18 Best Pipe Cleaners

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

No one is immune from sewer blockage. Such an unpleasant problem can be easily eliminated with the help of pipe cleaners. This method of struggle is much more effective than mechanical attempts to drain water with a plunger. Manufacturers promise fast action in just 10-30 minutes. For every blockage you need a remedy. With such a huge selection, even an experienced plumber will be confused. Every day, more and more options for pipe cleaners appear on store shelves. But to test each and understand its effectiveness will take a lot of time and money. That is why we have compiled a rating of the best pipe cleaners.

Rating of the best pipe cleaners

Nomination Place Name Price
The best liquid pipe cleaners      1 HG for removing blockages in the bathroom and toilet       500 ₽
     2 Tubi synths       630 ₽
     3 YPLON Drain Cleaner       140 ₽
     4 Synergetic to clear blockages       120 ₽
     5 Liquid for elimination of blockages Akvalon Active       180 ₽
     6 Drain cleaner PROSEPT Bath       130 ₽
The best gel pipe cleaners      1 Glutoclean tube gel       770 ₽
     2 Pipe cleaning gel Mellerud       465 ₽
     3 Gel for pipes Effect Alfa 104       230 ₽
     4 Gel from blockages Bagi Shumanit       430 ₽
     5 Gel to eliminate blockages Tiret Professional       260 ₽
     6 Sanfor Pipe Gel For Tough Blockages       120 ₽
The best powders and granules for pipe cleaning      1 Granules from blockages Bagi Pothan       720 ₽
     2 Mellerud Pipe Cleaning Granules       360 ₽
     3 Granules for wastewater treatment KRAFT ZWERG Express       480 ₽
     4 Powder for cleaning bathtub siphons RAVAK Turbo Cleaner       700 ₽
     5 Sano Drain Opener Powder       300 ₽
     6 Granules for cleaning pipes Chirton       31 ₽

The best liquid pipe cleaners

When choosing a cleaning agent for pipes, it is important to focus on the material from which the sewer outlet is made. Manufacturers strive to stand out from their competitors, and therefore, quality products are increasingly found on the market. Only by carefully studying the composition and user reviews, you can purchase an effective tool.

HG for removing blockages in the bathroom and toilet

Rating: 4.9

The tool effectively eliminates blockages that have arisen as a result of undissolved solid soap, pieces of food and fallen hair. Liquid formula helps to quickly remove dirt. Unlike powders, this remedy does not worsen the situation. In the process of cleaning water pipes, they do not heat up. That is why HG for removing blockages in the bathroom and toilet can be considered a universal product and can be used for pipes made of any material.

Laboratory studies have proven the safety and effectiveness of the product. Frequent use will allow you to finally cope with the blockage and get rid of extraneous unpleasant odors. Application does not require special training or equipment. Just unscrew the cap, pour at least 200 ml of liquid product and leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse well with water. For more serious and old pollution, it is better to keep the product for at least one night.

Buyers noted high efficiency, ease of use and the absence of a pungent odor. The only negative indicator was the price for the funds. A quality product is expensive, because a lot of resources were spent on its creation. HG to eliminate blockages in the bathroom and toilet copes with its direct task, therefore we attribute it to 1st place in the rating.



Tubi synths

Rating: 4.8

Quite a powerful tool for clearing blockages. Sold as a concentrate, which should be diluted with water. Before use, you need to prepare well. Wear gloves and protect your eyes with goggles. You may need to use a respirator. The composition is safe and non-toxic, but contact with the skin is best avoided. And even with a slight hit, rinse well with hot water.

To eliminate blockage in a conventional sewer pipe, 100 ml of the concentrate is diluted in 1 liter of water. Pour into the drain hole and leave for 10-30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly when finished. To increase efficiency and achieve maximum results from the first application, hot water should be used.

In terms of its effectiveness and price, it is not inferior to the previous means for clearing blockages. But due to the more intense composition, we attribute it to the 2nd place in the rating.



YPLON Drain Cleaner

Rating: 4.7

A very powerful composition of the product is able to destroy any strong pollution. The specially created formula, the main element of which is sodium hydroxide, effectively copes with accumulated waste, plaque and other debris. Perfectly removes fossilized deposits from the surface of plumbing without harming its appearance.

The product does not require dilution and is sold ready-made. It is convenient to apply. Just a couple of steps and a few minutes of waiting. With moderate clogging, the result can be assessed after 20-25 minutes. For a more difficult situation with sewer pipes, you will need to leave the product for several hours, and it is better to pour it over night.

A magical pipe cleaner that combines low price and amazing performance. After analyzing customer reviews, we can safely recommend for purchase and attribute the product to the 3rd line of the rating.



Synergetic to clear blockages

Rating: 4.6

Natural and absolutely safe product easily copes with various blockages. It shows its effectiveness even when the water stands still and does not flow into the sewer at all.

In addition to splitting debris and removing traffic jams, it disinfects and eliminates unpleasant odors. All components completely decompose when combined with water and do not remain inside sewer pipes. In just 30-40 minutes, the cleanser will eliminate the problem. Do not forget about safety measures and it will be better to use rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

The product has a quality certificate. Very popular among consumers due to the fact that it is hypoallergenic and does not harm the environment. Despite such a harmless composition, its powerful action is confirmed by clinical trials and positive feedback from netizens.

Having collected all the available information, we can recommend the tool for purchase. We are confident in its effectiveness and in our ranking of the best products it occupies the 4th position.



Liquid for elimination of blockages Akvalon Active

Rating: 4.5

The cleanser can be used when there is water in the sink. Great for pipes of various materials. All components that are included in the composition do not violate the internal integrity of the sewer outlet. In addition to its main task, the liquid substance removes an unpleasant odor.

The bottle has a convenient shape and closes with a cap that children cannot open. For a good result, you need 500 ml of the product. It does not need to be diluted with water and can be used immediately after opening the package. The liquid is poured into the blockage and left until complete penetration. Unlike previous products, the final effect occurs after at least 1-2 hours. We can recommend a remedy for blockage removal and we attribute it to the 5th position of the rating.



Drain cleaner PROSEPT Bath

Rating: 4.4

Thanks to its unique formula, the cleanser not only does its job effectively, but also creates a protective layer that prevents pollution for a while. In the process of use, you can not worry about plastic pipes, because all the constituent components are not capable of causing harm. The cleaning fluid can also have its effect on the blockage when the sink is filled with water.

In addition to excellent results, PROSEPT Bath pipe cleaner disinfects and removes unpleasant odors. Its deep impact allows you to achieve maximum effect in a short time. The liquid does not require dilution and is immediately ready for use.

Positive customer reviews testify to the effectiveness of this product. The only drawbacks were its increased liquid and the backlash of the artificial granite wash. Otherwise, no quality claims were found. It ranks 6th in our ranking.



The best gel pipe cleaners

Glutoclean tube gel

Rating: 4.9

Due to its gel consistency, it is slowly and evenly distributed throughout the interior of sewer pipes. The substance envelops and breaks down various kinds of pollution. Works great on food residue, greasy oils, hair and loose hair. German quality can be seen with a non-professional eye. With frequent use, the risk of re-clotting will be minimal. In addition to destroying pollution, pipe cleaner removes unpleasant odors.

German quality inspires consumer confidence to this day. Glutoclean tube gel is another high quality product. Although the price per bottle is 760 rubles, the effect of using it is worth it. We recommend to buy and put in the first place in the ranking of the best gel-like pipe cleaners.



Pipe cleaning gel Mellerud

Rating: 4.8

Another German product pleases with its efficiency and high quality. During use, the gel does not heat up, so it can be safely used to clean plastic pipes. The only warning given by the manufacturer is to avoid penetrating sensitive surfaces such as lacquered wood or aluminium.

The tool copes even with such strong contaminants as grease, hair, cotton wool, solid soap. In addition to eliminating pollution, the gel neutralizes odors. Frequent use allows you to forget about unpleasant fumes from sewer pipes forever.

The product is completely ready for its immediate use and does not require additional dilution. A thick gel-like mass is able to penetrate deeply and dissolve the blockage as much as possible. For one application, it will be enough to use 1/4 of the entire product. Thirty minutes is enough for light to moderate soiling. When the situation is much more difficult, the dosage and duration of exposure to the drug increase. After a thorough study of the data obtained, we can recommend Mellerud pipe cleaning gel for purchase and put it in 2nd place in the rating.



Gel for pipes Effect Alfa 104

Rating: 4.7

A powerful sewer cleaner that won’t spare any dirt. Effectively fights food residue, hair, undissolved solid soap and other waste that can clog the sewer system. The gel is safe for plastic pipes and can be safely used at home. In addition to the quick, clog-destroying effect, the product is able to eliminate the negative smell.

For the first application with a light degree of contamination, it will be enough to use 250 ml of gel. It should not be diluted and can be used immediately after opening. Within 15 minutes after application, do not open the water, so as not to prematurely wash the product down the drain. With a higher degree of contamination, the procedure will need to be carried out several more times. If the gel is used periodically for preventive purposes, then the problem of stagnant water and an unpleasant odor can be forgotten forever. It is better to anticipate the situation than to look for a solution later.

The effectiveness of the tool is proved by positive reviews. Consumers are ready to re-purchase and will be able to recommend to friends. In our ranking, the gel takes 3rd place.



Gel from blockages Bagi Shumanit

Rating: 4.6

Highly concentrated product allows you to achieve maximum results in the fight against blockages. It easily handles soap residue, food, loose hair, hair, stubborn grease and other heavy contaminants that block the flow of water and prevent its normal functioning. The product does not lose its power even when used in a water-filled sink. In the process of its work does not cause damage to plastic pipes. Along with waste, the gel-like mass also captures an unpleasant odor.

The tool has an economical consumption and 110 ml of gel is spent in one application. Buyers note the high quality and the absence of strong foaming. The blockage gel has proven its effectiveness and despite the strong specific smell, it can be recommended for use. Due to the quick action, the tool is on the 4th position of our rating.



Gel to eliminate blockages Tiret Professional

Rating: 4.5

Compared to liquid products, the gel quickly and effectively penetrates into hard-to-reach places of pollution and breaks down the blockage. There are no barriers for him and Tiret Professional easily copes with thick fat, food debris, fallen hair and soap deposits. Approved for pipes made of plastic and metal. The gel can be used not only as a cleaning agent at the time of stagnation and pollution, but also for preventive purposes. The more often the sewer system is cleaned, the more comfortable it will be to use plumbing.

Tiret Professional does not require pre-dilution and can be used in its pure concentrated form. Before work, protect your hands by wearing gloves. For the first time, the minimum dosage will be 250 ml. After the gel is poured into the pipe, it should not be touched for 15 minutes. With light soiling, the effect should be visible. For more severe blockages, leave the chemical on for a few more hours.

Having considered both positive and negative reviews, we attribute Tiret Professional to the 5th position in the rating.



Sanfor Pipe Gel For Tough Blockages

Rating: 4.4

The manufacturer promises instant results, without calling specialists. Thanks to the improved formula, the gel-like mass penetrates deep into the blockage and delivers a powerful blow. The tool is able to dissolve hair, food and other unnecessary elements. The antibacterial properties of the gel make it possible to contain an unpleasant odor for a long time after application.

The thick formula contributes to the economical consumption of funds in the process of removing blockages. Sanfor does not lose its power even when the sink is filled with water. The bottle is comfortable to hold in your hands. A special cap prevents small children from opening the chemical. Due to the slightly elongated shape of the dispenser, the gel can be poured into hard-to-reach places. After analyzing the reviews and the information received, we attribute the gel to the 6th place in the rating.



The best powders and granules for pipe cleaning

Granules from blockages Bagi Pothan

Rating: 4.9

A granular product within 3 minutes can easily cope with a blockage. Difficult soils such as hair, food residues, grease, paper, hygiene products can be easily eliminated thanks to these small balls.

Before you start using the tool, it is important to carefully prepare. The room where the blockage will be removed should be well ventilated. Application is possible if access to the drain pipe is not blocked by a large amount of water. Granules fall asleep in the amount of 7-10 tablespoons. Following the chemical balls, 100 ml of boiling water is poured. You can use and wash off the water after 3 minutes. With a more severe degree of blockage, the procedure must be repeated until the normal outflow of water into the sewer pipe resumes.

The effectiveness of the pellets has been proven, and we put them in the 1st place in the rating.



Mellerud Pipe Cleaning Granules

Rating: 4.8

The rating would not be complete without another German tool. Mellerud granules are good at removing blockages. Remains of food, hair, fat, and other accumulated debris are easily dissolved under their influence. Only 30 minutes and there will be no trace of the problem of stagnation of water. In addition to its intended purpose, Mellerud pipe cleaning pellets are able to defrost frozen pipes.

Unlike the first agent, which is poured with hot water, the reaction of German granules is started with a cold liquid. No more than 30 grams are poured into the sewer and poured with a cup of cool water. If necessary, repeat the procedure until you are satisfied with the final result. In this case, the dosage and duration should be increased.

Granules together with water begin to give off heat. It is important to follow the proportion indicated on the package so as not to damage the plastic pipes by excessive heating. The agent is not suitable for the treatment of zinc surfaces and aluminum containers.

Despite the fact that the granules can behave unpredictably, we recommend the product, as it does its job well.



Granules for wastewater treatment KRAFT ZWERG Express

Rating: 4.7

Small, but very powerful, granules in a short time free sewer pipes from difficult pollution. Fats, food, paper, hair – all this is within the power of cleansing balls. The composition contains aluminum, which allows you to defrost pipes. The German quality of the product is felt just by looking at the convenient packaging.

In addition to cleaning, the granules get rid of the negative smell. And due to its harmless composition, the product can be considered safe for people, animals and the environment. Frequent preventive use will allow you to forget about this problem. A nasty smell and a clogged sink will no longer bother you.

Unlike the previous product, the granules fall asleep and pour warm water. The longer the chemical reaction takes, the more positive the end result will be. If necessary, repeat the procedure. We appreciate taking care of the environment, so we recommend buying pellets. In our ranking we give them 3rd position.



Powder for cleaning bathtub siphons RAVAK Turbo Cleaner

Rating: 4.6

A very effective powder product that is not inferior in quality to other representatives of the rating. It copes well with various categories of pollution and in a short time frees sewage from stagnation. Just 90 grams of powder, poured into a glass of hot water, can start a rich chemical reaction, which will result in the breakdown of garbage. Hair, fats, food waste – RAVAK Turbo Cleaner will definitely cope with all this. Already after 30 minutes, the effectiveness of the cleaning powder can be assessed. Be sure to rinse with hot water after use.

After analyzing the information received and comparing the reviews of network users, we can safely recommend a powder product for purchase. For him, we left the 4th position of the rating.



Sano Drain Opener Powder

Rating: 4.5

The powder actively dissolves fats, hair, food waste and other common contaminants. The granules penetrate well inside and help to achieve effective cleaning of sewer pipes. When used, the product does not have a heating property and therefore it can be safely applied to plastic pipes.

The use is simple and will not be difficult. Pour a tablespoon of the powder into the sewer pipe and pour water. After half an hour, it is worth evaluating the result and, if necessary, repeat the procedure for cleaning the pipe from blockage. In addition to getting rid of debris, the powder eliminates bad odors.

After carefully studying the opinions of consumers on this product, certain conclusions can be drawn. During the survey, everyone noted high efficiency. The only drawback is again the price, but a quality product simply has to be expensive. In the ranking of the best powders and granules for cleaning pipes, Sano Drain Opener takes the 5th position.



Granules for cleaning pipes Chirton

Rating: 4.4

Greek granules are blue balls. They effectively deal with the most famous pollution. In just a few minutes, you can evaluate the result. Their application is simple and clear that even a beginner can handle it. Before cleaning, the drain hole is thoroughly wiped. This is necessary so that water drops do not cause a premature reaction in the granules. The product is poured into the sewer and poured with a glass of water. After 15 minutes, a mild blockage will be eliminated. For a more severe case of contamination, cleaning is carried out several times.

Chirton pipe cleaning granules do an excellent job with the task presented to them. Their effectiveness is confirmed by the huge demand for the product and the positive feedback from network users. After analyzing the data obtained, we can safely recommend granules. In our ranking, they occupy an honorable 6th place.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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