19 Best Cat Breeds

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Cats are one of the most popular pets. Each breed has certain character traits. Not all feline representatives are contact and can get along with obsessive children and other pets. Cats have different attitudes towards human society: some need constant communication, others tend to avoid it. You should know about this before getting a kitten. Our article will help you make the right choice.

Rating of the best cat breeds

Nomination Place Name Rating
The most active and sociable cats      1 Toyger      5.0
     2 Bengali      4.9
     3 Abyssinian cat      4.8
     4 Siamese cat      4.7
     5 Savanna      4.6
     6 somali cat      4.5
     7 Russian blue cat      4.4
     8 Maine Coon      4.3
     9 singapore cat      4.2
     10 Manx cat      4.1
     11 Sphinx      4.0
Самые спокойные породы кошек      1 Scottish lop-eared      5.0
     2 British Shorthair      4.9
     3 Persian      4.8
     4 Ragdoll      4.7
     5 Burmese cat      4.6
     6 american shorthair cat      4.5
     7 Selkirk Rex      4.4
     8 Burmese cat      4.3

The most active and sociable cats


Rating: 5.0

Breed of short-haired domestic cats, which has a brindle color.

By nature, toygers are peaceful, good-natured and active pets. They are very affectionate, but unobnoxious and completely unforgiving. The striped ones will not develop a plan of insidious revenge for an accidentally crushed tail or painful injections.

In choosing a partner for pranks, toygers are indiscriminate – they play with the same pleasure both with the owner and with any person who is on the doorstep of the house. It is enough for the guest to show only minimal interest in the animal. Especially toygers love children, because they cannot live a day without games and running around. Quadrupeds are active until old age, and they live an average of 14-17 years.

Любимое занятие тигровых – забраться на колени или живот хозяина и, переминаясь с лапы на лапу, делать расслабляющий массаж. Обычно действие сопровождается мурлыканьем. Одиночеству тойгеры предпочтут человеческое общество, поэтому отправляясь на дачу или прогулку, стоит взять питомца с собой.

Fun fact: Toyger cats are more sociable and obedient than cats.


Rating: 4.9

An intergeneric cross between a domestic cat and a wild Bengal cat.

The curiosity, activity and playfulness that Bengals are endowed with manifest themselves throughout their lives. From an early age, you need to educate a kitten so that over time it does not turn into an uncontrollable pet.

Bengal cats are sociable and trusting, willingly make contact with people. Alone, pets get bored and sincerely rejoice at the return of their owners home. Long-term neglect of a pet will lead to an insistent demand for attention.

Bengals do not show aggression towards annoying children – they are more likely to hide in a secluded place if they are not in the mood for communication. In general, cats love to have fun together and even bring their own toys to encourage them to play.

An interesting fact: Bengals are more favorable than other feline representatives to leashes and harnesses.

Abyssinian cat

Rating: 4.8

One of the oldest cat breeds.

Friendly and sociable Abyssinians participate in everything that a person does. Natural curiosity pushes pets to constantly explore everything around – whether it’s a long-studied corner of the room or any new object.

By nature, Abyssinians are very active, but they will not ride curtains and spoil furniture – thanks to their innate intelligence, they quickly learn the rules of behavior in the house.

Cats of this breed are very affectionate towards family members and require human attention – otherwise they can become depressed and get sick. Pets are patient with children, during the game they do not release their claws.

Abyssinians get along well with other cats, but hamsters and parrots are perceived exclusively as prey and will not miss the opportunity to hunt.

An interesting fact: the representatives of the Abyssinian breed have a highly developed parental instinct, and cats take care of their offspring no less than cats.

Siamese cat

Rating: 4.7

A popular short-haired breed with a recognizable point color.

Siamese cats are one of the most talkative and intelligent felines in the world. They learn quickly, the main thing is not to raise your voice at them: proud Siamese can become stubborn from such an attitude.

Pets of this breed are very devoted to their owners. They can lie in the hands of the owner for a long time, rub against him, purr. You need to communicate with such animals – they happily answer with a piercing raspy voice. At the same time, the Siamese are very jealous. They can take revenge on the owner if he began to pay less attention. Leaving your pets alone for a long time, you can find torn wallpapers, torn curtains, broken flower pots. This is how they express dissatisfaction.

Siamese are very sensual and sensitive. If the owner offends, the cat will be offended for a long time and will not approach him. After – for some time it will be treated with caution.

Pets are very active and frisky, they love outdoor games with toys. They are condescending and friendly to the younger members of the family, however, it is worth going too far and claws and fangs are used.

An interesting fact: kittens are born with white hair, marks that darken with time appear only after 2 weeks.


Rating: 4.6

A mix between a domestic cat and an African serval.

Smart, mobile pets are compared to dogs. They are loyal to their owners, meet those who come at the doorstep, are amenable to training, love to walk on a leash or ride in a car.

Large curious representatives of the Savannah breed (weight ranges from 8 to 15 kg.) Lead an active lifestyle. They follow the owner from room to room, easily open cabinet drawers and doors, play with pleasure, bringing abandoned objects. For the maintenance of such pets, it is better to equip play corners with many toys.

Savannahs choose one or a maximum of two owners, in relation to which they demonstrate their loyalty, they simply do not notice the rest. As a sign of trust and joy from the meeting, the savannas rub against the owners, touch them with their paws. Independent cats may allow themselves to be stroked, but only if they themselves want it.

Sociable four-legged love to communicate. They hiss, make various sounds, not always similar to the usual meow.

An interesting fact: Savannah cats are very independent cats, they do not respond and do not approach the call if they do not want to.

somali cat

Rating: 4.5

A long-haired breed descended from the Abyssinian.

Somalia cannot live and develop well without human interaction. Unlike Siamese and Savannahs, Somalis try to establish contact with all family members. They quickly get used to the inhabitants of the house and have a hard time parting.

Representatives of this breed will never lie on the couch unless a new item in the house is checked. When everything is learned, they will start over. If there are other pets in the family, Somali friends immediately appear: be it a rodent, a dog or a parrot.

Somalis are patient with small children: they can watch for a long time how they play with their favorite toys or tail. Representatives of this breed are very happy with guests. They strive to be the center of attention, showing the best features of their character.

An interesting fact: Somali subtly capture the mood of the owner and will not impose their society if the owner is not in the mood for communication.

Russian blue cat

Rating: 4.4

One of the most popular shorthair breeds.

Among the rest of the felines, the Russian Blue is distinguished by complaisance. With their owners, these four-legged animals are very gentle and affectionate.

These creatures are endowed with tact and intelligence, able to respond to the tone and speech of the owners, to understand their gestures. You should not expect sabotage from Russian blues – vindictiveness is unusual for them.

Всех кошек этой породы объединяет такая черта характера, как игривость и любопытство. Эти животные играют со всем, что найдут на полу, любят взбираться на шкафы, холодильники, карнизы. Чтобы такая любознательность не привела к травмам питомцев и порче имущества, стоит заблаговременно позаботиться о наличии в доме многоуровневых кошачьих домиков.

Cats of this breed are especially positive about the younger members of the family. They are ready to endure any whims of children and are happy to join in joint outdoor games.

Fun fact: Despite being energetic, Russian Blues are prone to obesity.

Maine Coon

Rating: 4.3

The representative of long-haired cats comes from North America.

Behind the rather stern appearance of the Maine Coon lies an incredible charm and kind soul. They quickly become attached to people and treat them sincerely. Cats of this breed are unobtrusive – they will not require constant attention, it is enough for them to be near the owners and watch what is happening.

Quadrupeds often try to conduct a dialogue with the owners, making sounds unusual for other cats: cooing, chirping, whistling, cooing.

Maine Coons are addicted to outdoor games and jogging, like to walk on a leash and swim in water, which is very similar to dogs. These cats are active even in extreme old age.

Maine Coons are wary of guests, demonstrating calmness and goodwill. They do not seek to communicate with strangers and often hide from them in a secluded place.

An interesting fact: among the Maine Coons, multi-toedness is common – often there are 6, and sometimes more fingers on the paws.

singapore cat

Rating: 4.2

A breed of smooth-haired cats with a unique golden-cream color.

Singapura cats are loyal, very affectionate and absolutely devoid of aggression animals. They seek the company of hosts under any circumstances. The love and sociability of pets often comes to obsession – they can persistently climb on their hands or, seeking affection, get in the way under their feet.

Singaporeans have a hard time being alone. They will feel great in large families or in the company of single people who are constantly at home.

Throughout their lives, these creatures remain playful and energetic. They are prone to climbing and active jumping. They love the company of children, share their fun games with pleasure.

An interesting fact: in 1991, the quadrupeds were proclaimed a national symbol in their homeland and a monument was erected on the banks of the Singapore River.

Manx cat

Rating: 4.1

Short-haired cats are characterized by a small tail or its complete absence. Less common are representatives with tails of ordinary length.

Manx, like Somalis, get along well with all family members, but they experience emotional attachment to only one owner. They love human society, so they relentlessly follow their owners and, at any opportunity, climb into their arms.

These four-legged animals love active pastime. They move around the apartment in leaps and bounds, climb all kinds of elevations, explore everything around.

The Manx are gentle with children. If they play out and start to cause discomfort, cats will prefer to go to a quiet place, rather than let out their claws.

An interesting fact: due to the lack of a tail, Manx cats do not know how to “correctly” fall. The consequences of a fall can be severe.


Rating: 4.0

One of several hairless cat breeds.

Loving sphinxes really need to communicate with a person: they prefer to sleep next to each other, they love to be stroked. They are very welcoming and friendly – they easily make contact with strangers, willingly allow themselves to be stroked.

Sphinxes are characterized by activity and playfulness, which persist until old age. They get along well with children, but should not be left unattended at the time of the game. Pets are not protected by wool, they can be easily injured.

Representatives of this breed have good relationships with other cats, and can get along with dogs. And they are indifferent to rats, guinea pigs, hamsters and other living creatures – sphinxes are deprived of the hunting instinct.

An interesting fact: sphinxes have a high appetite, which is associated with increased body temperature and a fast metabolism.

Самые спокойные породы кошек

Scottish lop-eared

Rating: 5.0

A breed of cat with a characteristic structure of the ears: they are bent down and forward.

Scottish folds have a calm, kind, balanced character. The lifestyle of representatives of this breed is quite measured. Too noisy and fun games they do not like – they would rather sit on the sidelines than make up a company.

Lop-eared sincerely become attached to the owners, treat all family members equally warmly. They like to communicate with the help of purrs and hoarse meows. Patting yourself is not always and not for everyone.

The movements of the folds are measured and unhurried. They rarely run, activity decreases with age. Favorite pastime is to sit in a couch, watch what is happening or take a nap.

Interesting fact: Scottish cats love to stand on their hind legs and stand in a gopher pose for a long time.

British Shorthair

Rating: 4.9

One of the most ancient, widespread breeds of cats.

Smart, independent Britons can easily endure loneliness – they can be left alone for several days. They know how to entertain themselves.

These four-legged animals need a polite and attentive attitude. Will never be imposed on the owners. Favorably accept affection, if they are in the right mood. Otherwise, it is better not to touch the pet.

Up to a year, British cats practically do not differ from other cats – they love active games, study hard-to-reach places. With age, they become calmer – they sleep for 14-16 hours, the rest of the time they prefer to bypass their “possessions” and take care of their hair.

The British do not get angry and do not show displeasure when strangers come, but they do not make contact either. They sniff at the guest’s belongings for a long time, watching him warily. You can earn the trust of a pet only after a long time.

An interesting fact: the common name “fold-eared Briton” is incorrect: the British are only short-haired and long-haired, and the Scots are fold- and straight-haired.


Rating: 4.8

Breed of long-haired cats.

Persians have a phlegmatic temperament. Active games will be preferred to rest on the couch and observe what is happening around.

Long hair, reaching 15 cm, requires constant care. The Persians at this time behave calmly and supplely. These creatures are very affectionate: they love to sit on their owners’ laps, caress and purr as a token of their affection.

The voice of the Persians is rarely heard. They demand attention calmly and persistently: they sit near the owner and stare intently into his face.

Long-haired pets are very peaceful. They get along well with other pets, do not offend domestic birds. Persian cats with dignity endure the harassment of children, but in case of extreme discontent, they hide in a calm place.

An interesting fact: a small upturned nose causes a lot of trouble: it is more difficult for Persians to eat than other cats, while running and active games they suffocate from a lack of oxygen.


Rating: 4.7

Large breed of semi-longhair cats.

Ragdolls are very peaceful and affectionate animals. They love spending time with family members. In the hands of the owners, ragdolls literally hang, relaxing all the muscles. For this feature, the breed is called the “rag doll”.

Pets show interest in all household chores. Mustaches endure loneliness hard – they can refuse food and mope. Ragdolls are unpretentious, easily adapt to the external environment. Therefore, when going on a long trip, it is better to take your pet with you.

Representatives of this breed love silence and absolutely cannot stand loud sounds, screams. Ragdolls need peace, so it is important that the pet has its own nook.

An interesting fact: ragdolls, unlike other feline representatives, do not know how to land on 4 paws at once, they do not know how to group themselves in flight.

Burmese cat

Rating: 4.6

A breed of semi-longhair cats of color-point color.

Burmese cats have a balanced temperament: they are not as active as, for example, toygers, but not as passive as representatives of the Persian breed. Burmese can be quiet and calm when the owners are busy with business, and energetic, playful when they take time to play with their pet.

The four-legged of this breed are very obedient and affectionate. They like to spend time on their hands or knees. They get along well with children, never bite or release their claws in games. Curious Burmese are happy to meet new people who have come to the house.

Holy Burmese cats are unobtrusive. They subtly feel the mood of the owners. According to the owners, if a quarrel occurs in the family, the Burmese make attempts to reconcile everyone in order to improve the atmosphere in the house.

An interesting fact: Burmese kittens are born with snow-white hair and gradually darken in those places where blood circulation is worse. With a long stay in the cold, the coat of animals may darken prematurely.

american shorthair cat

Rating: 4.5

A breed of domestic cat with over 80 different coat colors.

American representatives of the feline kind are kind and peaceful, while independent and self-reliant. They will fawn and purr only when they feel like it.

American Shorthairs are calm and even a little lazy. Most of the time, they prefer to lie down, surveying the area, or doze in a cozy place. Despite this, cats always respond to the desire to play.

Cohabitation with dogs and other felines takes place in peaceful conditions, which cannot be said about rodents and ornamental birds. Cats with American roots have sharpened hunting instincts, they will not miss the opportunity to hunt.

Fun fact: Americans love to stock up by burying food in secluded places and, unlike dogs, never forget where treats are stashed.

Selkirk Rex

Rating: 4.4

One of the youngest breeds of cats, which appeared in 1987 in the USA.

Selkirks are known for their outgoing nature. They are equally warm to all family members, especially children. Never aggressive. They love to sit on the lap, shoulders or desktop of the owner, they are always ready to cuddle under the background of their own purring.

Заводчики селкирков утверждают, что это не диванные кошки, но и не сумасшедшие озорники, а спокойные, добрые, умные создания.

Because of their sociability, cats can hardly tolerate loneliness, which affects their psyche and general condition.

An interesting fact: the prefix “rex” in the name of the breed appeared as a result of the presence of the curly coat gene. Such genetic variations are found in dogs, rabbits, horses, rats.

Burmese cat

Rating: 4.3

Shorthair cat breed, divided into 2 main types: American and European.

Burmese cats are moderately playful, lethargy is unusual for them. Quadrupeds are able to invent new games on the go and demonstrate them to the audience. If the enterprise is not noticed, the Burmese will figure out how to capture the attention of family members in another way.

Burmese are often called cats with a dog-like character. They spend a lot of time with their owner and can tag along from room to room. They like to sleep not only on the master’s knees, but also in the same bed with the owner.

Burmese are welcoming and friendly. They love petting and are ready to purr to anyone who pays attention to them.

Often you can catch an animal contemplating an aquarium or life outside the window. They like to spend time in a calm environment – this is how cats relax.

An interesting fact: the golden eyes of the Burmese change color depending on the light source and the intensity of the radiation.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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