17 weeks pregnant

Week 17 is the period that corresponds to the first week of the fifth obstetric month. The child’s condition is stable, the expectant mother during this period usually does not experience any discomfort. A noticeable tummy slightly restricts her movements, but this circumstance does not prevent a pregnant woman from being very attractive. To maintain well-being at a high level, you need to follow the recommendations of the doctor, eat right, lead an active lifestyle, not forgetting to rest on time.

What happens in the female body at week 17?

In the fifth obstetric month of pregnancy, the uterus and the fetus inside it grow at an incredibly fast pace. The cardiovascular system of a woman works intensively, as the volume of blood has increased significantly due to the placenta saturated with blood vessels. A rapid heartbeat may be a manifestation of the active work of this organ, which conducts nutrients to the fetus. The fragility of blood vessels due to the increased load on their walls sometimes leads to nosebleeds.

An increase in the total volume of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman affects the volume of vaginal discharge, causes increased sweating. Careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene can protect a woman from negative feelings.

A belly that is too small is not a cause for concern, the main thing is that the baby’s heartbeat is clear and well audible.

What’s going on with the baby?

At the 17th week of pregnancy, the formation of adipose tissue of the fetus begins, but its skin still remains thin and transparent. The fat layer will be used for normal thermoregulation of the baby immediately after birth. The sensitive skin of the fetus is covered with a pinkish-white lubrication and downy lanugo.

Fetal parameters at week 17:

  • Weight – 140 g;

  • KTP (coccygeal-parietal size) – 13 cm;

  • Height – 15-18 cm.

The hearing aid of the future child is ready to work, and he does not like loud sharp sounds. With the help of an ultrasound scanner, you can see how the baby reacts to noise with chaotic rapid movements. From this week it can be said with confidence that he distinguishes between the voice of his mother and father, loves melodious singing and pleasant music. Fetal development researchers claim that babies who have been spoken to by their parents during pregnancy recognize their voices after birth and respond positively to the music they were previously given to listen to.

The child not only distinguishes sounds, but also reacts to bright light, turning his face to a bright lamp brought to his stomach, although his eyes are still covered with eyelids.

The development of internal organs at week 17:

  • The immune system began to produce its own interferon and immunoglobulin to further protect the fetus from infections;

  • Endocrine glands (pituitary and adrenal glands) produce their own hormones;

  • The heart is pumping blood intensively, the fetal heart rate is still twice the maternal heart rate;

  • Following the rudiments of milk teeth, the rudiments of permanent ones are formed;

  • The fetus can swallow and hiccup;

  • In a female fetus, a uterus is formed;

  • The testicles of the male fetus are located in the abdominal cavity, they already have the rudiments of the first spermatozoa.

The fetus at week 17 is actively moving, moving into the uterine cavity. It no longer differs in appearance from a newborn baby in any way, except for its size – the proportions of the body have returned to normal.

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Analyzes and examinations

When visiting a antenatal clinic, an obstetrician-gynecologist will measure the blood pressure, weight, height of the uterus in a pregnant woman, offer to take a urine test and undergo a “triple test” of the second screening, if the expectant mother has not yet passed it.

The studied blood parameters and their norm:

  • Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) – from 6140 to 103000 honey / ml;

  • Alpha-fetoprotein – from 30 to 90 honey / ml;

  • Free (non-conjugated) estriol – from 9,9 to 18,9 nmol / l.

Deviation from the norm indicates possible fetal chromosomal pathologies and genetically determined diseases.

Pregnancy after IVF

Fertilization of the egg in vitro and subsequent pregnancy require a very careful attitude of a woman to the slightest changes in her well-being. High doses of hormones during IVF preparation can disrupt the endocrine status of a pregnant woman, so it should be closely monitored by conducting additional studies.

Hormone therapy in preparation for artificial insemination leads to a violation of hemostasis (blood circulation), which already carries an additional burden. Women who become pregnant through IVF most often have a history of complications of gynecological diseases, which further increases the risk of miscarriage. During the conduct of such a pregnancy, ultrasound is done more often, the level of hormones is measured, and the development of the unborn baby is screened.

Pain sensations

The threat of spontaneous termination of pregnancy at this time is small, and the sensations from stretching the ligaments of the uterus come first. The nature of the pain can be aching or “shooting” with a rapid change in body position, their intensity ranges from slight to severe sensations, similar to pain during menstruation. The best tactic is to wear a prenatal bandage that supports the uterus, rest more often, and do not make sudden movements.

Pain in the coccyx and in other parts of the spine may be due to the fact that the weight and volume of the uterus have increased, and the load on the spinal column has increased. In this case, swimming, water aerobics, and feasible physical education exercises for pregnant women will help.

Vaginal discharge

Light translucent discharge of a small volume, having a slight sour smell – this is the norm at the 17th week of pregnancy. The addition of pus, mucus, flakes, curdled clots, a change in color from white to yellow or green are signs of infection of the vagina or candidiasis. During pregnancy, local immunity suffers, so inflammatory pathologies appear more often than usual. Any change in the nature of vaginal discharge is a reason to visit a doctor and take a smear for urogenital infections.

Candidiasis (thrush) often accompanies pregnancy, manifested by burning and itching in the vagina, hyperemia of the mucosa of the external genital organs and curdled discharge. Normally, the fungus of the genus Candida is always present in the female intimate microflora in a small amount. The onset of pregnancy is the reason for its rapid growth. With candidiasis, both sexual partners must be treated, otherwise relapses of the disease are inevitable.

Taking vitamins and medicines

Cramps in the limbs, brittle hair and nails, unusual taste preferences are possible symptoms of beriberi and mineral deficiency. The gynecologist will recommend special complexes for pregnant women. To compensate for the deficiency of essential substances, you need to diversify your diet with vegetables, fruits, berries. Additionally, you should take Iodomarin or Iodine Active to maintain the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Any medications during pregnancy are taken only if absolutely necessary and in consultation with the doctor. There is a very small number of pharmaceuticals approved for expectant mothers. In the treatment of somatic diseases, the attending physician must be aware of the patient’s pregnancy.

Intimate Relationships

A woman’s sexuality does not disappear during pregnancy; on the contrary, hormonal changes lead to increased attraction. Sexual contacts give an emotional outburst, provoke the production of endorphins, called the “hormone of joy.” Intimate relationships stimulate blood circulation in the reproductive organs, help to strengthen mutual understanding between spouses.

During this period of pregnancy, the following contraindications to sex may occur:

  • placenta previa;

  • Risk of miscarriage;

  • Infections, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of both spouses.

The appearance of pain, spotting is a reason to stop sexual contact and consult a doctor.

Dynamics of weight gain

The difference between pre-pregnancy weight and weight at week 17 can range from 2,5 to 3,5 kg. For a week, the weight gain now ranges from 250 to 300 g. The dynamics of weight gain depends on the woman’s build, her body type, eating habits, and initial indicators.

Nutrition at 17 weeks

The main requirements for the diet of a pregnant woman are high-quality foods rich in nutrients, their balanced inclusion in the menu. The more varied the dishes that come to the table of a pregnant woman, the easier it is to provide the fetus with material for the formation of organs and tissues.

Diet – frequent meals in small portions. To avoid congestion in the digestive system (heartburn, constipation, flatulence, bloating), after eating, you need to take a walk in the fresh air, move around.

Recommended foods and dishes:

  • Soups and kissels for the prevention of heartburn;

  • Dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese, as a source of calcium;

  • Foods containing a large amount of iron for the production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the blood (liver, beef, pomegranate juice, apples).

Do not abuse fatty and fried foods, pickles and smoked meats, which provoke increased secretion of gastric juice.

A special problem is a frozen pregnancy

The cessation of fetal development can occur for various reasons. Among them are hormonal imbalance, Rhesus conflict between mother and child, the consequences of infection. The body may not immediately begin rejection of the fetal egg, first the pregnancy fades. This condition is sometimes not accompanied by any symptoms, but at the next examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist will definitely diagnose the problem.


  • Absence of fetal movements;

  • Temperature increase;

  • Bloody or bloody discharge;

  • No signs of pregnancy (toxicosis, breast swelling);

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

A missed pregnancy is terminated in a hospital, a woman is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory drugs and procedures, and psychological assistance is offered.

Advice from a specialist

To endure and give birth to a healthy child, you need to change your lifestyle, adhere to reasonable restrictions and doctor’s recommendations.

  • A negative emotional background will lead to the birth of a nervous and restless child, stress and conflict situations should be avoided.

  • Loud music, noisy events will affect the condition of the fetus, bringing him negative impressions.

  • To prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, you should not spend a lot of time on your legs, in the evening it is good to do foot baths, keep them in an elevated position.

  • A comfortable sleeping position is lying on your side, with a small pillow sandwiched between your bent knees, or on a special featherbed for pregnant women;

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol leads to placental abruption, fetal developmental defects, premature birth, prerequisites for the appearance of neurological pathologies in a child in early childhood. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to give up bad habits.

  • To prevent edema, you should wear low-heeled shoes, loose clothing that does not restrict movement, breathing and blood circulation.

  • Any discomfort, pain, atypical discharge is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

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