19 best furniture factories

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

It is difficult to imagine a modern residential building without a large amount of furniture. It allows you to create a beautiful interior, make the room practical and comfortable for relaxation. Today the Russian market offers a wide range of domestic and imported furniture for different tastes. Thanks to modern technologies, manufacturers have improved the quality of products, made them environmentally friendly, easy to assemble and operate. Domestic brands are equipped with high-precision equipment, which allows them to successfully compete with foreign furniture factories. Therefore, it becomes more and more difficult to give preference to any brand every year. The recommendations of our experts will help potential buyers choose practical and durable furniture.

Recommendations for choosing furniture

Cost. A large number of models from different manufacturers makes it difficult to make a final choice. Therefore, experts advise to determine the price range in which the purchase should fall. Each buyer has his own vision of design, style, size, options, material, which ultimately affects the cost.

Furniture type. Updating the situation in the room, you should decide on the type of furniture you buy.

  1. If the catalog of your favorite manufacturer has cabinets or kitchens that are suitable in size and functionality, then you can buy a finished product. In this case, the order fulfillment time will be minimal (if available in a store or warehouse, 1-5 days).

  2. When no model fits into the interior, then you should think about making custom-made furniture. It can be either a built-in wardrobe or a bookshelf. But then the order fulfillment time can grow up to a month or more.

Материал. For the manufacture of furniture used a rich range of materials.

  1. Cabinets, kitchens, and chipboard sets have the most affordable price. But they require careful care, high humidity can lead to the rapid destruction of the plates.

  2. Modern MDF material is used for facade decoration. At the same time, the price of furniture also increases.

  3. Natural wood has always been valued, but solid wood furniture is expensive. But it looks luxurious, and the service life reaches a hundred years.

Design. When the decoration of rooms is done in a house or apartment, it becomes even more difficult to choose furniture. In this case, you often have to resort to the help of professional designers. It is important that the furniture harmoniously fit into the created concept of the room.

Care. Since furniture is bought for many years, such an important factor as care and maintenance should be taken into account. The best option would be to purchase cabinet elements or sofas that can be cleaned with household detergents and a vacuum cleaner. Some exclusive models can only be serviced by specialists of cleaning companies.

We selected 19 best furniture factories for our review. All of them sell their products in our country. When distributing places, the editors of simplerule magazine relied on the opinion of the expert community, while taking into account the feedback from Russian consumers.

Rating of the best furniture factories

Nomination a place Manufacturer Rating
The best upholstered furniture factories      1 Anderssen      5.0
     2 Shatura-furniture      4.9
     3 Allegro-Classic      4.8
     4 Furniture Holding      4.7
     5 Soft      4.6
     6 March 8      4.5
     7 Vanguard Line      4.4
     8 Borovichi Furniture      4.3
     9 Rival      4.2
     10 Lagoon      4.1
The best cabinet furniture factories      1 Lapis lazuli      5.0
     2 TriYa      4.9
     3 ORIMEX      4.8
     4 Pinskdrev      4.7
     6 Dyatkovo      4.6
     7 Soyuz-furniture      4.5
     8 Ronikon      4.4
     9 Somovo furniture      4.3

The best upholstered furniture factories

Each apartment or house has a cozy sofa and a comfortable bed for relaxing. When choosing upholstered furniture, it is important to consider the strength of the frame and the transformation mechanism, as well as the elegance and durability of the upholstery. Experts have chosen several manufacturers that produce quality products.


Rating: 5.0

Since 2000, the Moscow company Anderssen has been operating in the furniture market. At that time, a small enterprise had only 15 employees. However, thanks to their enthusiasm and creative approach, they managed not only to gain a foothold in the market, but also successfully compete with foreign manufacturers. Experts noted such advantages of upholstered furniture as stylish design, high level of comfort, durability. The assortment of the factory includes sofas and armchairs, ottomans and couches. The high quality was confirmed by numerous diplomas and awards of prestigious competitions. The brand receives the laurels of the winner in our review.

Domestic users speak flatteringly about affordable prices, a wide range of models, and a developed commodity distribution network. The company also works on individual orders.




Rating: 4.9

The Russian factory Shatura-furniture boasts a 50-year history. The first products of the enterprise were wardrobes, gradually the assortment was replenished with furniture for children’s rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and hallways. Experts appreciated the high quality of products, the manufacturer managed to establish strict control at every stage of production. There are factories and office furniture in the collection, resistant to wear and fading. The manufacturer regularly arranges sales and promotions, which attracts new consumers.

In the reviews, many buyers praise the sales consultants for their professionalism. But contractual terms of delivery are often broken. In addition, the company requires an advance payment for the order.




Rating: 4.8

Furniture factory Allegro-Classic appeared in Russia in 1992. It specializes in the production of upholstered furniture. Experts note the high professional reputation, good quality and extensive geography of deliveries. The company’s products are competitive, so it is sold by large retail chains. The company pays great attention to staff development, key managers are sent for internships in European countries. The brand gets bronze in our review.

In general, domestic consumers are satisfied with Allegro-Classic upholstered furniture. But the product description on the site does not always match the actual technical parameters. In addition, there are complaints about the quality of the packaging, which is why the upholstery is dirty.



Furniture Holding

Rating: 4.7

For about 20 years they have been developing and manufacturing upholstered furniture at the Russian company Mebel Holding. Today the company has focused on the production and sale of furniture products. There are over 700 items in the assortment, every month the manufacturer tries to release new items. Experts drew attention to high-tech production, a developed dealer network (more than 500 stores), and individual work with clients. The advantages of the brand include the whole range of services for the delivery, lifting and assembly of their products.

Users praise the factory for prompt execution of orders, affordable prices and good quality. But sometimes furniture is brought in at night, measurers are not always highly qualified.




Rating: 4.6

In 1992, the furniture factory Raduga was created, which after 18 years became known as Blando. The practicality and high quality of furniture allowed the brand to become popular in our country. Factory workshops with an area of ​​​​5 thousand square meters. m equipped with high-tech equipment. The company pays special attention to the selection of employees. The company purchases fittings for upholstered furniture from well-known European and Chinese suppliers. Joint projects were also implemented at the factory, the experts liked the Russian-Italian Rossetto collection.

The strengths of Blando upholstered furniture, according to users, are a reliable design and comfort. But there are complaints about the quality of the upholstery material. It quickly loses its beauty and cracks.



March 8

Rating: 4.5

The history of the March 8 furniture factory began back in 1914, when the first workshops appeared in Sokolniki. The current generation of users is faced with products that have already been released at a modernized production. Within the walls of the factory, many design ideas are born, which are taken as a basis by small furniture companies. Experts believe that the main advantages of the brand are high-quality assembly and the use of durable materials. The manufacturer works closely with its customers, even metropolitan managers come to the Moscow region.

A place in the TOP-6 for the brand was provided by flattering consumer reviews. They note the accuracy of fulfilling contractual obligations, the courtesy of the staff, the accuracy in delivery and assembly. But high prices and difficulties with the return of furniture did not allow the factory to rise higher.



Vanguard Line

Rating: 4.4

The domestic brand of upholstered furniture Avangard Line appeared in 1996. A small enterprise developed especially actively for the first 12 years, in a short time it turned into a large company. The manufacturer regularly updates its collections, working to improve the quality of products. In 2008, the brand received the Ecological Certificate of Conformity, which indicates a responsible attitude towards the environment. The experts liked the wooden details that give the furniture beauty and solidity.

Consumers are pleased with the variety of styles, a rich selection of fabrics, and the unobtrusiveness of the staff. As for the disadvantages, users are unhappy with the high price, poor packaging and the problem of returning defective products.



Borovichi Furniture

Rating: 4.3

The furniture factory Borovichi-Mebel has a modern production base. Experts included the brand in our review for its reputation as a reliable partner and developed distribution network. Thanks to the use of environmentally friendly materials and unique developments, the manufacturer managed to find buyers not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries, the USA, Israel and Germany. The brand managed to satisfy the needs of spoiled consumers due to European quality and reasonable prices.

Russian consumers are not always satisfied with upholstered furniture Borovichi-Mebel. Complaints are addressed to the quality of workmanship, often there are difficulties with assembling new sofas and armchairs. The advantages of users include an affordable price and a wide range.




Rating: 4.2

In 1996, the Moscow company Rival was founded, which was engaged in the production of upholstered furniture. Despite many crises, the company managed to increase its potential. A landmark event for the company took place in 2018, when the products entered the European market. For foreign consumers, furniture is supplied under the Rivalli brand. The experts highly appreciated the adherence to the principles of the “5S” system, which provides for an increase in labor productivity, a decrease in the level of injuries and an improvement in product quality.

Domestic users are satisfied with the beautiful appearance of upholstered furniture, high-quality fabric upholstery, and a convenient transformation system. But delivery times are often missed, and leatherette quickly begins to crumble.




Rating: 4.1

The largest manufacturer of upholstered furniture in the Republic of Belarus is the Laguna factory. It produces a wide range of models, from budget goods to exclusive items. The manufacturer pays much attention to the quality of its products and timely delivery of furniture to customers. The company has already received a Russian quality certificate, which allows it to compete with foreign players on equal terms. For affordable prices and accurate fulfillment of warranty obligations, the brand falls into the TOP-10 of our review.

Domestic consumers liked a wide range of upholstered furniture for every taste. However, in terms of quality, there are conflicting reviews. Apparently, counterfeit products are sold in Russia under the Belarusian brand.



The best cabinet furniture factories

Not so long ago, ready-made cabinet furniture prevailed in the apartments and houses of Russians. Today, there is a rush demand for built-in wardrobes, kitchens, bedrooms, made to order. Experts advise to pay attention to cabinet furniture from the following manufacturers.

Lapis lazuli

Rating: 5.0

More than 20 years have passed since the Lazurit furniture factory was established in Kaliningrad. Thanks to original design approaches and high quality manufacturing, the company’s products quickly gained popularity in all regions of Russia. The manufacturer has relied on innovative materials, which allowed him to become a leader in the furniture market. The catalog contains both ready-made kits and modular systems. You can find cabinet furniture for the kitchen, bedroom, living room or hallway. Experts were pleasantly surprised by bright elements, original forms and a variety of styles. The brand deservedly becomes the winner in our review.

Buyers praise Lazurit furniture for practicality, modernity, environmental friendliness and high quality. The only downside is the high prices.




Rating: 4.9

A large production association in Russia is the TriYa holding. The factory specializes in the manufacture of environmentally friendly products from its own raw materials. Experts have praised the brand for its responsible approach to forest wealth, cutting wood is accompanied by planting a young forest. The company purchases furniture fittings from foreign partners. The consumer is offered both elite types of products and furniture of the middle segment. As for the style, the basis of the range is the traditional classics. The brand receives the silver of our review.

Domestic users speak flatteringly about the good quality, wide range, elegant design. Of the minuses, frequent disruptions in the delivery of ordered products are noted.




Rating: 4.8

In 1990, the ORIMEX furniture factory was founded. She took up the production of exclusive furniture and dining groups made of oak. Thanks to the creative approach, the company managed to win many awards at the Furniture of Russia exhibitions. Currently, the company is equipped with modern German and Italian equipment, high-quality raw materials are taken for the manufacture of furniture. Careful control is established at all stages, so defective products rarely go on sale. Experts gave the brand the third place in our review.

Positive statements prevail in the reviews of Russian consumers, they relate to natural materials, build quality and good fittings. As for the shortcomings, most of all claims are addressed to the high price and heavy weight.




Rating: 4.7

The oldest furniture company in the post-Soviet space is the Belarusian company Pinskdrev. The factory has been operating for over 130 years, delighting consumers with quality furniture. Experts note the unique style, thanks to which the products differ from the furniture of competitors. The main raw material in production is natural wood, which makes the range not only beautiful, but also environmentally friendly. The enterprise is equipped with imported automatic lines, they reduce the probability of marriage to zero. The brand stops a step away from the top three because of poor service.

Russian users praise the Belarusian manufacturer for environmental friendliness, unique design, and a variety of models. Only with the speed of delivery the brand needs to work.




Rating: 4.6

The Dyatkovo furniture factory has a developed distribution network. Its products are supplied to all regions of Russia, neighboring countries, Switzerland and the USA. German, Italian and Russian designers take part in the development of new models. The range includes furniture groups for nurseries, bedrooms, living rooms and hallways. Particular attention is drawn to kitchens with an Italian temperament, they are presented in different styles, from palace classics to modern.

Users agree with experts regarding the high quality of Dyatkovo furniture, exquisite design and a wide range of sizes. Dissatisfaction is caused by the high price, long delivery, there are inaccuracies in the instructions for assembling furniture.




Rating: 4.5

The richest assortment of furniture and accessories for it is available at the Soyuz-mebel factory. The workshops of the enterprise are equipped with modern equipment, where chipboard boards are processed. The experts highly appreciated not only the wide range of models, but also the environmental friendliness of the products. Countertops for the kitchen are distinguished by high resistance to mechanical stress. Their surface withstands blows from dishes, exposure to cold and hot water. The company provides services for the development and manufacture of cabinet furniture according to individual sizes.

Users praise the Soyuz-mebel brand for a rich assortment and affordable prices. Representative offices of the company are available in 50 cities of the country. However, when moisture gets on the chipboard, the panels swell and dry out.




Rating: 4.4

For more than 15 years, the Russian factory Ronikon has been producing cabinet furniture. Experts included the brand in our review for creating products that meet the requirements of GOSTs. In addition, the furniture complies with EU standards, which is confirmed by the certificate of the Italian laboratory CATAS. The company offers domestic consumers a wide range of models, which include both individual cabinets and sets and kits.

After analyzing consumer reviews, several conclusions can be drawn. The quality of the furniture suits the majority of buyers, the work of sales consultants is not satisfactory. But the efficiency of order fulfillment leaves much to be desired, because the delay is sometimes more than a month.



Somovo furniture

Rating: 4.3

Since 1929, the Somovo Mebel factory has been engaged in woodworking. Starting with the production of roofing shingles (chips), the company eventually retrained into a furniture manufacturer. In 1983, the factory mastered the production of rustic furniture; it was in great demand in European countries. Today, the factory workshops have undergone another modernization, they are equipped with high-tech imported equipment. The company uses only natural materials in its production. Experts are surprised by the large number of awards, the products have repeatedly won in the nominations “Best Product”, “Great Price”, “High Quality”.

Many buyers in the reviews consider the optimal balance of price and quality. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting an unpleasant odor that causes vomiting in some users.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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