17 chemicals promote breast cancer

17 chemicals promote breast cancer

American researchers have succeeded in identifying the chemicals most likely to cause breast cancer. This research, published this Monday, May 12 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, shows that chemicals that cause cancerous mammary gland tumors in rats are also linked to human breast cancer. A first, since until then, research did not take into account this type of exposure.

Gasoline, diesel, solvents …: priority carcinogenic products

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in women around the world, both before and after menopause. One in 9 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime and 1 in 27 women will die from it. The main risk factors were mainly obesity, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption and taking hormone replacement therapy during menopause. We now know that certain substances play a determining role in the appearance of this cancer: 17 high priority carcinogenic products have been listed. These include chemicals found in gasoline, diesel and other vehicle exhaust substances, as well as flame retardants, solvents, stain resistant textiles, paint strippers and disinfectant derivatives used in the treatment of drinking water.

7 prevention tips

These products could nevertheless be easily avoided if we are to believe the conclusions of this work. « All women are exposed to chemicals that could increase their risk of breast cancer but unfortunately this link is largely ignored », comments Julia Brody, Executive Director of the Silent Spring Institute, co-author of the study. This even turns out to be as much practical as theoretical since it leads to seven prevention recommendations:

  • Limit exposure to gasoline and diesel fumes as much as possible.
  • Do not buy furniture containing polyurethane foam and make sure that it has not been treated with fire retardants.
  • Use a hood when cooking and reduce the consumption of charred food (barbecue for example).
  • Filter tap water with a charcoal filter before consuming it.
  • Avoid stain resistant rugs.
  • Avoid dyers who use perchlorethylene or other solvents.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA particulate filter to reduce exposure to chemicals in home dust.

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