2.Look better

The principles of modern aesthetic medicine are quite consistent with our desire to feel comfortable at any age. Surgery, a desperate (and often dangerous) attempt to escape old age, has now been replaced by gentler anti-aging technologies. They help to maintain the optimal condition of the skin, not denying aging, but smoothing out its signs.

Holistic approach

Beauty today is synonymous with health: more and more often, cosmetology and medicine are combined in order to take care not only of our appearance, but also of well-being. It is these principles that guide modern medical centers, where specialists of various profiles work and are trained: not only cosmetologists and dermatologists, but also endocrinologists, gynecologists, immunologists, gerontologists … A serious approach to beauty requires mastery of modern scientific methods, therefore advanced beauty and health centers , unlike conventional spas or beauty parlors, have a solid scientific base. For example, the medical corporation RHANA cooperates with the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology, the Institute of Immunology and leading foreign experts in the field of anti-aging technologies Gerard Salama and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier. This makes possible the subtle, highly professional work on health and self-awareness, which allows us to look better, and therefore younger. But only if we do not expect the impossible and are ready to share responsibility for the result with specialists. “We have a big task ahead of us – to support the vital potential of patients and get the desired result without surgical intervention,” explains Irina Balashova, Chief Physician of RHANA. “Patented technologies, natural exclusive preparations and an individual integrated approach allow us to cope with this task.”

Erase traces of fatigue


Before taking care of appearance, it is necessary to allow the body to relieve neuromuscular overload, recover, check its hormonal background, and take care of a balanced diet. “The meaning of our work is not only to remove wrinkles and improve the appearance, but also to give a person a boost of energy so that he feels active, young and healthy,” comments Irina Balashova.

5 ideas for body and soul

  • 1. Take care of your health
  • 2. Look better
  • 3. Read philosophers
  • 4. Start psychotherapy
  • 5. Be inspired by the example of elders

You don’t have to wait until you’re 40 or 50 to start taking care of yourself. At any age, we have many ways to smooth out age-related changes: soft peels, cleansing and moisturizing the skin, as well as mesotherapy – the introduction of nutrients into the skin. “With age, the deficit of components necessary for the health and youthfulness of the skin increases,” comments Daria Baskakova, dermatocosmetologist at the Telo’s Beauty clinic. – The purpose of mesotherapy is to fill this gap. The composition of injections includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hyaluronic acid and much more. These components are safe and well tolerated.” After 40–50 years, you should pay attention to hardware lifting (non-surgical face skin tightening) and contouring, when gel-like substances are injected under the skin to fill deep wrinkles. With these procedures, you can reduce signs of fatigue: smooth out circles and bags under the eyes, make the skin more elastic, give it radiance. After such procedures, we look rested and healthy, but there is one “but”: any positive result must be maintained by continuing to take care of ourselves at home. “In addition to the cosmetic care program, we recommend a diet to patients, we select vitamins,” explains Daria Baskakova. “The approach to appearance should be comprehensive.”

Timur Kibirov, poet, 55 years old “I accepted my age when I remembered my childhood”

“The ability to age with dignity seems to be lost forever. The classic images of a wise old man and a quiet, handsome grandmother seem to have remained in the distant past. Gray hairs are painted over, wrinkles are tightened, Viagra is absorbed, grandfathers are lit in nightclubs, and grandchildren are forbidden to call their grandmother grandmother in public. To my great happiness, in childhood I was given examples of a different old age – bright, calm and non-fussy, cheerful without frivolity and wise without tediousness. Therefore, when the time came for me to grow old, the inevitable temptation to become younger, exacerbated by the complaisance and egocentrism so characteristic of representatives of my profession, nevertheless turned out to be quite easy to overcome: the memories of my wonderful old men were very vivid, and the male coevals of the same age seemed very nasty and miserable. I’m afraid I even overdid it a little at first, stubbornly calling myself an old man already at forty-five. But here, I think it’s better to “overdo it than underdo it.”

To be completely honest, my attempts to master the lost art of noble aging allow me to see at my age an opportunity to calmly sort out life and, as they said in bygone years, to think about the soul. Another thing is that we have not developed the habit of thinking about such topics, and the very existence of a soul is highly doubtful. But you have to try.”

Is it possible to predict how our face will change in 20-30 years? Knowing the type of skin, a specialist can most likely determine what awaits us. “Dry and oily skin changes in different ways: in the first case, you should pay attention to mimic wrinkles, in the second – to skin tone and facial contours,” explains Daria Baskakova. “Find out what procedures and cosmetics you need, tell your doctor about what you were sick with, whether you smoke, and whether your parents had any serious health and skin problems.”

The goal of modern beauty clinics is to smooth out the signs of fatigue and time so that we feel in harmony with ourselves. After all, accepting your age, whatever it may be, also means accepting yourself.

Anti-aging massage

If we do not feel determined for serious cosmetic procedures, massage will become an ally.

“The muscles and skin of the face are a sensitive system, the water balance of which is more unstable than in any other part of the body,” says Elena Tyapkina, osteopathic physician at the Telo’s Beauty clinic. “To help this fragile structure cope with age-related changes, we recommend osteopathic massage, which improves blood and lymph flow, and ensures the flow of fluids to the skin.” Classical massage is also useful. Its idea is to activate microcirculation, stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin. You can do it at home: in the evening before going to bed to relieve fatigue and in the morning to tone up.

  • Eyes: stroke the skin around the eyes, starting from the bridge of the nose (10 times). Then blink rapidly for a minute and a half.
  • Forehead: quickly raise and lower your eyebrows (1,5 minutes).
  • Face oval: pat the skin from the chin to the ears, as well as in the neck area with your fingertips.
  • Lips: Pull your lips out several times, imitating a kiss.
  • Facial expressions: and finally the most pleasant – 10 minutes of any grimaces every day!

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