2 reasons when the switched off washing machine draws water. DIY repair

We decided to load the laundry, but when we opened the hatch, we found water inside? The technique does not always warn of a breakdown with an error code, so it remains to find out the causes of the problem. Let’s figure out why the switched off washing machine draws water and what to do about it.

Why does the washer draw water on its own?

How did liquid appear in the disconnected technique? There are two options – from the sewer or the water supply. It is not difficult to determine this by color and smell. It’s good if you immediately discovered the problem, but it also happens that water enters the machine when the owner is at work. Then you can find a whole flood at home. Therefore, experts recommend closing the inlet valve after each wash.

The Aquastop system will not protect against leakage. The sensor is located in the tray, and the water enters directly into the drum, after which it is poured onto the floor.

What is the reason for the failure:

  • the intake valve is broken;
  • blockage or improper drain connection.

Remember that the warranty does not apply in cases where the user independently connected the equipment to the water supply. You can use warranty services if the supply of communications was carried out by the master, after which a leak occurred.

Blockage removal

Most often, the disconnected machine is filled with liquid from the sewer when the hose is connected to the siphon. When clogged, the device does not function properly, passing water into the washer tank. Do this:

  • Close the inlet valve.
  • Disconnect the drain hose.
  • Check the siphon and clear the blockage.

Garbage can be removed manually or using special tools. After that, run a short cycle with hot water to clean the drum and check the operation of the washer.

If it’s not a blockage, then make sure the connection is correct. Inspect the communications and make sure the hose is properly positioned. To prevent water from pouring in and draining on its own, the end of the hose should be at a distance of 50 cm – 1 m from the floor. Then the pump will function normally and drive the liquid into the sewer.

Replacing the solenoid valve

The inlet or solenoid valve is located just behind the water supply hose, at the top of the frontal machine. On top-loading models, the part can be located behind the side wall. When the equipment is in the off state, the valve is closed. As soon as the washing machine starts, current flows to the valve contacts and the damper opens, letting water into the tank.

As soon as the power supply stops, the damper closes and washing begins. Valve actuation can often be heard as a characteristic click. If the element breaks, the damper does not work at all. Then even in the off state, the machine takes water.

What to do? First of all, close the inlet valve and turn off the power to the washer. Turn the technique with the comfortable side facing you. Then follow the instructions:

  • Remove the two screws on the back and remove the top cover from the case.
  • There are usually two hoses leading to the valve. In some CMA models, the part is covered with a powder flask.
  • Release the clamps and disconnect the hoses.
  • Disconnect wiring.
  • Unscrew the mounting bolts.

A broken item cannot be repaired. A multimeter will help make sure it works. Attach the tester probes to the valve contacts and look at the scoreboard. The working part will show a result of 3 kΩ.

Select a similar part and install in reverse order. Do not rush to install the machine cover in place. Turn on the test cycle and check the work of the part in action.

The video shows how to replace the valve:

How to avoid leaks?

Finding a puddle on the floor is unpleasant, especially when you have to pay for repairs to your neighbors. To avoid such situations, do the following:

  • Close the inlet valve after each wash.
  • Use an anti-siphon valve to prevent dirty liquid from entering the drum.
  • Install full leak protection. It includes sensors on the floor that will work if there is a leak.

Use proven methods to avoid repeating the mistakes of others. It is better to take care of safety in advance than to eliminate the consequences later.

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