After establishing the diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus”, there is a need to identify useful products. The main task is to provide the body with useful and tasty elements that are able to control blood glucose parameters. The right choice of products helps patients avoid the development of complications of diabetes – cardiovascular diseases, visual disorders, impaired kidney function.
We offer the best products for type XNUMX and type XNUMX diabetics.
1. Fatty fish
Fatty fish is recommended to be introduced into the diet due to the high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids – DHA and EPA. These elements are indispensable for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Record holders for the concentration of fatty acids are salmon, anchovies, sardines, herring, mackerel.
Patients with diabetes should systematically eat fatty fish in order to reduce the level of triglycerides, which increase the likelihood of developing or exacerbating heart disorders, including stroke. DHA and EPA are polyunsaturated acids necessary for the structure of blood vessels, skin, retina, and nerve fibers. They are able to reduce signs of inflammation, activate the functions of the arteries after eating.
Many studies have shown that the systematic consumption of fatty fish significantly reduces the likelihood of heart failure and death from heart disease.
In one of the experiments, elderly patients, men and women, were offered oily fish 5-7 days a week for two months. Control tests showed a decrease in inflammatory markers and triglycerides [1].
Oily fish is a source of high-quality protein that helps maintain a normal weight. Fish eliminates the feeling of hunger, activates metabolic processes.
2. Leafy greens
Green leafy vegetables supply the body with nutrients while maintaining optimal body weight due to their low calorie content. Greens are not able to activate the growth of glucose concentration due to the fact that there are very few digestible carbohydrates in it.
The results of medical studies have proven that the introduction of large doses of vitamin C into the daily diet helps to reduce glucose levels and markers of inflammation in patients with type II diabetes mellitus and hypertension [2].
A large amount of minerals, vitamins, and especially vitamin C, is found in cabbage, spinach, lettuce.
The leaves of green vegetables are concentrated antioxidants – lutein and zeaxanthin, which have a healing effect on eye health. In diabetes mellitus, they especially need protection from factors that provoke the development of macular degeneration of fiber, cataracts. Visual impairment is one of the most common complications of diabetes.
3. Cinnamon
The ability of cinnamon to lower blood glucose parameters has been proven by more than one controlled study. The spice has a pronounced antioxidant effect, increases susceptibility to insulin. Pleasant taste allows you to introduce cinnamon into the usual daily diet of diabetics.
In one clinical experiment, subjects with type II diabetes were offered cinnamon for 90 days. Control tests showed a two-fold decrease in hemoglobin A1c compared to those who did without spices. [3].
*Hemoglobin A1c is an element that allows you to set the average blood sugar levels for 2-3 months. Performing such tests allows for long-term control of diabetes.
Evaluation of data from more than 10 medical studies suggests that cinnamon helps lower triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol.
When buying products with cinnamon, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the spice. Most often, cinnamon cassia is presented on the shelves of supermarkets, containing a large amount of coumarin. Its amount should not exceed more than 1 teaspoon per day. Excessive intake of coumarin in the body can cause health problems.
The best option for diabetics is Ceylon cinnamon. It contains coumarin in low concentrations.
[Video] Dr. Berg – One teaspoon of this spice will help with diabetes: