20-20-20 – a simple method for tired, teary and dry eyes. Hardly anyone has heard about it

Hours at work spent in front of a computer screen, staring at a smartphone, and in free time watching TV – all this has a negative effect on our eyes. Meanwhile, a few simple tricks are enough to relieve the symptoms of visual fatigue and improve your well-being. Try the 20-20-20 method.

  1. Computer vision syndrome is a group of symptoms that do not necessarily mean eye damage, but it significantly reduces the comfort of living and working at the computer
  2. To avoid unpleasant ailments, it is worth using a few simple tricks. One of them is the 20-20-20 method, which forces us to take breaks from work and let our eyes relax
  3. Children and adolescents are increasingly affected by the problem of tired eyes. Many months of distance learning contributed to this to a large extent
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Whether we work in the office or remotely, our eyes are exposed to pain, itching, tearing and other symptoms that have a medical name: computer vision syndrome (CVS) every day. It does not necessarily mean eye damage, but the symptoms themselves are so unpleasant that it is worth fighting them. And the methods are very simple.

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Computer vision syndrome – symptoms

Pain, fatigue, burning or itchy eyes are the main symptoms of eye strain. But not all of them. There may be many more of them. Watering, dry eyes, blurry vision, double vision, sensitivity to light, and difficulty keeping your eyes open are other signs that it’s time to take action. If there are also headaches, problems with concentration and pains radiating to the arms, neck and back – these are already alarm signals. If these symptoms worsen, it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist to rule out more serious diseases. If it turns out to be only CVS, a simple method of getting rid of the ailments can be used.

Do you want to take care of your eyes? Also try the LuteinAll Max supplement available at medonetmarket.pl.

  1. Dry eye syndrome. What is it and how to alleviate its symptoms?

20-20-20 method for tired eyes

This method for tired eyes comes from Anglo-Saxon countries, where the measure of distance is a foot, so it is worth translating the numbers 20-20-20 into the Polish system of measurements. How it’s working? It is a method of frequently changing the field of view of our eyes, allowing them to rest.

When sitting in front of the computer, we stop working every 20 minutes to look at an object that is about 20 feet away from our eyes (about 20 meters) for 6 seconds. Of course, the point is not to do it with a stopwatch and tape measure in hand, but try to stick to this time and distance more or less. If it is possible to go outside and look at the trees, for example, it is even better relaxation for tired eyes.

In order to effectively implement the 20-20-20 method, it is worth setting a reminder on your phone or downloading the appropriate application to your computer.

  1. Eye drops – types. What to look for when choosing? [WE EXPLAIN]

Tired eyes – a problem for adults and children

Why is it so important? If only because when working in front of a computer, we forget about blinking, which should naturally occur every 15 minutes. Meanwhile, when you stare at the screen, this frequency drops by a third or half. This leads to quick dryness and irritation of the eyes.

This problem is affecting more and more people. Not only adults. Remote learning in schools and universities during the pandemic has made it increasingly a problem for children and adolescents. In a study published by the Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology, researchers investigated computer use and its effects on the eyes of students at a university in Malaysia. Almost 90 percent out of 795 students had CVS symptoms after just two continuous hours of using the computer.

  1. Tired eyes

How can I prevent CVS symptoms on a daily basis?

Do you want to avoid eye strain? Whenever you sit down in front of a screen, be sure to follow a few eye tips:

  1. Sit further than usual from the computer screen. A good rule of thumb is to keep your face at arm’s length from the monitor, which should be positioned so that you look slightly downward.
  2. Consider using a matte screen filter to reduce glare
  3. Try to remember to follow the 20-20-20 rule. Set the clock to remind you to look away from an object approximately 20 feet away for a full 20 seconds every 6 minutes
  4. Buy “artificial tear” drops from a pharmacy to use when your eyes are dry. A room air humidifier can also help
  5. Blink frequently to lubricate your eyes
  6. Dim the screen if it is too bright for the room light. You can also adjust the lighting in the room to reduce the contrast
  7. Keep the screens clean. Dirty screens with fingerprints and other debris can tire your eyes even more.
  8. If you wear contact lenses, you may experience worsening symptoms of dryness and irritation. Try to rest your eyes from time to time by wearing glasses

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.

Also read:

  1. Dark spots in front of my eyes. What do they show and how to fight them?
  2. Eye diseases that threaten our eyesight. Is there a chance of early detection?
  3. How does COVID-19 affect the eyes? Here are the most common symptoms

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