19 best milk formulas for newborns

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Milk formula is a balanced diet that can be used both in addition to breast milk and completely replace it. We decided to select the best premium products, which combine only useful ingredients to keep your baby healthy!

How to choose milk formula

It is difficult to decide on the choice of breast milk replacement, since all products are tested and are of high quality. Here are the main criteria to look at:

  1. It must be marked “adapted”, this is the main point.

  2. Instructions for use – it says at what age you can feed the baby and what portions.

  3. It is necessary to start the usual mixtures for newborns. If after using them there are problems with the stool, bloating or difficulty sleeping, then you should contact your pediatrician. He will tell you what to replace the product with.

  4. It is advisable to choose a product with a high content of vitamins and useful elements. If palm oil is available, then the mixture is also suitable for consumption, do not worry.

  5. Place of implementation. If possible, it is better to purchase a mixture, you also need to pay attention to the fact that the goods are supplied to the store constantly.

  6. You do not need to change the mixture often and quickly, this can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract in an infant. You can remove the previous product from the diet only if it is not tolerated by the child or worsens his condition.

As for lactose-free mixtures, or breast milk substitutes for premature babies, they can be purchased only on prescription. If there are no problems with the digestion of lactose in a baby, you should not take this important element from his diet. But if the intervention of medicinal types of mixtures into the diet is required, then you should not delay it!

Rating of the best milk formulas for newborns

Nomination Place Name Price
The best milk formulas for newborns up to six months      1 Kabrita 1 GOLD      2 000 ₽
     2 Nutrilon (Nursing) 1 Premium      750 ₽
     3 NAN (Nestl) 1 Optipro      520 ₽
The Best Lactose-Free Formulas for Babies      1 Similac (Abbott) Alimentum      1 300 ₽
     2 Nutrilon (Nutricia) Lactose Free      250 ₽
     3 Humana sl      700 ₽
     4 NAN (Nestl) Lactose Free      850 ₽
The Best Milk Formulas for Premature Babies      1 SIMILAC (ABBOTT) NEOSHUR      750 ₽
     2 CLOSE TO      825 ₽
     3 Nutrilak Pre      200 ₽
     4 Humana 0-VLB      500 ₽
The best hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns      1 Friso Frisola Gold PEP AC Allergy      1 285 ₽
     2 Alfare (Nestle) Alfare      1 300 ₽
     3 Nutrilon (Nutricia) Doctors      830 ₽
     4 NAN Optipro 1 Hypoallergenic      350 ₽
The best fermented milk mixtures for newborns      1 Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 fermented milk      400 ₽
     2 Nutrilak Premium fermented milk      300 ₽
The best anti-colic mixture      1 Hairstyle FROM 1      620 ₽

The best milk formulas for newborns up to six months

Up to six months, the baby should have a special diet, very close to mother’s milk. If breastfeeding is not available, formula milk is used. But you need to be prepared for the fact that some babies may become constipated, especially in the first days of feeding.

Kabrita 1 GOLD

Rating: 4.9

The rating is opened by a product with an innovative complex of fats, the technology of which is patented by the manufacturer. Thanks to this composition, the absorption of calcium for the formation of the skeleton is accelerated, which is very important in the first months of birth. The basis is goat’s milk, rich in vitamins that a newborn needs.

We believe that the product is ideal for children with a good metabolism, as it can cause constipation. If the baby does not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the mixture will be an ideal option, because it combines both probiotics and prebiotics. The presence of nucleotides in the composition contributes to proper growth and development, as with breastfeeding.

The mixture dissolves quickly, leaving no lumps. There is a gentle creamy smell of goat’s milk. Most children use Kabrita 1 GOLD with pleasure, but not everyone likes the smell.



Nutrilon (Nursing) 1 Premium

Rating: 4.8

Compared to the previous blend of the top ranking, this one is much easier to digest due to the content of vegetable fats. The composition contains prebiotics of the new formula, which make digestion comfortable.

The complex in the composition of the product is very balanced, in addition to the presence of vegetable oils, there is also fish oil to maintain immunity. The mixture dissolves quickly and leaves no lumps. There is not much foam, but it should be present, since the composition contains protein.

Moms also highlight a small feature in the packaging itself – there is a limiter inside in order to remove the top layer (slide) from the spoon. We recommend giving your baby more water while feeding Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Premium to avoid constipation problems.

Do not worry about the presence of palm oil in the composition, since this substance has already been processed. From it, 6 fatty acids are isolated, which are necessary for the development of the child, also present in mother’s milk. This allows you to bring the mixture as close as possible to breastfeeding.



NAN (Nestl) 1 Optipro

Rating: 4.7

Another balanced representative of the rating is a mixture that is ideal for babies with gastrointestinal problems. The composition contains the optimal combination of prebiotics and probiotics, and there is also no palm oil. Compared to Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Premium or Kabrita 1 GOLD, this mixture has a huge range of vitamins to keep your baby healthy and develop his intelligence. These substances not only support immunity and health, but also vision.

The smell is pleasant, which is a big plus. The child not only drinks the whole bottle with pleasure, but is also well saturated until the next meal. During preparation, the powder does not foam and does not leave lumps.

We would also like to note that the baby first needs to get used to the mixture. It will take several days, after which all the unpleasant consequences of taking it go away.



The Best Lactose-Free Formulas for Babies

Unlike mixtures up to six months, lactose-free ones have both a higher price and a richer composition of vitamins.

Similac (Abbott) Alimentum

Rating: 4.9

The best safe formula for infant nutrition, as it is suitable for children up to six months. It not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also softens the stool, enveloping the intestinal cells. We included this powder in the rating, as pediatricians recommend it to parents whose children have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. At first, the baby may have loose stools until the body adapts to the new product.

The composition contains symbiotics, which are a combination of prebiotics and bifidobacteria. They are found in the mother’s breast milk, so they are very important for the baby to use. For the development of intelligence, omega-3 fats are present, palm oil is absent.

The mixture is diluted well and without lumps. Unlike past products, you do not need to dose with a spoon, as there are special bags. The smell is pleasant, milky, children like it. The mixture foams well, which indicates a high protein content. Carbohydrates are also plentiful, so carefully monitor your child’s weight gain.



Nutrilon (Nutricia) Lactose Free

Rating: 4.8

This mixture is as close as possible to the composition of mother’s breast milk, in contrast to the previously presented rating participants. It is light and foams a little. It does not leave lumps, which is also a plus. There are not many vitamins in the composition, but there is a basic complex for the maintenance and development of the child.

We advise you to carefully switch to the mixture, especially if the child has an allergy. It is important to monitor the condition of the baby, first giving him half the portion. As for the stool, the mixture is able to normalize it.

The taste of the powder is given by glucose syrup, so there are a lot of carbohydrates in the product. The composition contains palm and rapeseed oils, which in combination do not give the best result. We advise you to formula feed your baby only if he is lactose intolerant. In any other situation, choose the usual drug.



Humana sl

Rating: 4.7

A safe product that is suitable not only for lactose intolerance, but also for cow’s milk, as it is based on soy. There is no sugar here, so the baby will not actively gain weight. But there is a large set of vitamins and other useful substances to maintain the child’s immunity.

The jar is not made very conveniently, because when using a spoon, part of the powder spills out. The instruction is in German, which also causes inconvenience when using. The product is difficult to get in stores, as it is produced using a special technology in Germany.

As for the soy mixture, it dissolves poorly and leaves not lumps, but large pieces. They have to beat and shake for a long time to get a homogeneous mass. The product itself is airy and light, the grains are very small. Parents also note the economy, as the consumption is small. Another plus is 2 bags per package, which allows you to keep the mixture longer (opened, use is allowed for 21 days).

In our opinion, this remedy should only be used if the child has lactose intolerance or cow’s milk intolerance. In the composition, in addition to vitamins and amino acids, there is palm oil and some additives.



NAN (Nestl) Lactose Free

Rating: 4.6

In our opinion, the product will be an excellent substitute for breast milk in case of lactase deficiency (there is no enzyme for lactose digestion). With it, you can forget about problems with the chair, and about colic! The composition contains corn syrup, vegetable oils, as well as trace elements that are very important in the development of the child.

The mixture dissolves quickly, leaving no lumps behind. The texture is airy and light. Helps in the fight against bloating in case of improper functioning of the digestive tract, which is also a big plus. The taste is bitter, unpleasant, but the effect of the application closes this drawback.

So we advise you to purchase lactose-free NAN formula (Nestl), not only in case of problems with mother’s milk, but also in case of abdominal pain. But do not use the mixture for a long time, otherwise addiction will come. This is a pretty strong drug, so check with your doctor first. You may need to switch to a low-lactose formula later.



The Best Milk Formulas for Premature Babies

Mixtures for premature babies should have a large set of macro and microelements in order for the child to develop normally. Such drugs, first of all, are aimed at gaining weight of the baby, and only then on other aspects.


Rating: 4.9

This representative of the rating contains a large number of useful elements, especially nucleotides to maintain the child’s immunity. For the normal absorption of calcium, a special mixture of fats without palm oil is used. It also helps in the fight against constipation.

The mixture contains a reduced amount of lactose, which is very important for lactase deficiency. A little more calories than in regular packages – plus weight gain. In our opinion, this mixture is excellent for use by premature babies or babies with poor weight gain.

It is difficult to get the product, it is not sold everywhere. The price is higher than the market, but corresponds to the quality of the product. The taste of SIMILAC (ABBOTT) NEOSHUR is sweet, which indicates a high content of carbohydrates. The smell is pleasant, it dissolves easily in a bottle without the formation of lumps, it foams a little.




Rating: 4.8

A safe, allergen-free formula that is great for weight gain in babies. The composition contains nucleotides to strengthen immunity, carbohydrates are slightly more than normal.

We advise you to increase the amount of water consumed by the baby when using this mixture, otherwise problems with the stool may begin. The composition does not contain beneficial bacteria, which can cause problems with constipation.

Buying powder is not worth it for children with gastrointestinal problems. In comparison with SIMILAC (ABBOTT) NEOSHUR, PRE NAN has many disadvantages due to the absence of beneficial bacteria. The product does not support the normal intestinal microflora, which can lead to gas formation, colic. We included the mixture in the rating, as it does not contain allergens and promotes weight gain in infants.



Nutrilak Pre

Rating: 4.7

If the child does not eat well, then this option will be the best, since everyone likes the taste of Nutrilak Pre. In addition, the product has a low price, it is included in the budget segment. The composition contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also nucleotides to maintain the baby’s immunity. As for beneficial bacteria, unlike the PRE NAN mixture, they are present in a normal amount.

The mixture is evenly distributed over 2 bags, it is not very convenient to use them, the product often wakes up. The consistency is powdery, it dissolves easily with water and does not form lumps.

We believe that this tool can be used to gain weight for a baby. It combines a rich vitamin complex and a high level of carbohydrates. The packaging says how to use the product, so there should be no problems with cooking.



Humana 0-VLB

Rating: 4.6

A good mixture that does not cause digestive problems in newborns. It contributes to a small weight gain, thanks to the pleasant taste and smell, the kids eat the product with pleasure.

Easy to prepare, just follow the instructions on the package. The mixture is airy, dissolves quickly without lumps. There are 2 bags in a cardboard box, it is inconvenient to use them, so the parent is advised to pour the product into another container.

We advise you to use this powder for feeding in the first months after the birth of your baby, and then switch to a higher calorie option. If a newborn has a strong underweight, you should choose another product from our rating. If you’re a little behind Human’s norm, 0-VLB is a great way to gain a few grams.



The best hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns

If parents want to play it safe for the health of the baby, it is worth starting feeding with hypoallergenic products. They do not cause irritation, fight rashes and skin problems. Also, drugs of this line are prescribed for children for the prevention of colic or with high sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Friso Frisola Gold PEP AC Allergy

Rating: 4.9

An expensive and highly effective remedy that is actively used by parents whose children suffer from CMP (intolerance to cow’s milk protein). A mixture of medicinal type, made on the basis of casein hydrolyzate.

In the composition, as in the usual mixture, there are a large number of vitamins, trace elements to maintain the health of the baby. As far as the immune system is concerned, nucleotides are present in abundance. The energy value is slightly less than normal, not suitable for weight gain.

The packaging is inconvenient, the powder constantly crumbles, and it is difficult to get it out. Dissolution after mixing with warm water is fast, there are no lumps. There is also practically no smell, the taste is slightly sweet.



Alfare (Nestle) Alfare

Rating: 4.8

One of the best food for babies with allergies. We strongly do not recommend using the drug as part of “self-medication”, only as prescribed by a doctor. The composition contains a balanced complex of vitamins, nucleotides, prebiotics to maintain the health of the child in the postoperative period, as well as before the upcoming diagnosis.

But there is one big problem – the product is bitter due to the content of potato starch, so most kids refuse to use it. We advise you to at least give the mixture a try and then see how the child reacts.

The product dissolves quickly and well in warm water without the formation of lumps. The mixture can not only stop the manifestations of allergies, but also completely cure it. We advise you not to delay the fight, when the first inflammations and irritations appear, start treatment. Prevention with this mixture is not worth doing!



Nutrilon (Nutricia) Doctors

Rating: 4.7

Like Alfare (Nestle), this product tastes bitter, which is its main drawback. The basis, as in all hypoallergenic mixtures, is hydrolyzed protein. There are also vitamins and other elements that bring the product as close as possible to breast milk.

We would also like to point out that during the use of Nutrilon (Nutricia) Pepti, the color and smell of the stool may change in the baby. This is normal, no need to worry, as the body is addictive.

The price of the product is high, the consumption is very large – a jar is eaten by children up to six months in 3 days. There is no special section for the measuring spoon, it is located right inside the mixture. To remove the slide, the manufacturer suggests using a knife.

The dissolution of the product is fast, there are no lumps. The smell is not the most pleasant, but almost not noticeable. We remind you that hypoallergenic breast milk substitutes are used only on prescription.



NAN Optipro 1 Hypoallergenic

Rating: 4.6

The product is sold in an iron can of 400 grams. As with Nutrilon (Nutricia) Pepti, this is a small amount for a big price. Based on the results of using it by parents, 7000 rubles are spent on the product per month, so you should not buy a “premium product” just because of the price. Use it as directed by your doctor.

As for the composition, in addition to useful macro and microelements, there is a partially hydrolyzed protein for the prevention and control of skin rashes. Also in the mixture is increased osmolality, which is why the load on the child’s kidneys is increased. Another disadvantage is the lack of vital prebiotics that help to establish microflora in the intestines.

The mixture is crumbly in texture, slightly yellow in color. It dissolves instantly, no additional shaking is needed.



The best fermented milk mixtures for newborns

Sour-milk mixtures differ from conventional ones in that they contain an increased content of lactic acid bacteria. This helps to improve the digestion of the baby, which leads to the normalization of the stool.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 fermented milk

Rating: 4.9

The product enriched with lactic acid bacteria got into our rating not only because of the pleasant price, but also because of the balanced set of elements. Suitable for use by children with sensitive digestion, so we recommend it if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Light yellow powder, very crumbly and fine. It dissolves quickly in water, leaving no lumps behind. The product is high-fat, so stains remain on the jar. The smell is pleasant, delicate, the taste is sweetish.

In our opinion, fermented milk formula should not be given to babies on an ongoing basis and no more than two feedings per day. Otherwise, the child’s body will not be able to cope with a large number of lactic acid bacteria, which will lead to pain and colic. The chair will be normal, but the problems with it will be replaced by new ones, namely screaming and crying in pain!



Nutrilak Premium fermented milk

Rating: 4.8

One of the best options for a baby’s first feeding. The composition includes beneficial lactic acid bacteria to improve digestion.

The consistency is lumpy, it is sold in a package not in the form of a powder. It gets divorced medium, there are a lot of lumps that need to be shaken for a long time, there is little foam. There is no taste as such, according to the sensations, buyers speak of Nutrilak Premium sour-milk, like milk diluted in water.

We also advise gently shaking this mixture so that it forms less foam. Otherwise, the child will increase gas formation, or this will lead to colic. A big plus is the long shelf life of the mixture already in finished form, in contrast to the above products of the rating – 2 hours.



The best anti-colic mixture

Problems with colic cause discomfort not only to the baby, but also to parents, because because of the pain, the baby constantly cries and screams. In this case, the best anti-colic mixture with a large number of useful elements will do.

Hairstyle FROM 1

Rating: 4.9

Great product to help reduce the pain of colic and also prevent spitting up. The package has a protrusion-dispenser so that a slide can be removed from the measuring spoon. The mixture dissolves quickly, but leaves a small residue, so watch how much the newborn has drunk.

The composition is increased, it has many vitamins, as well as nucleotides and prebiotics. All this improves the digestion process, and also normalizes the baby’s stool. We recommend that you use the remedy only after consulting with your doctor.

In our opinion, the mixture, like Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 fermented milk, is not suitable for consumption on an ongoing basis. Use it no more than 1-2 times a day, so as not to be addictive and, as the problem is solved, quickly transfer the baby to the usual mixture.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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