18 Best Vitamins for Teens

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, adolescence refers to the period of growth and development that begins after childhood and lasts until maturity (from 10 to 19 years). At this time, there is a dynamic growth and physiological changes that are inferior to those only in infancy. Specialists distinguish early (usually lasts from 10 to 14 years) and older (from 14 to 19) adolescence.

Teenagers are very quickly stretched in growth. At this time, increased stress is also experienced by the heart muscle. Rapid hormonal changes exacerbate the condition. Young people begin to experience psychological problems. School loads are becoming more and more, so teenage organisms are forced to expend a lot of energy. And it is not always possible to compensate for this only with food.

The need for vitamins for adolescent organisms

Young organisms especially need vitamins. They help them more painlessly survive puberty. These biologically active substances in the body of a teenager perform the following functions:

  1. contribute to the proper formation of bone tissue;

  2. ensure the organic flow of biochemical processes in the body during hormonal fluctuations;

  3. improve the appearance of nails, hair, skin;

  4. help to cope with stress;

  5. give vitality and endurance.

Ideally, the body should be saturated with natural vitamins. But adolescent nutrition is not always balanced. In this case, special pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes are relevant. They are created taking into account the age characteristics of the body. They should compensate for the daily need of the body for nutrients.

Norms of consumption of vitamins

Table of daily intake of vitamins:


7-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years


700 mcg times. eq.

1000 mcg ret. equiv. for boys; 800 mcg ret. equiv. for girls

1000 mcg ret. equiv. for boys; 800 mcg ret. equiv. for girls


10,0 mg current. equiv.

12,0 mg current. equiv.

15,0 mg current. equiv.


60 mg

70 mg for boys; 60 mg for girls

90 mg for boys; 70 mg for girls


10 μg

10 μg

10 μg


1,1 mg

1,3 mg

1,5 mg for boys; 1,3 mg for girls


1,2 mg

1,5 mg

1,8 mg for boys; 1,5 mg for girls


15,0 mg

18,0 mg

20,0 mg for boys; 18,0 mg for girls


3,0 mg

3,5 mg

5,0 mg for boys; 4,0 mg for girls


1,5 mg

1,7 mg for boys; 1,6 mg for girls

2,0 mg for boys; 1,6 mg for girls


20,0 μg

25 μg

50 μg


200 μg

300-400 µg

400 μg


2,0 μg

3,0 μg

3,0 μg


60 μg

80 mcg for boys; 70 mcg for girls

120 mcg for boys; 100 mcg for girls

This review is devoted to the consideration of the best combined products, including the necessary set of vitamins, macro and microelements for adolescents.

Rating of the best vitamins for teenagers

NominationPlaceName of productPrice
The best vitamins for teenagers 10-14 years old      1Supradin Kids magic dragee     583 ₽
     2Vitrum Junior     467 ₽
     3Doppelhertz Kinder Omega-3     524 ₽
     4Multi-Tabs Junior     457 ₽
     5Complivit Active for children and teenagers     284 ₽
     6Univit Kids     446 ₽
     7Pikovit Forte     367 ₽
     8Alphabet Schoolboy     332 ₽
The best vitamins for teenagers 14-18 years old      1Vitrum Teen     400 ₽
     2Doppelgerz Beauty Anti-Acne     706 ₽
     3Berocca Plus     925 ₽
     4Centrum from A to Zinc     644 ₽
     5Nature’s Plus Power-Teen     1 570 ₽
     6Multi Tabs Classic     474 ₽
     7Selmevit     307 ₽
     8Duovit     267 ₽
     9Alphabet Teen     312 ₽
     10Supradin     1 161 ₽

The best vitamins for teenagers 10-14 years old

At this age, the growth of bone mass occurs faster than the internal organs. Adolescents have dizziness, heart pain, weakness, muscle cramps. Properly selected vitamin complexes are designed to get rid of such problems.

Supradin Kids magic dragee

Rating: 4.9

Swiss dietary supplement Supradin Kids contains vitamins: A, E, C, D, K1, B3, B6, B7, B12. And this remedy is reinforced with iodine and zinc. Since the product looks like a candy, there are many food colors and flavors in the composition. Multivitamins Supradin Kids give a charge of vivacity, and strengthen the health of children and adolescents.

BAA Supradin Kids is a soft oblong candy. Each of them weighs 1,8 g. In the bottle they are presented in two colors: red (strawberry), yellow (citrus). The shell of the dragee is quite dense, and inside they are soft. The taste is sweet with a slight sourness. Adolescents (10-14 years old) are recommended to take 3 tablets per day. They are divided into 3 times and consumed during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Supradin Kids magic dragee does not contain super doses of vitamins, but they completely cover most of the daily doses. With obvious beriberi, they will be rather weak, but for preventive purposes they are well suited. Adolescents, on the background of the use of this supplement, improve school performance, become more cheerful, and suffer less from colds. This remedy is generally well tolerated, but allergy sufferers should take it with caution.



Vitrum Junior

Rating: 4.8

The next nominee of our review was the American drug Vitrum Junior. This tool contains 23 useful components. Their doses are selected so as to satisfy the daily need for vitamins and minerals as much as possible. This drug is good for those who, against the background of reduced immunity, often suffer from SARS. Vitrum Junior is suitable for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

It is quite pleasant to use Vitrum Junior, except for those grains that remain in the mouth after chewing the tablets. The latter are flat, round in shape, have a light brown color and dark blotches. Their smell is fruity, the taste has a pronounced sourness. Adolescents from 10 to 14 years old are supposed to take 1 tablet a day, preferably after breakfast.

According to the reviews of parents, Vitrum Junior tablets help their growing children feel more cheerful. In the classroom, it is easier for them to concentrate and remember information. With such vitamins, teenagers are less irritated. The condition of their skin improves. During the period of colds, adolescents are less likely to become infected, and if this does happen, they recover faster.



Doppelhertz Kinder Omega-3

Rating: 4.7

When using the German supplement Doppelherz Kinder Omega-3, teenagers can enrich their bodies with vitamins A, E, D3, as well as fish oil. This dietary supplement is primarily intended to strengthen the immune system in children and adolescents. It affects the normal development and functioning of the reproductive system. It supports the normal formation of bones and teeth, and also strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Doppelgerz Kinder Omega-3 dietary supplements are produced in the form of fairly large capsules, but usually adolescents do not have difficulty swallowing them. They do not have a repulsive smell or taste. Vitamins are located on blisters. The daily dose for children and adolescents over 7 years old is 2 capsules per day. It is preferable to drink them during breakfast. The recommended course is 30 days. But one package is only enough for 22 days (45 capsules).

This German supplement helps teenagers to be more concentrated and activates their ability to remember a lot of information. They also get fewer colds while taking Doppelherz Kinder Omega-3. This dietary supplement is usually well absorbed and rarely causes adverse reactions in the body. This fish oil, supplemented with vitamins, is odorless and quite comfortable to use.



Multi-Tabs Junior

Rating: 4.7

Another nominee for the review was the Danish vitamins Multi-Tabs Junior. The drug is primarily designed for the age category of 4-11 years. The composition contains 18 useful ingredients. All of them are necessary during intensive growth. For schoolchildren, this drug helps to endure mental stress during the educational process and physical stress during sports.

Multi-Tabs Junior chewable tablets are round and flat in shape. Their color is light yellow with numerous multi-colored patches. They come in two flavors: fruity (orange) or strawberry-raspberry. Vitamins break down quite easily. Adolescents (10-11 years old) are prescribed 1 tablet per day. It is recommended to chew them during breakfast or immediately after it.

Multi-Tabs Junior tablets are usually to the taste of the younger generation. With them, cheerfulness in children is maintained all day. Their grades in school improve markedly. They are less likely to experience acute respiratory infections and SARS. This complex is usually well tolerated. Although adolescents with allergies cannot rule out hypersensitivity to individual components.



Complivit Active for children and teenagers

Rating: 4.7

The Russian company Pharmstandard also specializes in the production of vitamins for teenagers. Their popular drug is Complivit Active. This complex contains 12 vitamins, which are supplemented with 10 minerals. All components are compatible with each other, because a special manufacturing technology is used. Complivit Active is needed for adolescents who are malnourished, and also face increased physical and mental stress.

This Russian drug is produced in the form of oblong tablets, convex on both sides, coated with a light green color. They are quite large, so they can create difficulties when swallowing. The tablets are placed in plastic jars. Adolescents 10-12 years old are recommended to take them 1 piece 1 time per day. Vitamins should be consumed after meals and washed down with half a glass of clean water.

The drug Complivit Active quite effectively protects adolescents from frequent colds. They are full of energy and are in a good mood. Hair, nails and skin also look good, even though puberty has begun. This drug is usually well tolerated. But many note that it should never be taken on an empty stomach, as this can provoke nausea and epigastric pain.



Univit Kids

Rating: 4.6

The composition of the German dietary supplement Univit Kids contains all the most necessary vitamins for the full development of growing organisms. It is designed for use by children from 3 years old, but is also suitable for teenagers up to 14 years old. Vitamins contained in 1 lozenge have such dosages that in older children they cover only half of the daily requirement, so they should take a double portion.

Sold by Univit Kids in the form of chewable lozenges in the shape of dinosaurs. Their color is red-brown. Food coloring is responsible for this. The lozenges are quite elastic, but are chewed without problems. In the bottle they do not stick together. Their taste is fruity, sweet with pronounced sourness. Flavors include raspberry and orange. Up to 11 years, 1 dinosaur per day is enough. From 11 to 14 years old, Univit Kids take 2 lozenges per day. They are chewed on 1 piece during breakfast and lunch.

With the Univit Kids complex, adolescents experience rashes and peeling on the skin. Hair grows fairly quickly, and nails exfoliate and break less. They improve the quality of sleep, and in the morning they wake up easily and feel cheerful. Many adults like that the bottle has a cap that protects it from being opened by children. This is practical if there is a younger child in addition to a teenager in the family. The product is usually well tolerated.



Pikovit Forte

Rating: 4.5

The drug Pikovit Forte contains 11 essential vitamins that teenage organisms need. This complex is perfect for schoolchildren who have to work hard mentally, and some physically (classes in sports sections). It is often prescribed to teenagers who have a poor appetite or little intake of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Tablets Pikovit Forte have a round shape, convex on both sides (dragee) in a smooth shell. Their color is orange. Tablets are intended for resorption. At first they are sour (the preparation does not contain sugar), and in the end bitterness is felt. Children from 7 years of age and older are supposed to take 1 tablet a day immediately after breakfast. Since the composition contains maltitol, then, if the doses are exceeded, it can provoke diarrhea.

Teenagers are not very happy with the taste of these tablets, but Pikovit Forte works very well on their bodies. Multivitamin means provides a charge of vivacity for the whole day. Helps to stabilize the emotional state. The drug relieves dryness of the skin, makes the hair “shiny”. Pikovit Forte helps to recover faster after a serious illness. It rarely causes allergic reactions.



Alphabet Schoolboy

Rating: 4.4

The Russian manufacturer Vneshtorg Pharma produces dietary supplements Alfavit Shkolnik. Thanks to her, 18 important substances enter the body of a teenager. Since all components in the supplement are compatible, and there are no dyes, the risk of allergies is much lower than with similar products from other manufacturers.

The release form of this dietary supplement is chewable tablets. For every day there is a set of three pieces that differ in taste and a set of useful components. They need to be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablet. Be sure to maintain a pause of 4-6 hours between each new dose. Take them during breakfast, lunch and dinner. The tablets have cherry, orange and banana flavors. It is quite pleasant, although some consider it quite chymous. One package is enough for 20 days of use.

Alphabet Shkolnik perfectly supports teenagers during puberty and increased loads during the educational process. They begin to study better at school, are less nervous and annoyed over trifles. And such a result is usually not long in coming. Their blood tests improve (hemoglobin rises). Teenagers are more likely to survive the cold season. It also pleases the condition of their teeth, skin, nails and hair.



The best vitamins for teenagers 14-18 years old

From a physiological point of view, a person from the age of 14 is considered an adult. With this in mind, adolescents of this age category are suitable for both specially designed vitamins for them, and some drugs for adults.

Vitrum Teen

Rating: 4.9

The American drug Vitrum Teenager can saturate the body of a teenager with 13 vitamins and 11 minerals. Regarding vitamins, this remedy covers the daily requirement for this age group completely, but with minerals, everything looks a little worse. The drug normalizes all body functions during dynamic growth and hormonal changes.

Release form Vitrum Teenager – chewable tablets. They are brown-gray in color and have many light blotches. There are vitamins in a bottle made of dense, opaque plastic. Their taste and smell are coffee, sweetish. But not everyone likes it. They are quite dense and require effort to chew them. Vitamins are supposed to take 1 piece not on an empty stomach in the morning.

With these American vitamins, teenagers become more efficient and get a big boost of energy while using this remedy. Their mood and overall well-being improves. This complex helped many to successfully survive the exam. Usually Vitrum Teen does not cause any problems during use, but in some it can provoke allergic rashes.



Doppelgerz Beauty Anti-Acne

Rating: 4.8

The German dietary supplement Doppelherz Beauty Anti-Acne is designed to help teenagers with problem skin. The therapeutic effect is due to brewer’s yeast, biotin (vitamin B7), Zn Si present in the composition. All of these components help to ensure that the skin becomes clean, healthy and beautiful. This supplement is appropriate for adolescents over 14 years of age.

The tablets of this dietary supplement have an oblong shape and are painted in a beige-greenish color. They are up to 2 cm long, but have a separation risk that can be used if you cannot swallow them whole. The dietary supplement is packaged in blisters. Take this supplement 1 tablet during breakfast with half a glass of clean water. The average therapeutic course is 4 weeks.

This supplement does not completely eliminate all skin problems during puberty. But she noticeably improves her condition. Young people like that with this dietary supplement they reduce the number of rashes, lighten post-acne spots. This tool makes the immune system stronger, has a cosmetic and restorative effect on the body.



Berocca Plus

Rating: 4.8

The next review nominee – Berocca Plus contains B vitamins, vitamin C, as well as Ca, Mg, Zn. This remedy is excellent for adolescents over 15 years of age who work hard mentally, are actively involved in sports and are often under stress. With the help of this drug, you can easily compensate for vitamin deficiency with inadequate and poorly balanced nutrition.

Berocca Plus is a flat-cylindrical, soluble tablet. They are light orange with patches. There are vitamins in plastic tubes. When dissolved, the tablet gives an orange solution with an orange flavor. On the day they are supposed to take 1 piece, previously a solution in a glass of water. It is better to take the drug after a meal, so as not to irritate the stomach.

Berocca Plus helps high school students and students cope with mental stress. They give physical strength and endurance. Waking up in the morning becomes easy. Vitamins are good for calming the nervous system. Berocca Plus also cleanses the skin from rashes and smoothes post-acne. Tolerability of these vitamins is good, but in some they can still provoke mild gastrointestinal disorders.



Centrum from A to Zinc

Rating: 4.7

Another nominee of the review was the dietary supplement Centrum from A to Zn, containing 24 elements. This dietary supplement supports the body’s defenses, provides it with energy and helps the brain to work more actively. It is approved for use by adolescents over 14 years of age. Often this supplement is prescribed for preventive purposes.

This dietary supplement is sold in the form of oblong blue tablets with a separating risk. They are placed in a white plastic bottle. Take 1 tablet daily with breakfast or lunch. They are usually easy to swallow or can be broken in half. It is usually recommended to drink such vitamins to teenagers for 30 days. That’s just one package.

Many teenagers praise this supplement for the boost of strength and vigor it gives them. They sleep soundly at night, and wake up easily in the morning. Centrum from A to Zinc helps them to endure all the loads in educational institutions and sports clubs. This dietary supplement has a positive effect on the skin. It becomes clean from rashes and less flaky. But if you take the pill on an empty stomach, you may experience stomach pain.



Nature’s Plus Power-Teen

Rating: 4.7

The Nature’s Plus trademark from the USA releases dietary supplement Power-Teen. This product contains 12 vitamins, 10 minerals, Bioperine, and a green superfood blend. The composition of this additive is pure from dyes, preservatives, soy, wheat, milk. All components of this tool help teenage organisms to develop properly and maintain their health.

Nature’s Plus Power-Teen is sold in dark plastic bottles in the form of oblong, rather large tablets. Teenagers are advised to take them 2 pieces 1 time per day. One bottle (180 tablets) is enough for 3 months of use. Some young people are confused by the size of the pill, as well as the fact that their urine becomes light green in color.

From the reviews it follows that the Power-Teen dietary supplement is excellent for adolescents with hormonal disruptions during puberty, with absent-mindedness and loss of strength, characteristic of this age. With this supplement, young people become more efficient mentally and physically. They improve digestion, and the condition of the skin and hair improves.



Multi Tabs Classic

Rating: 4.7

The Danish dietary supplement Multi Tabs Classic is also included in the review. Its primary task is to make the immunity of adolescents stronger. It contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. With the help of this tool, it is possible to regulate the activity of the nervous and digestive systems. It helps with high mental and physical stress.

Multi Tabs tablets are easy and simple to take. They are small, round, convex on both sides, covered with a light yellow smooth shell. They do not have an unpleasant smell and aftertaste. Vitamins can be in a plastic jar or on blisters. For a day, adolescents who are already 14 years old should take 1 tablet.

These vitamins have an affordable cost and a good set of useful elements, so many parents give them their preference. With this complex, their adolescent children more easily experience all the changes in the body that are characteristic of puberty. They feel a surge of energy from the first week of using this supplement. Young people taking Multi Tabs Classic are less likely to become infected with SARS.




Rating: 4.6

The Russian manufacturer Pharmstandard produces the drug Selmevit. If a teenager starts taking this remedy, then 11 essential vitamins, 9 minerals, as well as lipoic acid and methionine enter his body in sufficient quantities. With such a set of useful components, young people experience stressful situations more easily and become more resistant to increased physical and emotional stress.

The process of using this drug is quite complicated, since Selmevit tablets, although they are round in shape and covered with a smooth pink shell, are impressive in size. Some people also dislike the specific smell emanating from these vitamins. Tablets are taken after breakfast/lunch. If a teenager needs prophylaxis, then it is enough to take the drug once a day. And for medicinal purposes, 1 tablets are used per day.

The fact that Selmevit has a good effect on the body is immediately indicated by the results of a blood test. Hemoglobin levels increase significantly. With this drug also increases vitality. Selmevit solves teenage skin and hair problems. Adolescents against the background of the use of Selmevit are less likely to experience acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. But it should be borne in mind that this drug can cause nausea, heartburn.




Rating: 4.5

The review also includes a popular drug from Slovenia, which is produced by the pharmaceutical company Krka. It contains 19 components useful for the body of a teenager. Vitamins are separated with minerals in different tablets (red and blue). By using them in this way, you can increase digestibility.

Dragee Duovita round, convex on both sides. Their size seems too large for some, and during swallowing, they feel how the tablet moves through the esophagus. Dragees are located on blisters. Adolescents over 10 years of age are recommended to use 1 tablet of each color 1 time per day. They are not recommended to be chewed. Drink Duovit with half a glass of water. Take the drug in a course of 20 days.

Teenagers note that Duovit vitamins make them stronger and more resilient. With them, it is much easier to endure mental stress in high school or college. Duovit helps to resist colds well. The appearance of adolescents also improves with Duovit. Hair becomes shiny, falls out less. The nail plates exfoliate less, and the skin is cleared of rashes, its color improves.


  1. increases stress resistance.


Alphabet Teen

Rating: 4.4

Vneshtorg Pharma produces a supplement for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old – Alfavit Teenager. The product contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Dietary supplement without preservatives, artificial flavors and dyes. Alphabet Teenager is recommended to be taken by teenagers during exams, as well as to improve the transfer of physical activity during enhanced sports.

For every day there is a set of vitamins Alphabet Teenager in the form of three multi-colored tablets. They differ in taste and a set of useful components. Tablets are recommended to be chewed 1 piece of each color 3 times a day. They taste good and are like candy. The interval between doses should be 4-6 hours. One package is enough for 20 days of use.

In the reviews, young people note that with the addition of Alphabet Teenager, they manage to maintain a stable emotional state. The performance is also kept at a high level. With these vitamins, hair falls out less, skin condition improves, nails are strengthened. Also, this dietary supplement guarantees a healthy, full sleep. But in order not to irritate the gastric mucosa, this remedy should be consumed after meals.




Rating: 4.4

Another nominee for the review was the Supradin complex from the pharmaceutical company Bayer. As part of this drug, there are 20 useful components intended for use by adults and adolescents from 12 years of age. These vitamins help to adequately withstand various levels of increased stress. This complex can be a godsend for those who have a poorly balanced diet.

Take Supradin 1 tablet per day. But this process can become problematic for some, since these vitamins are quite large. Tablets are oval, convex on both sides, in a shell of red-orange color and without dividing line. The drug is recommended to be taken during breakfast with half a glass of water without gases.

Supradin helps teenagers to calmly experience the difficult period of puberty. With this complex, they become more resilient and efficient. In the classroom at a school or institute, they learn information more easily and calmly survive exams. The likelihood of colds is reduced to a minimum. These vitamins help you sleep better at night and less nervous during the day. They also improve the look.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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