17 life hacks: how to choose a quick checkout counter in a supermarket

17 life hacks: how to choose a quick checkout counter in a supermarket

Filled up the cart with groceries, hurry home and, as luck would have it, got stuck at the checkout, where there is only one person ahead of you. About you?

It seems that this is the only thing that happens to me: I always hang out at the checkout for a long time with purchases. And it doesn’t matter if I have a lot of items in the basket or I’m standing with a carton of milk. It just always stops at me. Naturally, attacks of hysteria and anger roll in. Is it the same for you? Let’s take a look at the mistakes we make in supermarkets together. And what you need to do to quickly make purchases.

1. Do not get up at the checkout that is served by an intern or newbie.

It is very easy to find out. Read the badge that hangs on the employee’s overalls. The second signal – for some reason, two people at the same time are behind the cash register; clearly one conducts a master class for a beginner. Here everything will definitely happen more slowly.

2. Choose a checkout that does not sell specialty items.

Please note that there are cash desks selling cigarettes, alcohol or special goods for the World Cup, lottery tickets. Most often, the cashiers of these outlets are more distracted by handing over the desired product to employees from other cash registers.

3. Walk by if you see a cashier calling and calling a senior employee.

Apparently, there is some problem with the equipment or it is necessary to find out the price of the goods. They can resolve the issue for a long time.

4. Avoid cash desks where there are signs “Do not service by cards” or “Only by cards”.

Some buyers may not immediately notice this inscription, but, having created a queue and a scandal, will go to another checkout.

5. Hear a scandal, a conversation – pass by.

Usually conflicts arise, alas, through the fault of buyers. The cashier should always be extremely polite. But the person sitting at the checkout is a living person, and after an incident his efficiency may decrease and the speed of service may drop.

6. Do not become customers with children.

Usually moms sometimes forget to take something important in the store and run at the last moment, leaving the cart at the checkout. And sometimes the little tomboy runs away from his parents – this creates an unforeseen situation.

7. The line will move slowly if there is a person in front with a stack of coupons or a discount booklet.

A store employee should spend extra minutes checking promotional items.

8. We saw a cart with vegetables and fruits – move on.

The cashier will definitely weigh all the packages again and will spend much more time than usual.

9. Do not stop if you see bulky goods, clothes, plants.

There are one or two such goods in the cart – not scary. When there are many such things, the cashier will have to take time to get up and bend over to the cart with bulky goods or plants, and in the case of clothes, remove everything from the hangers.

10. Do not queue up for a discount card.

The buyer will fill out a questionnaire.

Never lose your temper in line. Enjoy your shopping, from the anticipation of a delicious dinner of purchased products

11. Does the person in front talk on the phone all the time? Pensioner? Go ahead!

The chatterbox is slower to unload the cart, being distracted by the telephone conversation. Well, the grandmother, of course, needs more time than the young to put food on the conveyor.

The speed of passing the checkout depends on you personally.

1. Always look for a readable code label on all products.

Otherwise, either you leave the desired product at the checkout, or the seller will manually search for the desired product in the database.

2. When weighing vegetables and fruits, remember to stick the barcodes on the bags. Save time for yourself and the cashier.

3. When placing purchases on a conveyor, group them: alcohol with alcohol, milk with milk, etc. – this way it is faster to lay out the bags and punch the goods.

4. If you see that there is a company or a couple of young people ahead, feel free to stand behind them.

Usually, young people rush to a more attractive place for them – a picnic, party or movie – and help their comrades with their purchases.

5. Remember to put the filled bags in the cart.

6. Prepare a discount card for a chain store in advance and pay with a plastic card.

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