20 cat names with unusual meanings

20 cat names with unusual meanings

Now the nicknames Barsik or Murzik have completely outlived their usefulness. The owners of four-legged pets try to use all their imagination when choosing a nickname for a friend.

We present a selection of the most unusual names that will help emphasize and even reveal the personality of your pet. Sometimes a nickname can say a lot, especially if it has a certain meaning.

Nicknames for males

Alex, Nick and Riley

The nickname Alex should be chosen by pet owners who strive to be the first in everything. It is known that Alex (Alexis, Alexander) means “protector of people”. So, if your cat is fearless and could easily replace even a watchdog, guarding the home, then this nickname will clearly suit him.

Another belligerent nickname is Nick, who should be christened the real winner, and Riley’s name is translated from the Irish language as “brave”.

Ryder or Rox

The nickname is perfect for restless people. If your kitten is incredibly playful and cannot sit still for a second, you should think about choosing this nickname. By the way, this is the name of the leader of the base from the cartoon “Paw Patrol”.

The name Rocks speaks almost for itself. A pet with this nickname must clearly have a playful character and endless curiosity.

Luke or Tony

Another victorious nickname. This is what the owners of cats and dogs call their pets, which can be safely attributed to the fans of the Star Wars saga.

For those who are crazy about movies based on Marvel comics, you can take a closer look at the name Tony. That was the name of the victorious and indestructible Iron Man.

Mack or Big Mack

Many owners dream of having big, fluffy and clumsy cats. If you want to grow from your nimble kitten a lover of lying on the couch and eating excessive amounts of food, the name Mac is what you need. Some owners call their chubby cats this after the world famous brand of large trucks. When the pet grows up, the nickname can be modified – Big Mac – is fine.

Homer or Odysseus

If your kitten, contrary to all the cliches, is not going to run after toys and looks melancholy into the distance, then the nickname Homer will do. As you know, this name belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher, poet-storyteller. So, thoughtfulness, slowness and an extremely intelligent look – this is what a cat with such an original nickname can boldly differ in.

The nickname Odysseus is suitable for a pet who is quite hot-tempered and sometimes even aggressive. The nickname can be deciphered as “Angry King”.

Nicknames for females

Laranha or Matilda

This nickname clearly smells of something Italian. If you want to emphasize the beauty and grace of your pet, you should give preference to this nickname. The nickname is suitable for red cats, because from Portuguese “Laranha” is translated as “orange”.

The name Matilda is of German origin. It breathes with mystery and greatness.

Athena or Hera

The nickname is typical for cats with a calm character. If your pet loves to showcase herself in all her glory, the name will suit her perfectly. Impressiveness, regularity in movements and striving for leadership – this is just a small list of qualities for the happy owner of this original nickname.

The nickname Hera is also known to everyone since ancient times. It can be translated as “Keeper” and “Mistress”. Perfect for royal felines.

Ava or Ashley

Does your pet “fly” around the house at the speed of light? So Ava is a name for her. From Latin, the nickname can be translated as “bird”. Suitable for active cats. Ashley will also be a great choice of name for your pet, which is characterized by curiosity and explosive nature.


Everyone knows that this was the name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of joy, fun and love, female beauty, fertility, home and cats. She was depicted as a cat or a woman with a cat’s head. For those who want to emphasize that your favorite is a real miracle with the character of a deity, the nickname will come to taste.

Sophie or Zoe

Sophie is wise and judicious. This is exactly what can be said about the owner of this nickname. When caring owners want a nickname to convey the above qualities of a pet, then you shouldn’t even think about choosing a name. Zoe means “source of life”, because if your kitty is not just a friend, but a real family member and one who gives you only positive emotions, the nickname is perfect.

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