At week 18, women who are not pregnant for the first time usually already feel the baby move. The eighteenth week of pregnancy according to the obstetric method is equal to the middle of the fifth month, that is, it corresponds to a period of four months of 28 days plus two weeks. The uterus has grown so much that pregnancy is already noticeable not only for the woman, but also for others. However, the belly is not yet large enough to limit walks, physical education and swimming, and simple household chores.
What’s going on with mom?
The metabolism in the female body is rebuilt to meet the needs of the growing fetus. Protein and salts are actively stored for the formation of the child’s tissues, his musculoskeletal and immune systems. Healthy fats accumulate under the skin and in the mammary glands. There is a growing need for vitamins of groups D, B, C, E. The pregnant uterus needs support with a special prenatal bandage, which is selected, planning to wear it until the baby is born.
What’s going on with the baby?
Under the thin smooth skin of the fetus, which has a reddish color due to translucent blood vessels, the formation of fatty tissue begins. The skin itself is coated with a protective lubricant that allows it to withstand the action of the amniotic fluid. The proportions of the body have changed so much that outwardly the child is very similar to a newborn baby. Small fingers and toes already have phalanges and a skin pattern.
Fetal parameters at week 18:
Weight – 200 g;
KTR (coccygeal-parietal size) – 14 cm.
In the brain, the formation of myelin sheaths covering the nerve fibers begins. The nervous system controls the movements of the fetus, they become so active that now the expectant mother already feels them. The baby reacts to the bright light of the lamp brought to the mother’s stomach, although his eyelids are still closed, and also distinguishes the nature of the sounds reaching him. He is frightened by loud noise and screaming, shuddering and making sudden movements, and calms down in response to affectionate gentle intonations and melodic music.
The endocrine system is improving, the child has the beginnings of future immunity – the body produces its own interferon and immunoglobulin. The sex of the unborn child has ceased to be a secret, now it can be easily distinguished during an ultrasound scan.