right” clothes, and haircuts cause frank surprise, shock, and often a pronounced negative. But I try to always ignore the attacks on my piercing and overall appearance.
When did you get your first piercing? The first piercing at age 20, the day after a birthday celebration, was the navel. Later, I inserted 3 more earrings into my right ear to one of the existing ones.
Piercing for me – this is an opportunity for self-expression and additional attention of others. I also believe that it makes the body more beautiful, well, if it is, of course, in moderation and emphasizes, rather than disfigures it.
Reaction of others: mostly positive, except for mom.
When did you get your first piercing? The first puncture at 2,5 years old, ears (I don’t remember anything).
Piercing for me – it is an adornment of your body, it is beautiful, I like it.
Reaction of others: everyone reacts differently, some like it, some don’t, but the opinion of others is indifferent to me, because I like the piercing!
Olga Bulanova
When did you get your first piercing? First piercing at age 16.
Piercing for me – this is nostalgia for youth.
Reaction of others: most simply do not notice it.
Natalia Walter
When did you get your first piercing? Ears at the age of 9, then the nose and eyebrow at the age of 18, then the lip and tongue – I don’t remember exactly, in the second or third year of university.
Piercing for me Is a way of self-expression.
Reaction of others: the reaction is different.
Elena Gromova
When did you get your first piercing? Ears pierced at 9 years old, lip at 13 years old.
Piercing for me Is just a decoration.
Reaction of others: others react well, are interested, I have hardly met any negative.
Valeria Kovalenko
When did you get your first piercing? My first piercing was when I was 16.
Piercing for me Is, first of all, a decoration.
Reaction of others: Mom was most surprised, because piercing was under a big ban, and she saw it after 2 months.
Anastasia Kopteva
When did you get your first piercing? I did my first piercing early – at the age of 13 I pierced my navel.
Piercing for me – It is addiction! All the time I want to make new punctures, but the main thing is not to cross the fine line, to stop in time.
Reaction of others: people around are usually divided into two camps – those who are for, and those who are against. But the main thing for me is that my family, friends and my employer support me and do not interfere with my self-expression.
Marina Kostenko
When did you get your first piercing? At 14 years old.
Piercing for me Is a common decoration.
Reaction of others: piercing caused a violent reaction only in the first years of wearing, when in our city it was considered a “wild atrocity”.
Ekaterina Kuznetsova
When did you get your first piercing? She got pierced at the age of 17, after graduating from high school.
Piercing for me Is a part of me, decoration and just a way of expressing myself.
Reaction of others: the reaction of others, in principle, should be in order to discern my piercing, since it is in the tongue. Or mindfulness. And those who manage to see this often ask very trivial questions: does it hurt, why do I need it, how long has it been done. Or they are joking.
Olesya Lazorenko
When did you get your first piercing? Quite recently, in June. I pierced it only because I saw a girl with a septum piercing. I liked it very much, and the next day I went to pierce my nose. Although I had never thought about piercing before. Unless the navel was pierced. Then I pierced my tongue too.
Piercing for me – it’s … I don’t even know … decoration. Self-expression. But as for me, the main thing is not to overdo it.
Reaction of others: when I made a septum (pierced my nose) I noticed right away that those around me looked completely differently and there was more attention. At first it was very embarrassing, I always felt insecure. But over time, she began to realize that she was madly in love with piercings.
Oksana Lukyanenko
When did you get your first piercing? First piercing – March 12, 2016.
Piercing for me – this is the desire to see yourself different, not the same as before. And that was my old dream. They say piercing can help you get out of depression, and it’s true!
Reaction of others: the reaction of others is different. Some say “why do you need this”, others support and say it’s cool.
When did you get your first piercing? She got pierced in 2015.
Piercing for me – this is an adornment of appearance, only if there is not too much of it.
Reaction of others: the reaction is normal, nothing supernatural.
Anastasia Petrova
When did you get your first piercing? At 15 years old.
Piercing for me Is self-expression. I like the way I look with piercings, I feel more confident. It is beautiful and expresses my personality.
Reaction of others: all people react differently, some come up and say how the piercing suits me, ask all sorts of questions, in general, positively. But there are those who do not hesitate to express in person how much they do not like it and how I spoil myself, sometimes even quite aggressively.
Valeria Polozova
When did you get your first piercing? At 16 years old.
Piercing for me Is a part of my life. Each puncture on my body means some very important event in my life.
Reaction of others: others perceive normally. Sometimes, however, people build pugs and say how painful it is.
Yulia Silkina
When did you get your first piercing? The first puncture – at 10 years old, ears, nose at 12.
Piercing for me – it … before it was something unusual, attracting attention, a way to stand out, to adorn yourself. Now I would not pierce anything else (since there is nothing).
Reaction of others: they ask if it hurts in the cartilage, tongue, how long it took to heal, why pierced it, does it change anything in sex, did I break my teeth, what is it like if I have a runny nose. Dad said that there was still one soft spot to pierce, and it would be atas.
Olga Stepanova
When did you get your first piercing? At the age of 16 (navel).
Piercing for me Is an opportunity to increase the sensitivity of the body.
Reaction of others: others react adequately, without negativity.
Elena Sychkina
When did you get your first piercing? The first one is either 17 or 18 years old.
Piercing for me Is an accessory to the general style of clothing and image.
Reaction of others: the reaction was different, but I would say that it was moderate. There were more conflicts over piercing with my mother. The people around were either all the same or liked it.
Ekaterina Khorkova
When did you get your first piercing? At 18 years old industrial.
Piercing for me Is an unbridled inner beauty trying to break out through a puncture. Piercing is also the right body decoration, which you can always change or remove altogether. Ideal for fickle people, but that’s not about me.
Reaction of others: the reaction of those around in provincial towns is understandable – jaw to the floor, for St. Petersburg this is not new. Those close to me have long been accustomed to seeing me like this. When I removed the piercing from my lips (I wore it for 4 years), it took a long time for them to get used to it.
Nadezhda Shevtsova
When did you get your first piercing? I made my first piercing at the age of 18, the idea came spontaneously, it was hatched for about six months, as a result of which I made up my mind and do not regret it to this day.
Piercing for me – this is a way to know and love your body, this is a thing on the verge of art, which brings me aesthetic pleasure.
Reaction of others: the reaction of others has always been and is quite adequate. In the process of work, I have to communicate with people of different ages and statuses, but there were no cases in which, because of the piercing, people would treat me dismissively or with less respect. The family also responds calmly to each new piercing.
Natalia Korotchenko, Vlada Timofeeva