20 Best Cockroach Remedies

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

If folk remedies against cockroaches do not give the desired effect, it is worth trying store-bought preparations that will permanently rid the room of hated insects. Among the variety of products presented, it is difficult to choose the best option for price and quality. Therefore, our experts have prepared a rating of the best products that show excellent results.

Rating of the best remedies for cockroaches

Nomination Place Name Price
The best aerosols against cockroaches     1 Combat SuperSpray against crawling insects     379 ₽
     2 Raid from flying and crawling insects Spring meadow     289 ₽
     3 Raptor of increased efficiency from the most tenacious cockroaches     455 ₽
     4 Aerosol Delicia universal against flying and crawling insects     169 ₽
     5 Dichlorvos Neo odorless     71 ₽
The best gels and pastes from cockroaches     1 Gel Exil from cockroaches Schaben-Paste     340 ₽
     2 Dohlox Professional “Instant poison” from cockroaches     52 ₽
     3 Gel from cockroaches and ants Attack     81 ₽
The best traps against cockroaches     1 Foresight from cockroaches with a bait tablet     239 ₽
     2 Combat SuperBait from cockroaches     225 ₽
     3 Raptor Express system. Complete elimination of cockroaches and ants     246 ₽
     4 Dohlox “Instant poison” for cockroaches     107 ₽
The best powders against cockroaches     1 GEKTOR against cockroaches     330 ₽
     2 Hera Ecodust against cockroaches and ants     190 ₽
     3 avgust Cucaracha IVF to exterminate cockroaches     152 ₽
The best cockroach crayons     1 Clean house     16
     2 Masha     14 ₽
The best ultrasonic repellers     1 Weitech WK-0600     7 990 ₽
     2 Typhoon LS 500     999 ₽
     3 EcoSniper AR-130     608 ₽

The best aerosols against cockroaches

Aerosol products against cockroaches are very popular among consumers. They are chosen for an affordable price, ease of use. Aerosols are easy to spray in any room.

Combat SuperSpray against crawling insects

Rating: 4.9

The leader in the first category of the rating is Combat SuperSpray. There are two ways to spray the aerosol: spray and through a nozzle in the form of a tube. The second option works purposefully. You just need to find a place of greater accumulation of unpleasant individuals and spray it.

One of the advantages is the unobtrusive smell. Combat SuperSpray is suitable for use in residential areas, including kindergartens and schools. However, children and animals must not be in the area of ​​effect. It will still take at least 30 minutes to ventilate.

The effectiveness of the remedy is immediately apparent. Cockroaches die within seconds of spraying the aerosol. Bonus from the manufacturer: other small insects – midges, ants – also fall into the Combat SuperSpray trap.

Obsessive cohabitants can return literally the next day if the main nursery is not destroyed. In residential apartment buildings, the remedy will be effective where cockroaches originate. One can is enough for 65 sq. m. The average price is 360 rubles. According to customer reviews, the tool is quite economical.



Raid from flying and crawling insects Spring meadow

Rating: 4.8

Introducing the next participant in the rating against cockroaches. Aerosol Raid helps to get rid of uninvited guests in seconds. It is only necessary to identify the main habitat of pests.

The remedy only works on specific individuals. It does not have the effect of infecting the entire pack. If, after processing, some cockroaches managed to escape, they will continue to stay indoors. The next procedure should be carried out only after a week.

As for the aroma, the spring meadow is present conditionally. It is absolutely impossible to inhale aerosol vapors against cockroaches. 20 minutes after treatment, ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes.

The product is produced in cylinders of 300 ml. The average cost is 230 rubles apiece. The drug is also effective against other crawling and flying insects, including wood lice.



Raptor of increased efficiency from the most tenacious cockroaches

Rating: 4.7

During their existence, cockroaches have acquired a stable immunity to many methods of dealing with them. Raptor manufacturers offer a reinforced formula that even the most tenacious species will not resist. This rating participant is distinguished by increased efficiency.

The aerosol really helps against cockroaches, but subject to the complete treatment of the room. It is better to use the bottle not only in open places where pests accumulate, but also in the smallest cracks. The container has a nozzle in the form of a long-range tube just for narrow loopholes. With its help, you can process behind skirting boards and in hard-to-reach places.

Cockroaches die after a while, managing to lay off new offspring. After 2 days, it is better to repeat the procedure. Even after careful processing, the result may be short-lived. Therefore, if you have to fight in an apartment, it is better to poison collectively, connecting neighbors to the disinfection. Otherwise, after a while, the cockroaches will return from nearby apartments.

The smell, according to customer reviews, is quite caustic. It is necessary to ventilate thoroughly, observing precautionary measures. A 430 ml bottle is enough to process a small one-room apartment. The cost for one piece will be about 350 rubles.



Aerosol Delicia universal against flying and crawling insects

Rating: 4.6

Continues rating aerosol agent against cockroaches Delicia. A definite plus can be put for the fact that it is not dangerous for animals and people. It has a barely perceptible smell, which is easily weathered. The work of the drug is based on the modern formula of the active substance. The effect lasts for several weeks.

The tool kills insects with a direct hit. If you process baseboards and other areas where uninvited guests like to live, the result will not be one hundred percent.

By its properties, it is an oily liquid that leaves a slippery coating on the floor. According to reviews, the aerosol is washed out easily. It does not damage the surface it is applied to. The bottle is quite impressive volume – 500 ml. The cost for such a container is an average of 500 rubles.



Dichlorvos Neo odorless

Rating: 4.5

Unlike the previous participant in the rating, the Dichlorvos aerosol against cockroaches is known to everyone. The improved composition of the product has been effectively modified. There is no bad smell. However, according to some reviews, after use, there is still a slight sore throat, and the head may ache. Therefore, it is better to carry out disinfection in a mask.

After processing the premises with Dichlorvos Neo, the cockroaches lose their coordination at the beginning, then fall without signs of movement. The largest pests still manage to survive. Therefore, it is recommended to destroy them immediately, or collect and take them out in a tightly tied garbage bag.

Dichlorvos Neo copes well with other types of insects. The smaller the uninvited guests, the more effective the tool works. Another plus of the aerosol is its price. On average, it will cost the buyer 100 rubles. The bottle contains only 150 ml.



The best gels and pastes from cockroaches

Gels and pastes from cockroaches are considered to be the most successful invention of developers. They are safe for people and are highly effective. We will talk about the best of them in the second category of the rating.

Gel Exil from cockroaches Schaben-Paste

Rating: 4.9

The German Exil cockroach remedy Schaben-Paste guarantees quick disposal of insects in apartments, offices, warehouses and other premises. It is a translucent light brown paste. Its smell is weak. The gel contains chlorpyrifos.

Before use, the gel is well kneaded in a tube and applied with a dotted line to the areas to be treated. In order not to stain the floor and furniture, it is recommended to cut thin strips of paper and squeeze the product over them. The visible effect occurs within 4-5 days after application.

One tube is enough for a room of 60-75 sq. m. The effect depends on the number of cockroaches and persists for six months. The main thing is to purchase the product in trusted stores. Fake will not give the desired result. Price – 280 rubles for a tube with a volume of 75 g.



Dohlox Professional “Instant poison” from cockroaches

Rating: 4.8

On the next line of the rating is the professional gel “Dohlox Professional”. It is a viscous insecticidal mass, which, if used carelessly, can ruin the wallpaper. On cockroaches, the agent has a paralytic effect due to the increased content of toxins and a unique attractant. The drug is suitable even for heavily infected objects with a large number of sources (warehouse, cafe, canteen, etc.).

Dohlox Professional is the safest drug and is approved for use in public places. One package is enough to process 50-60 square meters. m., if there are few individuals, and they have appeared recently. If there are a lot of cockroaches, and they live in the room for a long time, it will be possible to process only 8 square meters. m.

Price – 297 rubles per 100 ml. You can buy goods in the market, in a store or a veterinary pharmacy. The effect of the gel lasts at least 2 months.



Gel from cockroaches and ants Attack

Rating: 4.7

Gel “Attack” ensures the chain death of the colony. The product is available in a 20 ml syringe. It is absolutely safe for households and animals.

The smell of the gel is sweetish, vanilla. There is no need to leave or ventilate the room. The composition includes sunflower oil, thickener, glycerin, finpronil, processing aids and preservative with water. The tool is pretty easy to use. It is enough to remove the cap and squeeze out the gel with drops at a distance of 30-50 cm along the baseboards, behind the cabinets, near the pipes and the refrigerator.

Under the condition of a slight infestation with cockroaches, the remedy acts quickly and for a long time. It may be ineffective in the case of a large number of individuals. In addition to the gel, additional methods will have to be used – aerosols and traps. To get rid of the larvae, another treatment is required. For 75 ml you will have to pay about 80 rubles.



The best traps against cockroaches

Cockroach traps allow you to get rid of unpleasant insects without harming others. There are several effective products on sale that are deservedly in our rating.

Foresight from cockroaches with a bait tablet

Rating: 4.9

The Foresight trap is ideal for apartments with pets and small children. This is the best option for rooms where cockroaches have only recently started.

The adhesive consists of a cardboard box with a sticky base. Inside the trap is poison without toxic substances. The product attracts cockroaches with a special smell. Insects crawl to the bait and stick to the sticky base. This is where they die.

After filling the box, the trap is thrown away, and then a new one is placed. The poison works for about 2-3 months. Price – from 235 rubles.

Like other similar tools, Forsythe has two big drawbacks. Firstly, the trap spoils the general appearance of the room and is unpleasant in appearance. Secondly, it does not affect eggs and larvae. Considering that the minuses are common for this rating category, we will not take them into account when analyzing each participant.



Combat SuperBait from cockroaches

Rating: 4.8

The insecticide Combat SuperBait is manufactured in South Korea by Henkel and tested by the Ministry of Health. The trap is extremely easy to use. It does not require activation and does not emit harmful substances.

Inside there is poison, after eating which the cockroach becomes infected and crawls into the family. Then the rest of the individuals die along with the offspring. It must be borne in mind that the infection among insects will pass, and you will have to buy a new trap.

Reviews about the tool are mostly positive. Buyers praise it for a quick and effective result, ease of use. 1 pack with 6 traps costs about 300 rubles. For a three-room apartment, this amount will not be enough.

Traps with a poisonous substance are advised to be laid out in places where cockroaches accumulate – where there is food, water and heat. It is advisable to lay them out under the batteries, behind the refrigerator and pipes.



Raptor Express system. Complete elimination of cockroaches and ants

Rating: 4.7

The Raptor set continues the rating, which consists of gel and traps. The tool quickly destroys insects in the room and prevents their further appearance. The product is odorless and completely safe for those living in the house.

The trap contains an innovative bait scented with trace pheromones. It works 2-4 hours after application. It cannot be used simultaneously with cockroach spray. Before use, a thorough cleaning is carried out, then the composition is applied in dotted lines along the baseboards. After that, traps are carefully placed where individuals usually live.

The composition is able to kill even resistant individuals, as well as those insects that have already adapted to modern drugs. Judging by consumer reviews, the tool is more effective against ants, not cockroaches. There are 4 traps in the set. They cost from 200 rubles.



Dohlox “Instant poison” for cockroaches

Rating: 4.6

The next participant in the rating is distinguished by a high content of a toxic substance, which remains effective for up to 3 months. Dohlox “Instant Poison” is a powerful trap from a domestic manufacturer based on fipronil and technical components.

If there are few insects, and they appeared not so long ago, one package is enough for a room of 60 square meters. m. If there are a lot of cockroaches, and they live for a long time, it will be possible to process only 10 square meters. m.

Dohlox “Instant Poison” is praised for its ease of use, quick effect and visible results. It is recommended to use traps together with the gel of this brand. Buyers note that the boxes themselves are made of thin cardboard and do not have a sticky layer, so they cannot be fixed on a vertical surface. Price – from 107 rubles.



The best powders against cockroaches

Cockroach powders are the oldest form among other varieties of insecticides. They have a number of advantages and several significant disadvantages. This can be seen by getting acquainted with the participants of the rating from the fourth category.

GEKTOR against cockroaches

Rating: 4.9

The first place among the powders belongs to the GEKTOR product with a patented triple action formula. Getting on an insect, the composition damages the chitinous cover of the cockroach and causes intestinal poisoning in it.

GEKTOR against insects is effective even if nasty pests have developed immunity to chemicals. The powder works for a long time. It does not contain odorous substances and belongs to the 4th hazard class. The tool also allows you to get rid of bedbugs.

Upon contact with the skin, the powder does not cause a negative reaction. It is used in the apartment, without taking out children or animals. The product has no smell.

Judging by the reviews, the powder is very dusty. It is better to apply it in a respiratory mask. As with other bulk products, you will have to clean the room after using the composition. Price – 550 rubles



Hera Ecodust against cockroaches and ants

Rating: 4.8

The principle of operation of the next participant in the rating is mechanical damage to cockroaches, their further dehydration and death. The fine fraction powder has an orange tint. It is environmentally friendly for surrounding people and animals, pests are not able to develop resistance to this agent.

The unique absorbent with solid microparticles contains a powder of algae sediments from ancient reservoirs, which are processed using a special technology. How to use: bring the nose closer to the places of accumulation of individuals, gently press to apply the product. After 3-4 hours, the room can be vacuumed.

Reviews about the drug are contradictory. There is information about the zero effect. They praise the safe technology and convenient cone-shaped cap. The powder is quite economical. It is enough for a large area. The powder is produced in a plastic bottle with a volume of 265 g. The price is about 380 rubles.



avgust Cucaracha IVF to exterminate cockroaches

Rating: 4.7

The rating category is completed by a remedy effective against cockroaches, wood lice and silverfish. It works on the principle of contagion. After contact with powder granules, cockroaches transfer the drug to other insects. Thus, the death of the whole colony occurs. The effect is observed after 2-3 days.

The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos 0,5%. Also in the composition are bitrex, dyes, preservatives, food bait and filler. The drug is more suitable as an additional agent or for preventive treatment.

The powder is placed on special substrates. They are placed in places of accumulation of pests. Replacement is carried out approximately once a month. For a room of 1 sq.m. Enough 10-3 substrates. The price of the powder is about 5 rubles per 50 g.



The best cockroach crayons

Such a simple invention as chalk against cockroaches has not lost its popularity for several decades. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the level of toxicity. Unlike traps and aerosols, crayons fight intruders for a long time even in the presence of people.

Clean house

Rating: 4.9

Opens the fifth category of the rating of chalk from cockroaches “Clean House”. It is odorless and effectively fights other crawling insects. The strips are applied with a pencil 4 cm thick. The main area where you need to draw lines are baseboards, jambs, places under the bed and by the window. When used in the kitchen, there is no need to hide food.

The chalk is kept for 5-6 weeks. It grinds very economically. The pencil is enough for many applications. The chalk has no smell. It has a cylindrical shape and does not get your hands dirty. Cockroaches disappear after the first application.

According to reviews, the tool is very hard, it is difficult for them to draw on the surface. On the tile, it can leave marks, so you need to use it very carefully. Buyers are advised to use the crayon along with the gel of the same company. You can buy a product for only 20 rubles.




Rating: 4.8

The next rating participant needs no introduction. The well-known crayon “Mashenka” effectively copes with ants, bedbugs, flies, cockroaches. The main active ingredients are zetacypermethrin and deltamethrin. The white pencil has a sharp insecticidal effect and is intended for the treatment of pest accumulation areas.

When working, keep your fingers on the packaging. The treatment is repeated after 2 months. One chalk is enough for 30 square meters. m. Enough pencil for a long time.

The buyers were satisfied with the result. For a chalk with a volume of 20 g, you need to pay 50 rubles. On sale there is also a tool “Mashenka” silver, which is effective against cockroaches, moths, fleas and flies. It can be used as a preventive measure.



The best ultrasonic repellers

The principle of operation of ultrasonic repellers lies in the instincts of cockroaches. These products are non-toxic, easy to use and suitable for use over large areas.

It should be borne in mind that ultrasonic waves do not pass through walls, thus the radius of sound propagation decreases. Such devices do not kill cockroaches, but only scare them away.

Weitech WK-0600

Rating: 4.9

Opens the last category of the rating ultrasonic repeller Weitech WK-0600 from a Chinese manufacturer. It is a professional device with high efficiency and proven action against ticks, cockroaches, fleas and spiders.

The tool is actively used in agriculture, industrial enterprises and warehouses. Ultrasonic waves with different frequency ranges have a detrimental effect on pests. Cockroaches are not able to adapt to such conditions.

The repeller is completely safe for people and pets. It is made of a strong metal case and has three modes of operation, which differ in frequency ranges.

The compact dimensions of the device (156x89x83) allow you to put it on any convenient surface. The device weighs only 672 g. It works with the help of a network adapter. Install the model at a distance of 1-2,5 m from the floor. Not everyone can afford the price, since the tool costs about 6900 rubles.



Typhoon LS 500

Rating: 4.8

The next position in the rating belongs to an effective means of protection against cockroaches, which can be installed in residential, utility and household premises. The device works with the help of a microcontroller that changes the frequency of ultrasound radiation. Thus, cockroaches do not get used to its frequency.

One repeller covers an area of ​​100 square meters. m. If the room is large, it is necessary to evenly space the devices throughout the territory. High-power ultrasound irritates the sense organs of insects and causes them severe discomfort. Therefore, pests leave the area of ​​the device.

The model is silent. It has no effect on people and pets. The tool is connected from a household outlet. Efficiency is noticeable after 3-4 days. The cost is 1180 rubles.



EcoSniper AR-130

Rating: 4.7

The EcoSniper AR-130 repeller adequately completes the list of the best cockroach remedies. Unlike the previous participant in the rating, he works on two technologies at once: ultrasonic and magnetic resonance. The device is effective in the fight against insects (beetles, flies, ants), rodents.

A 100 dB generator creates alternating waves in the range up to 28 kHz. The device covers an area of ​​100 square meters. m.

The device consumes only 6 watts of electricity. It works without noise. The model must be connected directly to the outlet. It will take about 3-4 weeks to completely get rid of cockroaches. Pests don’t develop habits. Product reviews are mostly positive. The tool costs 1500 rubles.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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