19 week of pregnancy from conception
Here it is – the long-awaited equator. The 19th week of pregnancy from conception means that we are halfway there and the most interesting is yet to come. What happens to mom and baby at this time – we deal with doctors

What happens to the baby at 19 weeks

The second half of pregnancy has begun, and the baby will take an active part in it. He already knows how to move and sleep, mommy can even track his sleep and wake cycles.

The child’s brain grows and develops rapidly. Neurons are formed in it – nerve cells that conduct signals between the brain and muscles. With their assistance, the movements of the baby become clearer and more focused.

White blood cells appear in the baby’s blood, which in the future will help him suppress any infection.

The fetus constantly moves inside the uterus, it can either stick its head into the bottom of the uterus, or lie parallel to the floor. Sooner or later, he will have a favorite position – presentation. Usually it is determined by the end of the second trimester.

At 19-20 weeks, the baby’s need for calcium increases, as the skeleton begins to grow intensively. If the mother does not eat enough of this trace element, then the baby will “pull” it out of the teeth and bones of its parent.

Fetal ultrasound

At this time, second trimester screening is usually performed.

– As part of the second screening, an ultrasound examination is performed. Ultrasound of the fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy is necessary to exclude congenital malformations. If in the first trimester only 5-8% of developmental anomalies, mainly gross malformations, can be detected, then in the second trimester it is possible to identify most developmental problems – violations of the anatomical structure of individual organs and systems of the fetus, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Natalya Aboneeva.

If such an anomaly is detected, the mother will be offered a surgical correction.

“Approximately 40-50% of timely diagnosed congenital malformations are amenable to successful correction,” Natalia assures.

In addition, ultrasound of the fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy helps to determine the exact gestational age, fetal weight, growth and parameters.

– Sonography in the second trimester also plays an important role in determining the volume of amniotic fluid, which is due to the urinary output of the fetus. A decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid is often observed with fetal hypotrophy, anomalies of its kidneys and urinary system, and the complete absence of amniotic fluid is observed with fetal kidney agenesis. Polyhydramnios can be with some anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and infection of the fetus, the doctor explains.

In addition, ultrasound at week 19 reveals isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in which the cervix is ​​not able to withstand pressure and hold the fetus until timely delivery.

And, of course, with echography, you can more accurately find out the sex of the child.

Photo life

At the 19th week of pregnancy from conception, the length of the fetus reaches about 28 cm, its weight increases to 390 grams. In size, it is like a cantaloupe – a small melon.

A photo of the abdomen at the 19th week of pregnancy for a slender girl will be revealing. Their tummy should already be clearly visible. But for chubby mothers, progress is not so obvious, they can safely hide their position, since their waist has added only a couple of centimeters.

What happens to mom at 19 weeks

At the 19th week of pregnancy from conception, the woman’s body has already got used to the new state, so now it is much easier for the expectant mother.

Starting this week, the woman will noticeably gain weight, and the bottom of the uterus will move up. She herself changes shape – becomes ovoid. Now the mother will have to lie on her back and sit less often, since in these positions the uterus presses on the inferior vena cava and the child suffers from a lack of oxygen. Your appetite is growing, and now it is especially important to monitor your diet and not overeat. Keep yourself in check, too many extra pounds will make the second half of pregnancy and childbirth only more difficult.

Many women note that at this time they begin to pour out acne. In this case, you need to wash your face twice a day and do not chase after medicines. Any cream or lotion is best used only after consulting a doctor.

Try to regularly take a general blood test and a sugar test so that in case of problems, start treatment or go on a diet in a timely manner.

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What sensations can you experience in 19 week

At the 19th week of pregnancy from conception, many women experience back pain – after all, a growing baby affects the center of gravity and mommy has to bend her lower back. To relieve stress, wear shoes with low, stable heels, or better without them. Try to keep your body straight, without leaning back or forward. If the pain persists, discuss with your doctor the possibility of wearing a special corset. Some pregnant women in the second trimester develop leg cramps, sometimes swelling. In order not to suffer from them, try to put your legs higher when you are sitting.

It happens that women now and then feel dizzy. Probably the reason for it is the redistribution of blood in the body, for example, when you lie on your back, and then rise abruptly. However, anemia can also cause dizziness, in which case you need to discuss the problem with your doctor.


Menstruation, in the proper sense of the word, at the 19th week of pregnancy from conception cannot be, but spotting can be observed.

“The causes of spotting for a period of 19 weeks or more can be placenta previa or ingrowth, premature detachment of a normally located placenta, rupture of the presenting vessels of the umbilical cord, soft tissues of the birth canal or uterus,” explains obstetrician-gynecologist Natalya Aboneeva.

It is possible that it bleeds due to ectopia or erosion of the cervix, as well as due to varicose veins of the genital organs or their injuries.

– Any bloody discharge from the genital tract is not the norm. This is an alarming sign that requires immediate consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, the doctor reminds.

Stomach ache

At the 19th week of pregnancy, women may experience so-called false contractions – rare and irregular spasms. This is considered normal if you do not feel severe pain and contractions are not accompanied by bleeding.

If the pain is intense and does not subside during rest, it is better to visit your doctor and find out its cause.

Sometimes abdominal pain is not associated with the uterus, but with the digestive or urinary system. Pregnant women often have problems with appendicitis and kidneys, so it is important to see a doctor.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to do massage during pregnancy, especially when the back hurts?

– The load on the spine, joints and muscles of the back, legs during pregnancy is very large, so many have increased lumbar lordosis – the bend of the spine in the lumbar region forward. To minimize discomfort during this period, you can massage your arms, legs, neck, shoulder girdle, and back. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of varicose veins and a way to improve blood circulation. However, massage during pregnancy has a number of features:

hand movements should be soft and calm, no sharp, pressing effects;

it is better not to touch the abdominal area at all;

to massage the back, you need to use the position on your side with the use of folded blankets or pillows.

In addition, there are contraindications to massage during pregnancy:

severe toxicosis;

acute respiratory diseases;


skin diseases;

chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;

varicose veins with thrombosis;

increased blood pressure.

What determines the color of the baby’s hair and eyes and can it change?

“Characteristics like hair color or eye color are determined by genes. However, do not expect that since you and your spouse have dark hair, determined by the dominant gene, then the baby will be dark-haired. The dominant gene only suggests that the likelihood of a brunette child is greater than a blond one. Brown-eyed parents often have blue-eyed children. By the way, after birth, it’s generally too early to talk about the color of the eyes and hair of the baby, the final eye color is set closer to a year, and the hair color even longer.

What is the best way to sleep during pregnancy?

– Usually the main question is: is it possible to sleep on your back. And yes, in the second trimester this is not the best sleeping position, because the uterus will put pressure on the spine and large vessels. Sleeping on your stomach is not comfortable at all.

As a result, the safest position for sleeping is lying on the left side. For greater comfort, you can cross your legs or put a pillow or blanket between them. You can also put pillows under your back.

Is it possible to have sex?

In the second trimester, the tummy can already become quite large, so some positions for sex may not be available. This is the time to show imagination, try out new positions, good and libido allows. Doctors advise practicing the side pose or washerwoman pose.

Many women note that in the second trimester they had the brightest sex and the most violent orgasms. It is not surprising, hormones and increased blood flow in the pelvis contribute to joy.

However, not everyone should go headlong into intimate adventures. In some cases, sex for a pregnant woman is contraindicated: if there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, with low placentation or presentation, with a pessary and sutures on the cervix. So it is better to consult your doctor beforehand.

What to do if the temperature rises?

– An increase in temperature for a period of 19 weeks from conception in combination with other symptoms or a fever above 38 degrees can be a manifestation of not only acute infections of the respiratory tract, but also life-threatening diseases for the mother and fetus, such as pneumonia, gestational pyelonephritis, acute appendicitis and cholecystitis , – explains obstetrician-gynecologist Natalya Aboneeva.

A doctor’s consultation with hyperthermia is mandatory, as it will not only help determine the causes of an increase in temperature, but also decide whether hospitalization is needed or individual conservative therapy is sufficient.

– Antipyretic drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor. You can’t prescribe treatment for yourself and choose medicines on the advice of friends or trusting advertising, the doctor reminds. – During outpatient treatment, the expectant mother is recommended to observe bed rest with plenty of warm drinks, wiping with water at room temperature and using wet compresses on the elbow and knee bends.

What to do if it pulls the lower abdomen?

If there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, if they are accompanied by an increased tone of the uterus or regular cramping spasms, bloody discharge from the genital tract or a feeling of fullness in the vagina, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such manifestations at the 19th week of pregnancy may mean a threat of miscarriage.

How to eat right?

At the 19th week of pregnancy from conception, it is important to ensure that foods rich in calcium were present in the diet. It is necessary for the growth of the baby’s bones, and if it is not enough, the mother may find that her teeth have begun to crumble. This child “pulls” calcium from her body. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe calcium supplements to the pregnant woman, but you should not get carried away with them yourself.

You need to eat little, often and as slowly as possible, carefully chewing food. Drink – either half an hour before meals, or an hour after. At night it is better not to eat at all, in extreme cases, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Forget fatty, processed foods, soda, sandwiches, and canned food. The less salt the food contains, the easier it is for your kidneys to live and the less swelling there will be.

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