17 useless things that are actually useful

It seems like it’s time to start sleeping in socks and sniffing apples.

We all know that healthy living is not rocket science. There seems to be nothing complicated here. Eat right, play sports, follow the regime, and you will be happy, right? But, as it turned out, everything is not so boring and monotonous.

There are amazing things in this world that many consider harmful and stupid, but in fact they are quite useful for our body. So if you’re looking to get creative with your health, here are 17 unusual ideas.

Twist the hula hoop

You may think of it as a child’s toy or props for the gymnasts from Cirque de Soleil, but the hula hoop is considered to be a good fitness machine. Twisting it for only 30 minutes, women can burn an average of 165 calories, and men – 200. So much for kids’ fun.

Talk to yourself

Some call it strange, others consider it a sign of mental illness. But in reality, self-talk is the best thing to do for our psychological health. “When we speak out loud, we make our thoughts and feelings slow down, and we approach business more deliberately. In addition, we will process information differently because we use the language centers in our brain, ”explained Jessica Nicolosi, a clinical psychologist based in New York.

Sleep naked

High-quality sleep is not just a certain number of hours a day, but their quality (although the statement about 7-9 hours has not been canceled). According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), regulating your body temperature is an essential component of good sleep. Did you know that our temperature changes throughout the night? It is easiest to regulate these fluctuations with minimal clothing. So feel free to undress before jumping into bed.

Drink coffee before bed

Yes, it may seem counterintuitive, but if you are in the mood for quality sleep, then don’t be afraid to have a cup of coffee. The main thing is to do this right before falling onto the pillow. While you sleep, the caffeine kicks in and you wake up refreshed.

There are insects (some)

What comes to mind when we talk about natural sources of protein? Chicken, eggs, fish, lean pork, legumes. But let me introduce new heroes – bugs. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), insects are already a regular part of the diet of about 2 billion people worldwide. They are rich in fiber and other trace minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc. Another plus in their favor is the minimum environmental harm when breeding them. And how they crunch!

Sniff apples and cucumbers

We all eat them, but does everyone pay attention to their smell? It turns out that the scent of apples and cucumbers can help cope with claustrophobic feelings. This was confirmed by an experiment at the Smell and Taste Processing and Research Center from 1995. He showed that the smell of a green apple or cucumber can change the perception of space, as if expanding it in the mind of a person. Interestingly, barbecue flavor, as tasty as it is, has the opposite effect.

Sleep in socks

According to the NFS, you will sleep better when your feet are warm. “When the blood vessels in our arms and legs expand, the heat generated by them is distributed throughout the body. This is how the body sends a signal to the brain that it is time to sleep, ”experts say.


A 2016 study published in the American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology found that fidgeting while sitting can protect arteries in the legs and even potentially help prevent arterial disease. “Many of us sit for hours, whether we’re watching our favorite TV show or working on a computer,” said lead author Dr. Jaume Padilla, assistant professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. “We expected fussiness to increase blood flow to the lower extremities, but this did little to help lower blood pressure.”

Chew gum

Chewing gum can help you stay focused longer, according to a 2013 study published in the British Journal of Psychology. Especially in situations where you have to concentrate for a long period of time. So, next time you need to concentrate, ditch the espresso and grab the gum!


Do not think that you are wasting time by dreaming. In fact, daydreaming is a sign that your brain is active and working well. A 2012 study published in the journal Psychological Science found that people with a “wandering mind” tend to have a higher degree of working memory. What’s more, a 2017 study published in the journal Neuropsychologia found that those who like to dream have “more efficient” brains.

Sleep on the floor

People did not always sleep on royal feather beds. In fact, most of the world still sleeps on solid and grounded surfaces. And as uncomfortable as it may seem, sleeping on the floor is good for your health. According to board-certified physical therapist Jennifer L. Solomon, short-term sleep on hard surfaces can help people relieve back pain. You can also lie on the floor with your knees raised to relieve pressure from your back.

Sleep in the same bed with a dog

Yes, we wrote why this is not very good, but it turned out not to the end. A Mayo Clinic study found that people who slept with dogs felt safer. This means that the quality of their sleep was better.

Jump on a trampoline

It is well known that trampoline exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases endurance, relieves stress and tension. In addition, they can help improve coordination and motor skills. Also, a 2016 study published in the journal Sport and Health Science showed that jumping on a trampoline can help improve bone density and strength. What are you waiting for? Feel free to go to the trampoline!

Apply egg white on face

We all know eggs are a great source of protein, but how are they good for your skin? A simple face mask made with egg whites will help reduce irritation, firm and tone the skin. All this is due to the effects of albumin, which is found in egg white.


“Kissing makes your heart speed up naturally and helps lower your blood pressure,” Andre Demirjian, author of Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About One Of The Sweetest Pleasures In Life, told CNN. “This process expands our blood vessels so that blood reaches our vital organs faster.”


This is not entirely polite, but again useful. When you give free rein to your inner cobbler, you may not even notice the pain. Those who swore exhibited increased pain tolerance, according to a 2009 study published in the journal Neuroreport. Why is this happening? “The observed analgesic (hypoalgesic) effect may occur because swearing triggers a fight-or-flight response and negates the link between fear of pain and perception of pain,” the study explained.

Nothing to do

In a society that promotes work to the core, wasting time doing absolutely nothing can seem embarrassing. But in fact, the opposite is true. Recent research has shown that detaching yourself from everyday worries and spending time in calm contemplation and contemplation can improve health. What’s more, a 2014 study from INSEAD suggests that doing nothing is critical to creativity and innovation because it provides a mental space for new ideas. So don’t feel guilty about not doing anything the next time you get the chance. This is recommended by your doctor!

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