18 best moonshine stills

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

As long as surrogate alcoholic drinks will be sold in Russian stores, people will be interested in making beer, wine, cognac on their own. To get a high-quality product with your own hands, you need to purchase a modern moonshine still. Today, the Russian trading network offers a wide range of distillers, which differ in price and design. The recommendations of our experts will help you choose a household appliance with the optimal set of technical parameters.

Recommendations for choosing a moonshine still

Distillation Technology. Getting strong alcohol from mash or wine people have mastered for a long time.

  1. For this, a simple classical distiller was used. Braga was heated to a boil, after which alcohol vapors were passed through the refrigerator. The condensate was collected in a container. Often the output was a cloudy liquid with a characteristic milky tint.

  2. The use of dry steamers, which were installed immediately after the cube, made it possible to separate heavy fractions (fusel oils) from alcohol. Collapsible steamers make it possible to flavor moonshine at the distillation stage.

  3. The beer column is a more advanced instrument. Alcohol vapors need to rise to a certain height, overcoming obstacles in the form of protrusions on the inner wall of the column (reflux condenser). This technology increases the degree of purification of moonshine from impurities.

  4. When distilling the mash, experts advise separating the first and last fraction from the main mass. This can be quite difficult for novice distillers to do. Therefore, in modern devices, selection nodes are installed. Some of them cut off the “heads” and “tails” at the vapor stage, while others work on the liquid.

  5. Many moonshiners prefer to do double distillation to get pure and strong alcohol. It is further used for the preparation of cognac, tinctures and other elite drinks. Apparatuses appeared on sale that make double distillation in one technological cycle. Such devices save time, water and heat energy.

Performance. The choice of apparatus is influenced by such an important factor as the volume of mash distilled in one production cycle.

  1. Residents of apartments prefer compact moonshine stills with a cube volume of up to 25 liters. In one technological cycle, it will be possible to obtain approximately 3-5 liters of moonshine.

  2. In country houses, distillers with tanks of 30-60 liters can be successfully used. The productivity of such devices ranges from 2 to 8 l / h, which depends on the design and quality of the resulting alcohol.

Heating method. When buying a moonshine, you should think about how the mash will heat up.

  1. If the stove will play the role of a source of thermal energy, then it is necessary to measure the distance between it and the hood. Some column-type appliances may simply not fit into this limited space.

  2. Significantly expand the range of moonshine stills help induction tiles, they can be installed on the floor.

  3. On the street, you can heat the mash on an open fire, using a barbecue or special stoves.

  4. A fairly convenient heating option is the built-in heating element. This method of heating expands the possibilities of the distiller.

Our review includes 18 of the best moonshine stills. You can buy these devices in specialized stores in Russia. When distributing positions, the editors of the magazine simplerule relied on the opinion of the expert community, taking into account the feedback from domestic distillers.

Rating of the best moonshine stills

Nomination Place Name Price
The best moonshine stills with a steamer      1 Good Heat Triumph      15 000 ₽
     2 Phoenix Folk      11 350 ₽
     3 Magarych Mashkovsky Export      8 300 ₽
     4 Germany 2      7 550 ₽
     5 Phoenix Host      8 500 ₽
     6 Haze      7 000 ₽
     7 Slavyanka Premium      7 400 ₽
The best beer columns with a reflux condenser      1 wine reform      17 000 ₽
     2 Ilya Muromets      12 000 ₽
     3 Steel Bogatyr 2      15 000 ₽
     4 Luxstal Master      17 000 ₽
     5 Phoenix Sirius Pro      17 600 ₽
The best moonshine stills with a selection unit      1 Schnapser X02      24 000 ₽
     2 Wine 5/5 Pro      26 000 ₽
     3 Luxstahl 6      20 000 ₽
The best double distillation distillers      1 Liquor 2      7 800 ₽
     2 Hop-Master 5      13 900 ₽
     3 Magnum 2019      15 400 ₽

The best moonshine stills with a steamer

A good degree of purification of moonshine from fusel oils is demonstrated by distillers with a steamer. In a small unit, you can not only retain harmful impurities, but in the case of a collapsible design, you can also flavor an alcoholic beverage. Experts drew attention to several models.

Good Heat Triumph

Rating: 4.9

The classic moonshine still for domestic use is the Dobry Zhar Triumph model. The distiller allows you to get a pure alcoholic product with a strength of up to 70 degrees. Experts appreciated the versatility of the model, it can be successfully used by both novice moonshiners and experienced home drink makers. The chip of the device is a well-thought-out system for cleaning fusel oils, consisting of two dry steamers. One of them can be used to flavor moonshine, it has a collapsible design. Consumers are offered several standard sizes of the cube, the most popular is the model with a volume of 20 liters. Productivity is 3 liters of moonshine per hour.

The owners are satisfied with the build quality, high degree of purification of moonshine, ease of use.



Phoenix Folk

Rating: 4.8

Good performance (3 l / h) is demonstrated by the Phoenix Folk distiller. It is made of stainless steel and comes with a steamer and a thermometer. The manufacturer has provided a flow type of cooling, the output is a quality product after the first distillation. The consumer is offered 6 modifications to choose from, which differ in the volume of the cube (from 8 to 30 liters). The smallest is equipped with a built-in heating element. Experts note the successful design of the apparatus; moonshine can be flavored during the distillation process. The asset of the product should include a high degree of purification and high-quality manufacturing.

Users praise the device for a thoughtful design, a high degree of purification, and a variety of cubes. There were cases of leakage of welds, the manufacturer carried out a free replacement.



 Magarych Mashkovsky Export

Rating: 4.7

Chelyabinsk developers offer Russian consumers moonshine Magarych Mashkovsky Export. The model can be bought as a gift with covers made of leather and fabric. The experts liked the design of the product; at the output, you can get ordinary moonshine or rectified alcohol. To do this, there are different conclusions for the selection of alcohol vapor. In order to reduce the height of the distillation system, the manufacturer installed an intercooler. The dryer has a collapsible design. Since the distillation process is somewhat more complicated, it is better to purchase an additional digital thermometer. The model yields to the review leaders in performance (2 l / h).

In the reviews, the product is praised for its ease of use, lightness (4,2 kg with a 20 l tank), the possibility of flavoring the drink. Of the minuses, a narrow neck is noted.



Germany 2

Rating: 4.7

Germany 2 is a classic distiller with one steamer. The experts liked the clamp connection of the lid to the cube. The manufacturer made a conical shape of the upper part of the cube, thanks to this design, alcohol vapors are immediately sent to the steamer. The mouth of the tank is wide enough to stick your hand into it. A bimetallic thermometer and a pressure relief valve are installed in the upper part of the cube. The manufacturer offers three modifications with a cube volume of 12, 20 and 30 liters. In the basic configuration there is an alcohol meter, hoses, and even a water seal.

Domestic users speak flatteringly about the rich equipment, thoughtful design, and ease of care. Among the shortcomings, the low throughput of the refrigerator is mentioned.



Phoenix Host

Rating: 4.6

When creating the Phoenix Hozyayin moonshine still, the manufacturer relied on the wishes of Russian consumers. The model is capable of generating up to 3 liters of strong liquor per hour. The experts included the product in our review for its affordable price and versatility. The small-sized device is completed with a collapsible sukhoparnik in which the drain crane for removal of fusel oils is installed. Fragrant herbs can be put into the steamer, immediately giving the drink a taste. The bottom of the tank is flat, which allows you to put it on different plates. An adult’s hand can easily pass into the neck with a diameter of 11 cm.

The owners are satisfied with the attractive price, high-quality assembly, ease of maintenance. Users did not like the inefficient refrigerator.




Rating: 4.5

The budget distiller Dymka closes the TOP-6 of our review. The model with a sukhoparnik is produced by the domestic company PK “Vane”. In 2019, the device was upgraded, which had a positive impact on sales. Experts recommend the product to novice distillers who have no experience in the distillation of mash. After double distillation, a strong and fairly clean moonshine is obtained. At the same time, the model stands out from the background of competitors with a low price. The consumer can choose a cube in accordance with the volume of mash (15, 20 or 30 liters). The cover has a flange connection with a cube. Quality manufacturing should be included in the asset of the model.

The budget distiller is not without its shortcomings. The tank does not have a drain valve for the stillage, and the narrow neck creates problems with washing. But the device is worth the money spent.



Slavyanka Premium

Rating: 4.5

The Slavyanka Premium moonshine still has several strengths. The price looks attractive to potential buyers. The manufacturer equipped the model with an enlarged refrigerator, which is larger than a steamer. The conical lid accelerates the entry of alcohol vapors into the steamer. At the bottom of the cube there is a curved valve for draining the bard, at the top there is a pressure relief valve set to 1,5 atmospheres. Connecting tubes with a diameter of 18 mm are not clogged during operation. A collapsible sukhoparnik with a tap allows you to flavor alcohol during distillation. The wide mouth (diameter 110 mm) simplifies the care of the cube.

In the reviews, the model is praised for its high-quality materials, a collapsible steamer, and a low price. The owners did not like the problem of separating the “heads” from the “body”.



The best beer columns with a reflux condenser

Pure and strong alcohol is obtained by distilling the mash through columns with a reflux condenser. Vapors of heavy organic compounds are not able to rise up, overcoming obstacles on the way. Therefore, pure alcohol enters the refrigerator, the strength of which at the output reaches 96,6 degrees.

wine reform

Rating: 4.9

Experts named the Wein Reform apparatus as the best novelty of 2020 among beer columns. With it, you can comfortably get ethyl alcohol with a strength of 96,6 degrees. The model optimally combines high product quality, distillation speed and good yield. The manufacturer managed to achieve this due to the powerful three-dimensional cooling of alcohol vapors, the installation of a special mesh insert in the drawer side and the thoughtful shape of the lid. A digital thermometer is installed in the lid, and a blast valve is also embedded here. The bard drain valve is located under one of the handles, which is convenient when removing solution residues. The performance of the model with a 20-liter tank is 8 l / h.

In the reviews, users highlight such advantages of the product as high-quality assembly, good equipment and ease of use.



Ilya Muromets

Rating: 4.8

A universal system for distillation in two modes is the beer column Ilya Muromets. In addition, the device allows for rectification with liquid selection. The basic equipment is designed to produce an alcoholic drink with a strength of up to 92 degrees. In Pot Still mode, it is convenient to work on a cooker with a hood. If you additionally purchase a drawer with a nozzle, then you can get alcohol (96,6 degrees) at the exit. The productivity of the column depends on the selected mode, with steam extraction per hour, up to 3 liters of moonshine is obtained. In the case of obtaining alcohol, the rate is reduced to 2 l / h.

Domestic users are satisfied with the versatility of the beer column, the quality of alcohol purification, and ease of use. The disadvantage of the model is the high price with a poor configuration.



Steel Bogatyr 2

Rating: 4.7

Another interesting novelty appeared in 2020 on the Russian market of beer columns. This is the model Bulat Bogatyr 2 from Helicon. The experts liked the clamp connection with silicone gaskets, thanks to which the system can be converted into the mode of a moonshine still or a professional distillation column. The cost of the product depends on the volume of the tank, the consumer can choose 4 modifications, starting from 12 liters and ending with 50 liters. The column is not sold separately. A powerful dephlegmator and an efficient refrigerator should be included in the asset of the product. In the basic configuration, you can get raw alcohol with a strength of 95 degrees.

The owners speak flatteringly about a reliable cover, convenient connection, and a high degree of cleaning. However, the pipes have sharp burrs that can cut you.



Luxstal Master

Rating: 4.7

The mash column Luksstal Master can become a real mini-distillery in the house. With its help, it is possible to prepare alcoholic beverages with a strength of up to 95 degrees. The manufacturer has prepared a complete set of equipment and accessories for moonshine. In addition to two digital thermometers, a pressure relief valve and an alcohol meter, the buyer will find a recipe book and a package of alcohol yeast in the package. Experts appreciated the 5 mm triple bottom and convenient clamp connection. The tank in the form of a pan is convenient in service, the drain cock is cut in the lower part.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with the appearance of the column, ease of maintenance, the quality of alcohol purification from impurities and odors. The weak side of the product is the leaky connection of the lid to the tank.



Phoenix Sirius Pro

Rating: 4.6

A universal system for obtaining alcoholic beverages of different strengths is the beer column Phoenix Sirius Pro. It can be used as a classic moonshine still or as a distillation column. The advantages of the model include the possibility of assembling different configurations and further modernization of the plant. The manufacturer offers a wide range of cubes, with a capacity of 12 to 60 liters. The model is easy to maintain, even the refrigerator has a collapsible design. For the manufacture of critical parts and assemblies, the manufacturer used stainless steel.

Russian consumers speak flatteringly about the well-thought-out design, ease of maintenance, and quality of materials. They refer to the minuses of the column as a thin-walled bottom (1,5 mm).



The best moonshine stills with a selection unit

It is easy to separate harmful fractions at the stage of distillation moonshine stills with a selection unit. This can be liquid or vapor selection. At the outlet, only the “body” will drip into the container, while the “heads” and “tails” must be retained in special compartments of the distiller. Experts have identified several automated models.

Schnapser X02

Rating: 4.9

A modern moonshine is the Schnapser X02 model. Experts consider the possibility of flexible selection control an important advantage of the device. In addition to the classic distillation mode, the apparatus provides for selection by liquid and steam. The choice of distillation technology depends on the specific task. Steam selection allows you to get high-quality spirits. If you need a fragrant alcohol product, then it is better to apply selection by liquid. The Potstill mode allows distillation as quickly as possible, the output will be moonshine with a strength of 30-40 degrees. The device comes with tubes, clamps, diverters and a Panchenkov copper nozzle.

The owners praise the model for its versatility, rich equipment, good performance. The disadvantages of the product, they include the difficulty of cleaning.



Wine 5/5 Pro

Rating: 4.8

The versatile Wein 5/5 Pro system is designed to produce strong alcoholic beverages at home. The moonshine is capable of operating both in the classical distillation mode and as a beer column with a reflux condenser. To obtain high-quality alcohols, the manufacturer installed a selection unit. The experts liked the straight tubes, which are easy to clean. The advantages of the device include a thick-walled bottom (5 mm), clamp connections, the possibility of upgrading the design. The product can be completed with cubes of 20, 37 and 50 liters.

Users praise the device for convenient product selection, good performance, and ease of maintenance. Among the shortcomings, they note a large height (1,65 m with a cube), which is why it is necessary to carry out distillation on the floor or on the street.



Luxstahl 6

Rating: 4.7

Moonshine Luxstahl 6 is very popular with Russian distillers. This conclusion was made by experts after analyzing numerous reviews in Runet. The model appeared in 2019, but quickly managed to gain recognition. The device is a distillation column with a selection unit. If desired, the system is quickly transformed into a classic distiller. Thanks to the new rectification mode with a high location of the refrigerator, a very strong alcoholic product is obtained at the outlet. Experts pay attention to the high height of the device (from 1,25 to 1,8 m), so it is necessary to choose a suitable heater. If desired, you can additionally order a heating element.

Owners are pleased with the simple design, build quality, decent basic equipment.



The best double distillation distillers

High-quality alcohol is obtained by distilling mash through double-acting moonshine stills. A distinctive feature is the division of the distillation cube into two compartments, the presence of two dry steamers and two coils. Alcohol vapors enter the first dryer, then again go to the cube (compartment with clean water). There, re-evaporation is carried out, followed by cleaning in the second dryer and further cooling. This scheme allows you to get strong alcohol at the output, saving time, water and energy.

Liquor 2

Rating: 4.9

In the moonshine still Spiritovar 2, experts have found many advantages. The model is supplied with distillation tanks of 12 or 24 liters, in which a drain cock is embedded. The innovative cooler deserves special praise. The distiller is completed with 2 tsargami-dry steamers. The manufacturer has equipped its product with an electronic thermometer. To connect the device to the water supply, a food hose 4 m long is attached. Clear instructions will help you understand the distillation technology. As a gift, a Panchenkov nozzle, an alcoholometer and cognac oak chips are offered. The model becomes the winner of our review.

Domestic distillers praise the device for high-quality manufacturing, an efficient refrigerator, and a high degree of purification.



Hop-Master 5

Rating: 4.8

A wide range of cubes is offered to consumers when buying a Khmel-Master 5 moonshine still. With small production volumes, you can stop at containers of 15, 20 or 25 liters. For larger tasks, cubes with a volume of 30 and 40 liters are suitable. A drain cock is embedded in the tanks, there is also a fitting for a heating element. Thanks to multi-stage deep cleaning, the output is pure moonshine. The experts liked the rigidity of the design, thanks to the use of high-quality materials, the device will serve the owner for a long time. The manufacturer has provided the possibility of flavoring the drink, you can heat the mash on all types of stoves.

Domestic users speak flatteringly about the quality of alcohol, significant savings in time, water and electricity. But thin-walled Chinese fakes appeared on the market.



Magnum 2019

Rating: 4.7

A lot of innovative ideas have been implemented in the Magnum 2019 moonshine still. This is a three-layer capsule bottom 6 mm thick with a ferromagnetic insert, thanks to which thick mash does not burn even with strong heating. The experts liked the collapsible design of the distiller. But the most useful option for beginner moonshiners is double distillation. All “tails” with a strength below 40 degrees do not fall into the selection, remaining in the second chamber. To cut off the “heads”, the manufacturer recommends using the first circuit. The distillation rate fluctuates in the range of 2-3 l/h. The model is available for sale with cubes of 18, 30 and 50 liters.

In the reviews, the device is praised for the high quality of alcohol, collapsible design and good performance. The disadvantages of users include a high price.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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