At this time, the boundary between the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy passes. If in the first weeks a woman experienced symptoms of toxicosis, now negative sensations are no longer felt. The tummy is just beginning to round out, and neither relatives nor colleagues have yet guessed about pregnancy. Meanwhile, a small life is actively growing inside the expectant mother. The baby is developing, moving and already knows how to do a lot.
Fetal development
At week 16, a small heart is able to pump up to 25 liters of blood per day. The skeletal system of the fetus is so strong that he is able to hold his head tightly and move intensively, grab the umbilical cord with his fingers, and touch his face. The development of facial muscles allows him to move his eyelids, move his lips. Under closed eyelids, the baby actively drives his eyes in different directions. Ears and eyes have taken their permanent place, and the range of movement of the head from side to side has increased significantly.
Fetal parameters:
Weight – 100-120 g;
Coccygeal-parietal size) KTR – 11 cm.
The blood of the unborn child contains all the blood cells characteristic of the blood of adults. In addition, it contains such an element as “newborn hemoglobin”, or fetal hemoglobin. 6 months after birth, normal hemoglobin will replace it. If desired, at the 16th week of pregnancy, you can determine the blood type and Rh factor of the fetus.
Activities of internal organs:
The liver began to perform the function of digestion, producing bile;
Meconium appeared in the intestines – the original feces, almost entirely consisting of bile;
The kidneys are actively working, the fetal bladder emits urine every 40-45 minutes;
The bone marrow completely takes over the function of hematopoiesis;
The fetus develops reproductive organs – the uterus and ovaries with several million eggs in girls,
The intestines are in training mode.
The red skin of the fetus with translucent blood vessels underneath it is covered with lanugo – hairs that hold lubricant on the body to protect it from moisture in the amniotic fluid. By this time, the hair color that the child and the adult will have in the future has already been outlined, that is, their pigment has formed at this time. There are nails on the toes.
The fetus receives sensations from the outside world through kinetic sensations, perceiving vibrations of the amniotic fluid by the surface of the skin.
Video about what is happening with the baby, movements, weight gain, stretch marks, sensations in the stomach:
Pain in the abdomen and lower back
The threat of miscarriage at week 16 has decreased significantly, so most of the pain is associated with an increasing load on the spine of a pregnant woman. By this time, it is high time to stop wearing high-heeled shoes, to rest more often after a long walk. To alleviate your condition, you should choose a prenatal bandage. It significantly reduces pain in the back and lower abdomen, if a woman has to spend a lot of time standing on her feet during the day.
The problem of choosing a comfortable sleeping position gradually comes to the fore. Prolonged lying on the back in most women causes lower back pain during the day. Until the moment of childbirth, you will not have to sleep on your stomach either – pressure on the uterus is now excluded. The most comfortable position is on the side, using special pillows for pregnant women.
Normally, at week 16, whites may slightly change their consistency, become more liquid, increase in volume due to increased blood supply to the pelvic organs.
Pathological vaginal discharge:
With an admixture of mucus and pus;
yellow or green;
bubbling, foaming;
With the inclusion of streaks of blood;
Such changes in the nature of vaginal discharge may indicate the addition of a bacterial infection (colpitis, vaginitis), or a sexually transmitted disease (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.).
Discharge in the form of clots of cottage cheese, accompanied by itching and burning in the perineum, is a sign of thrush caused by the Candida fungus. Normally, small colonies of the fungus are present in the vagina, and do not bring discomfort, restrained by the immune system. During pregnancy, the microflora of the vagina and the hormonal background of the body change, and the fungus begins to multiply. Its distribution is facilitated by excessive consumption of carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, rich pastries). Thrush is treated with special drugs that are not dangerous to the health of the fetus.
If the pregnancy is multiple
Most often, a multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy with twins, less often there are 3 or more fetuses in the uterus. At week 16, this situation does not feel any different from the usual course of pregnancy with one fetus. Most often, several embryos appear in the uterus as a result of IVF, ICSI, or as part of a genetic predisposition. The mother of several babies needs to save her strength, use all the possibilities for proper nutrition, prevent infection with viruses and bacteria, and complications of somatic diseases.
If the pregnancy is frozen
The period from 16 to 18 weeks is the most dangerous in terms of the risk of pregnancy fading.
Frozen pregnancy is the intrauterine death of the fetus for various reasons:
Rhesus conflict;
Anomalies in the development of the child;
Infection of the fetus;
Exposure to toxins;
The endometrium of the uterus is traumatized by previous induced abortions;
Violation of the hormonal background;
Side effects of drugs.
A frozen pregnancy may not be accompanied by any symptoms for a long time, except for minor pains in the lower abdomen or sanious discharge. Many women feel the death of the fetus, according to them, they “cease to feel pregnant.” With this pathology, it is necessary to urgently get rid of the fetal egg in a gynecological hospital, the detachment of which can lead to severe bleeding.
In addition, the dead fetus causes infection of the tissues of the uterus and peritoneum. A severe complication of a missed pregnancy is peritonitis and sepsis. After the removal of the fetus, the woman undergoes a course of rehabilitation treatment. It is better to postpone planning for the next pregnancy for 6-8 months.
Intimate Relationships
Sexual contacts between spouses are called intimate relationships because they solve all issues related to sex without outside interference. At this stage of pregnancy, marital sex does not need any restrictions other than the threat of miscarriage, multiple pregnancy, low placenta previa. With low presentation, the placenta does not close the entrance to the cervical canal and is fixed at a short distance from it. Any pressure on the uterus, sexual arousal is dangerous, as it provokes placental abruption and massive bleeding.
How to control weight – catering
Normally, the difference between the weight of a woman before pregnancy and at week 16 should not exceed 2,5-3 kg. From this time on, the rate of weight gain accelerates, weight is added due to the growing placenta, uterus and fetus, as well as the increasing volume of blood and amniotic fluid. It is not very good if weight gain occurs due to an increase in the proportion of fat in the total body weight. Women with a low weight gain give birth easier than full women in labor, so you should try not to go beyond the limits of the norm.
Nutrition tactics:
You should eat 3-5 times a day;
Portions should be small;
Breakfast and lunch should be dense and nutritious, and dinner should be light;
No need to snack between meals;
It is necessary to limit the amount of salt consumed to prevent edema;
Marinades, pickles, fatty and fried foods, excessive sugar should be removed from the menu;
The diet should always include salads from fresh vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products;
You can not eat raw eggs, drink unboiled milk, so that food does not become a source of infection;
Meat and fish should be well cooked.
On the advice of a doctor, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes for the prevention of beriberi.
To maintain health and ensure the full development of the fetus, you need to devote more time to physical activity, do special exercises for pregnant women, go in for swimming and water aerobics, and walk in the fresh air.