1st week of pregnancy – changes in the body, tests

Weeks of pregnancy are counted from the first day of the last menstruation before conception. So if you are having your period and you are trying for a baby in this cycle, if you are successful, this week will be considered the 1st week of pregnancy.

The first day of menstruation is also the first day of the menstrual cycle. It has also been assumed that in the event of pregnancy, the first day of the last menstruation is the first day of the 1st week of pregnancy. This method is conventional, but extremely convenient, because it allows you to estimate with a fairly high probability when the solution will be reached.

It should also be remembered that ovulation occurs around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, i.e. two weeks after the start of the cycle. So if the doctor determines that you are, for example, 5 weeks pregnant, the developing embryo will actually be only three weeks old.

For every woman trying to have a baby, the onset of menstruation is a moment of failure, because “it didn’t work again”. However, it is worth approaching it from a slightly different perspective and thinking that this could be the first week of pregnancy. Therefore, take special care of your body right away to increase the likelihood of conception.

1st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

The 1st week of pregnancy will look exactly like the first week of each menstrual cycle. Any bleeding that occurs is because the lining of the womb has peeled off. The endometrium peels off as a result of a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels. Bleeding usually takes four to five days, but this is very individual and sometimes it only takes two days and sometimes as many as seven. Some women lose up to 80 ml of blood during this time, so with the help of a proper diet, it is worth replenishing iron deficiencies immediately. They are found in large amounts in meat (especially in the liver), in fish, milk, broccoli and legumes.

Most women feel unwell during menstruation – they suffer from abdominal cramps, pain in the back and even thighs. Therefore, in the event of the occurrence of these ailments, you should not be afraid – they do not reduce the likelihood of conception in any way, it may be the 1st week of pregnancy.

Usually, in the first week of the cycle, around the fifth day, the follicular phase begins. As a result of the action of the follicle-stimulating hormone secreted by the pituitary gland and estrogens in the cortex of the ovary, Graff’s follicles begin to mature. These spherical structures contain one immature egg each. At the end of the second week of pregnancy, you will ovulate and release a cell or cells in one or more follicles.

Especially important in the 1st week of pregnancy

If you are planning on trying for a baby, the first week of a potential pregnancy is a good time to prepare your body for conception. Thus, you will increase the likelihood that conception will occur during this cycle.

First of all, make sure you get enough folic acid. High levels of folic acid minimize the likelihood of a baby developing neural tube defects, including spina bifida. In addition, folic acid promotes proper cell division. Its adequate level in pregnancy has been shown to be one of the factors responsible for the high birth weight of newborns.

Folic acid can be found in green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, beans and asparagus. In addition, it is also contained in the liver and egg yolks. Nevertheless, it is worth reaching for a dietary supplement to be sure that you are actually getting as much acid as you need. It is difficult to overdose, as evidenced by the fact that in many countries it is added to bread. If you follow the doses indicated on the package, you will not be in danger of too high levels of folic acid.

  1. Order the Pregnancy Complex supplement – pregnant Viridian today, which will provide your body with the necessary minerals and vitamins, including folic acid.

In addition, make sure that your diet is wholesome. If you are trying to conceive a baby, give up any weight loss diets and do not try to lose weight “in advance” thinking that you will put on them in the next nine months. Incorrect diet may prevent fertilization at all or the exhausted organism will not be able to bear the child. What’s more, if you manage to get pregnant and it will be her 1st week, you may soon regret not having eaten your favorite foods during this period. Perhaps soon you won’t be able to look at them. Bet on vegetables and fruits, but also don’t forget about protein, polyunsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates. Don’t overeat – it’s better to eat a few small meals a day than three very large meals.

The first week of a potential pregnancy is also a good time to stop using stimulants, if you haven’t done it so far. Remember that quitting an addiction, such as smoking, always causes some shock to the body, so it’s better to do it before conception. In addition, substances such as alcohol, nicotine and drugs adversely affect the development of the fetus and can lead to a disability or even miscarriage.

Forget about strenuous exercise as well. Movement during pregnancy is most advisable, but it should be, for example, light aerobic exercise or swimming, and not a “gym” or exercise with weights. If you haven’t exercised so far, it’s also not a good time to start exercising.

Try not to overexert yourself and relax a lot. A good condition of your body increases the chance of conception, and thus that it will become the 1st week of pregnancy.

Tests in the 1st week of pregnancy

If you haven’t done the tests recommended before pregnancy so far, it’s the last call to do them. This is especially important because their results may show that you should postpone trying for a baby until your body is fully ready for it.

First of all, do a basic blood test such as a complete blood count. In addition, it is also worth assessing the level of sugar, cholesterol and urea.

Also, perform liver function tests with a blood test to determine if this organ is functioning properly.

Another basic test you should perform is a urine test. The analysis will check, among other things, the level of protein and ketones.

Gynecological examinations will also be required. You should definitely have a cytology test and a vaginal cleanliness test. In addition, it is worth having a gynecological ultrasound, during which the doctor will assess whether there are any disturbing changes in the reproductive organs.

It is also worth doing thyroid tests and determining the level of thyroid hormones in the blood.

Many women also forget that they should visit a dentist before pregnancy. If you suffer from intense nausea and vomit frequently, it will greatly weaken your enamel. That is why teeth should be treated before the first week of pregnancy. Moreover, not all dental procedures are allowed during pregnancy, so it is worth making sure that your teeth are in perfect condition.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, be sure to get tested for syphilis and HIV.

If you have been trying for a baby for several months and have not yet conceived, discuss with your partner having a fertility test.

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