17th week of pregnancy (19 weeks)

17th week of pregnancy (19 weeks)

17 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

In this 17th week of pregnancy, 19 year old baby measures 19 cm and weighs 200 g.

On the baby’s face, the human features are more and more marked: he can take different expressions, and his eyelashes and eyebrows appear. Baby image is increasingly clear on ultrasound. 

At the level of the nervous system of 19 weeks fetus, the connections between neurons are put in place. This process will continue throughout pregnancy and a few more years after birth. Myelination begins: a fatty substance, myelin, surrounds the nerve fibers of the spinal cord. Like an insulating sheath, this protective layer allows the transmission of nerve impulses without risk of short-circuiting, thus ensuring the proper transmission of brain messages to the various muscles of the body. This process of myelination will also last throughout pregnancy and after birth.

It is in the 4th month of pregnancy that the intestine of the fetus at 19 weeks forms. Inside it begins to accumulate meconium, a blackish substance made up mainly of cellular debris ingested by the baby through the amniotic fluid. At birth, the newborn passes this meconium in his first stool, under the close supervision of the nursery nurses. The complete evacuation of meconium within 24 to 48 hours after birth is indeed a sign of the proper functioning of the digestive system.

The external sexual organs are now clearly visible. In the daughter fetus, the stock of oocytes already begins to build up under the action of estrogen secreted by the placenta.

À 19 weeks of amenorrhea, i.e. 17 SG, the placenta which ensures all the fetal-maternal exchanges without ever the two bloods mixing is now in the form of a disc 8 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick.

Where is the mother’s body at 17 weeks pregnant?

The uterus is growing and the baby’s weight begins to make itself felt. Belly at 19 weeks is prominent, it is the whole balance of the body that is modified. At the same time, hormonal impregnation (progesterone, relaxin and estrogen) causes ligament relaxation and hyperlaxity of certain joints. Three months pregnant, it is therefore not uncommon to feel pain in the pubic symphysis and in the lumbar region.

At this point in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, at each monthly visit, the gynecologist or midwife will measure the uterine height with a tape measure, namely the distance between the pubic symphysis and the uterine fundus (the highest part of the uterus). At 17 weeks pregnant, i.e. 4 months, uterine height is about 16 cm. From the 4th to the 7th month of pregnancy, it increases on average by 4 cm per month, then 0,5 cm per week from the 8th month. The position of the baby and the build of the mother-to-be can influence this measurement, but it remains a good indication of the growth of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid.

After the fatigue, worry and ailments of the first trimester, this 2nd quarter Often signs the return of libido, especially as the belly does not still interfere too much lovemaking. Some future mothers, however, will find it difficult to combine sexuality and pregnancy, which are already all about their role as future mothers. Likewise, some men will find this rounded belly desirable, while in others it will arouse some reluctance. One thing is certain, however: unless there is a medical contraindication (bleeding, frequent contractions, modified cervix), sexual intercourse does not represent any danger for the fetus, which is perfectly protected by the amniotic fluid.


Which foods to favor at 17 weeks of pregnancy (19 weeks)?

The calorific intake increases a little, by 300 kcal per day, from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. baby at 19 SA draws on her mother’s reserves to meet her needs. It is not necessary to double the amount of food ingested, but simply to integrate healthy snacks into your daily life. It can be a handful of almonds with some fruit and a dairy in the afternoon. 

You must continue to eat a diet rich in fiber and vitamins to prevent constipation and avoid fatigue, which can still persist. 


17 weeks pregnant (19 weeks): how to adapt?

À 4 month pregnant, the baby is in the lower abdomen. This beginning of 2nd quarter is marked by the development of the future mother. She begins to take ownership of her body. Soon, she will feel her baby move in addition to seeing these movements thanks to the 5th month ultrasound. It will be possible to obtain baby pictures. The 17 week pregnant woman still feels free to move and move around. She generally feels beautiful and relaxed. This is the perfect time to take pictures to keep pictures of her pregnancy in memory.

This is also a good time to get some exercise, to try and stay in shape. Of course, it’s not about jogging for 8 km, but rather about doing yourself good by relaxing. Sport, even very mild, releases dopamine. This hormone provides pleasure and reduces feelings of fatigue. The aqua-gym or prenatal yoga are two activities that can allow the mother-to-be and her in-utero baby to start communicating together and treat each other to magical moments. 


Things to remember at 19:XNUMX PM

It is the 17th week of pregnancy, i.e. 19 weeks and the mother-to-be can start to make the list of the nursery equipment and the baby’s keychain, which constitute a substantial budget. All the more reason to distinguish between the essential … and the superfluous, knowing that the latter abounds in the childcare market. Second-hand items and loans or donations from family and friends save money. Be careful, however, to check that the childcare equipment is in good condition and meets the safety standards in force. Note: to help parents with their purchases, the CAF issues, subject to means-tested conditions, a birth bonus in the amount of 923,08 euros in 2016, paid the month following the birth of the baby.



The pregnancy wardrobe is starting to expand at the start of 2nd quarter, but there is often a detail that we forget: the shoes. It is not uncommon to feel cramped in your usual shoes and have to take one or two sizes above. And this phenomenon is not necessarily due to a poor venous return which causes the feet to swell. A study (1) has indeed shown that the feet of pregnant women could lengthen by 1 cm during the first pregnancy. Under the effect of relaxin and estrogen, the ligaments of the feet soften, the arch of the foot loses depth and rigidity. This sagging, accentuated by the weight of the body and the displacement of the center of gravity in the front, can cause a lengthening of the foot which will persist a few months after pregnancy.

Pictures of the 17-week-old fetus

Pregnancy week by week: 

15th week of pregnancy

16th week of pregnancy

18th week of pregnancy

19th week of pregnancy


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