- Irina Ushenina, 30 years old, cosplayer
- Anna Fedotova, 22 years old, design engineer
- Tatyana Bogdanova, 24 years old, manager
- Aleksandra Demidova, 28 years old, marketer
- Elena Modenova, 28 years old, interior designer
- Kristina Yanshina, 27 years old, works in a bank
- Natalya Shakhova, 44 years old, head of PR projects
- Maria Kalinkina, 23 years old, journalist
- Anastasia Baytulina, 25 years old, flight attendant
- Elena Mityanina, 23 years old, on maternity leave
- Linda Pavlova, 19, studying to be a make-up artist
- Olga Khripchenko, 29 years old, on maternity leave
- Ekaterina Politova, 25 years old, ecologist
- Katerina Zvereva, 27, Cornish Rex breeder
- Alexandra Kuzmischeva, 36 years old, advertising manager
- Anastasia Khudyaeva, 25, owner of an animal shelter
Girls’ best friends are not diamonds, but cats! They will warm you in cold weather, when you are sad, they will comfort you, when you are having fun, they will support you. And the mustachioed ones are surprisingly similar to their mistresses. On Woman`s Day, I was convinced of this personally!
Irina Ushenina, 30 years old, cosplayer
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Irina Ushenina
Pet: Neva Masquerade Plush
– I have two cats. I can’t single out a favorite, but Plush, light, appeared earlier.
And the Catwoman costume was made by me based on the 1992 Batman cartoon. She fell in love with this character as a child. True, I feel as if naked in this suit. I found the fabric for this image a long time ago, but it lay in the closet for a long time, and only recently I found a use for it.
Catwoman is one of the sexiest images, I am incredibly attracted to this. All real women are a little kitty in their souls …
Anna Fedotova, 22 years old, design engineer
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Anna Fedotova
Pet: cat Panda – Kurilian Bobtail, 2 years
– As a child, I had a lot of animals: two cats, dogs, rabbits, geese – we just lived in a private house. When I began to live separately from my parents, I realized that it was boring without animals. The young man and I wanted a dog, but it takes a lot of time, attention, care and space. Once I looked through advertisements for the sale of kittens. In one of them, the hostess girl handed out Kurilian Bobtail kittens for free.
Previously, we have not heard anything about this breed. And I began to read about care, health, nutrition. The Kurilian Bobtail has a distinctive feature – a short tail, like a rabbit. And the behavior is not feline at all. Our Panda behaves like a bear, then like a rabbit, then like a lynx, and more like a dog. The cat was named Panda because of the similar color of the tail.
Panda is very smart, understands everything. It happens that you scold her, she walks offended, does not allow herself to be stroked. She comes to be soft when she gets bored herself – sometimes she even wakes up at night so that she can be stroked and taken in her arms. Also loves candy wrappers and pieces of paper. If you throw a stick at her, she will bring it back like a dog. Follows us with its tail. Where we are, there she is.
Tatyana Bogdanova, 24 years old, manager
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Tatiana Bogdanova
Pet: cat Brulik – British silver chinchilla breed, 1 year 5 months
– Our cat was born on October 5th. In the photo, where Brulik is in a cap, he is one year old. We gave him goodies that he didn’t even taste – moody!
They chose him for a very long time – I liked the breed, but there are few of them in Yekaterinburg. We specially visited two exhibitions, but no one has sunk into the soul. And this one was found by an announcement on the forum. I liked my parents: a very handsome fat dad and a pretty mom. I noticed ours right away – he ran out of chicken for lunch faster than his brothers and sisters.
Now we live three of us: me, my husband and Bryusha. He looks like us – just as calm and even lazy, kind. We think to get another golden chinchilla – it’s a very beautiful breed! And there are no problems with her. Our Brulik is very fond of boxes and houses, does not spoil furniture and only goes to the toilet. Immediately realized how the doors opened. Only for some reason he is afraid of guys: if he hears an unfamiliar male voice, he immediately runs away. And when my girlfriends come to visit, everything is all right.
However, he is selective about food, so we could not find food for a long time. Now he eats food from a certain manufacturer, refuses others. And also this breed needs to be combed out once a week – a very dense undercoat.
Aleksandra Demidova, 28 years old, marketer
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Alexandra Demidova
Pet: cat Josie – Bengal breed, 3 years
– When choosing a breed, I was guided by intelligence, which Bengals are famous for. In general, they have a lot of advantages. For example, a beautiful leopard color, which appeared due to crossing with a wild cat. By the way, for the same reason, they are not afraid of water, they walk quietly on the street, they love the owner, they are well-mannered, they don’t scratch, don’t bite, don’t shed, go to the toilet, don’t gnaw furniture, and they are also talkative – they like to meow. Perfect! Of course, I started looking for a kitten of this breed.
Arriving at the breeder, she began to play with all the kittens. One of them ran so funny after a teaser stick on her hind legs that she immediately sunk into my heart. I went home with Josie.
Now she is my best friend, my happiness. We do everything together: she follows me through all the rooms – she needs me to always be in her field of vision. At the same time, it maintains a certain distance. If I wash the dishes, she starts playing with the towel; if she brought the packages home, Josie will definitely check the contents by diving her head in them. We sleep together too. We also often walk on a leash – in the summer I try to take it with me everywhere. Of course, her bright color attracts a lot of attention. People come up, ask what kind of breed, and ask to pet. She is not very affectionate with strangers, but she is not afraid of them either.
Elena Modenova, 28 years old, interior designer
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Elena Modenova
Pet: Oscar the cat, 12 years old
– My wonderful Oscar came to me 12 years ago. This was my first year of study at the Academy of Architecture, for which I moved from a small provincial town. It was impossible to live alone, and my then boyfriend gave me a small red lump on March 8. I told him that I want a Persian, and his mother found him somewhere for me.
Oscar had blue eyes and a funny short ponytail. Over time, the eyes became darker, a fluffy tail grew and a formidable look appeared. Many, seeing him for the first time, are afraid, but in fact he is very kind, affectionate and a little cowardly. He loves to come to me when I work late at night at the computer, sits down on his knees to the top with his belly to be stroked and scratched.
They are best friends with their daughter Margarita. Oscar is insanely patient, tolerates not only my constant trips around the region, but also the child’s insane interest in himself. Despite his age, Oscar is not averse to playing, running for a string. In the village, with his parents on vacation, he performs all his feline functions: catches mice and bask in the lawn. I can’t imagine my life without him!
Kristina Yanshina, 27 years old, works in a bank
Pet: Martin’s cat – British breed 6 years old.
– My Martina is a kitty with character: she does not let strangers approach her, recognizes only her mistress. She always greets her from work and jumps onto her arms to be stroked. He responds to conversations with a meow.
In the morning, as soon as he hears the alarm clock, he always runs to wake me up. Then she sits by the bowl and waits for fresh water to be poured for her, so that she herself can see the whole process. Favorite toys are hair ties and a laser.
Natalya Shakhova, 44 years old, head of PR projects
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Natalia Shakhova
Pet: cat Zukin, 19 years old
– From early childhood, I believed that life is not the same without a cat. Zukin is my second cat. The first was Daria Vasilievna, who lived with her parents. Zusha appeared in the family exactly 19 years ago. Where we took it from, the kitten was called Athos because of its adorable black beard, and we renamed it after an imaginary friend of my son.
At such a venerable age, he has the most senile character that neither is. Grumbles, demands attention, considers himself to be in charge. However, our Zukin was never a weasel. He is the same cat that walks by itself. But at the same time – a real and devoted friend. When I feel bad, he silently comes and lies down next to me, in especially difficult moments he puts his paw on me and calms me down. And in this we are very similar to him.
And also our Zukin is a teleman. His favorite TV channels, of course, are those with programs about animals. He watches them selectively: he likes big wild cats, and he demands to turn off programs about funny kittens and puppies. Likes to watch thrillers. At especially scary moments, he presses his ears, but continues to look. The strongest impression on him was made by the legendary Hitchcock’s “Birds”. At the beginning of the picture, when a flock of birds flew onto the screen, Zukin boldly beat them with his paw.
Zusha can speak and understand Russian. And over the years, his vocabulary is getting bigger. The funniest of the phrases he uttered was “we don’t need it.” So he answered when his son asked if we should have another cat!
Maria Kalinkina, 23 years old, journalist
Pet: Stepa’s cat – fold-eared breed, 2 years
– When I was one year old, my parents got a ginger cat Kostya. At the age of 18, I left home in Murmansk to enter Yekaterinburg University. Soon after my departure, Kostya died …
For a very long time I wanted to get another ginger cat. The decision was not easy. Doubts remained whether the guy and I would pull such a responsibility. We thought and thought and went to bed … And at night I dreamed about Kostya – my first cat! He was lying next to the couch, and then he jumped up to me. I woke up feeling that it happened here and now. In the morning I called my mother and asked when Kostya died – it turned out that that day was exactly one year! We decided that this was a sign and went after our mushroom Stepa.
He turned out to be the same as Kostya – unkind, recognizing only the owners. And I love cats with character. If a stranger wants to stroke Styopa, he should call him into the kitchen to a bowl. Only realizing that now he will get a tasty treat, the cat lets him in. He also likes to throw everything off the shelf at night. Especially for everyone to wake up!
Anastasia Baytulina, 25 years old, flight attendant
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Anastasia Baytulina
Pet: cat Becks – Scottish Fold breed, 1 year 4 months
– I never really liked cats – all my childhood I had dogs. More than five years ago, when I started dating my current husband, we decided to give my parents a kitten. Then it seemed to us that one kitten would be bored, and gave the second one for the New Year. But we did not stop there, and took the third cat … already for ourselves! I, being pregnant, agreed to my husband’s persuasion.
They chose for a very long time – I just wanted gray. I came across an ad where he was characterized as a “mischievous boy”, and then I realized that it was he – our mischievous cat. They gave him the nickname Bex. A week later they took me home. And our fun days began: we were together all day, ate together, slept and waited for another member of our family to appear. I was very worried about how the kitten and the child would make friends. But in vain – they are good friends. Sometimes I even joke that Bex is Artemka’s older brother. Every day we have different funny situations: it happens that we go out for a walk, and the cat sits in the closet for three hours: he is interested in all the toys of his son. He often carries small toys in his teeth.
When we go to visit our parents on weekends, where 3 cats meet, it is, of course, a lot of fun … Despite the fact that Bex is considered the youngest cat, when visiting he feels like a master and chases other cats.
Elena Mityanina, 23 years old, on maternity leave
Pet: cat Busya – British breed, 3 years
– I have always dreamed of having a thoroughbred kitten with an interesting color. But I couldn’t find a suitable one – either I didn’t like it, or the table was too expensive. And one of the summer days my boyfriend came to me with a small bundle of happiness. So, I got Busya.
Busi is active at night. She loves all my little jars, pens: it is a special pleasure to drive them on the floor at night. Cotton buds are her love. Businda manages to open the box and take out one stick at a time with his paws, take it in his mouth and throw it on the floor. And every morning I woke up – and there was a whole mountain of sticks on the floor. Also, the cat prefers to go to the bath with me. Sits on the edge of the bathroom and watches.
Busya always disliked little children. When I had a child, I was worried that she would show aggression towards her son. But during colic, the baby cried, and Busya ran to him in front of me. And she bit my hands so that I could take it faster. And when the son could not calm down for a long time, the cat sat next to him and meowed – apparently, she wanted to help. Busya sleeps next to the child.
I agree with the opinion that pets are similar to their owners. She is just as harmful and characteristic as I am. We both love to be photographed. The husband constantly says: “All in you.”
Linda Pavlova, 19, studying to be a make-up artist
Pet: cat Kisun – Don Sphynx brush, 4 months
– I have always wanted this particular breed – I like it externally. But I never really looked for a kitten. And once I came across an ad and decided – we must take it!
My cat and I do everything together at home. I take a shower – Kisun sits in the sink with water – he also likes to swim. I paint – she does almost the same thing: she carries brushes and cosmetics. Well, when I cook, Kisun does not leave.
The kitty is mischievous, often plays, runs, climbs everywhere. There were no serious leprosy, but everything that lies badly takes away to its place.
Olga Khripchenko, 29 years old, on maternity leave
Pet: cat Sima – Persian breed, 12 years old
– My cat’s name is Sima, she is 12 years old, so among ourselves we call her “old lady-pensioner”. She lives with us almost from birth – she is a descendant of a cat and a cat of my parents. We love her very much and hope that she will delight us with her presence for a long time. She is very affectionate and kind, the best friend of my three-year-old daughter.
Our Sima and I are similar in that we both like to sleep a lot, lie down, bask in bed. True, now only a cat succeeds in this – with the appearance of a child, I can only dream of such laziness!
Ekaterina Politova, 25 years old, ecologist
Pet: Arseny, 3 years old
– My cat is very smart and smart. The toilet only goes to the toilet. It looks like a cute chubby, but in reality it is an electric broom, Garfield in a gray guise!
Her favorite pastime is to eat, eat, eat and sleep. But from time to time his motor starts up and he begins to hunt for everything that moves. Likes to please the owners with caught mice and birds. Favorite delicacy – watermelon and melon, ready to eat whole.
Katerina Zvereva, 27, Cornish Rex breeder
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Katerina Zvereva
Pets: three Cornish Rex cats
– I own the Rexband kennel and breed Cornish Rex breeds. At the moment I have three cats, but I have one tricolor pet. Only cats can be tricolor, and a tortoiseshell cat is a huge rarity! It is believed that they can attract good luck to the home.
Our cat’s name is also strange – Chegevara, but we call him Viktor Nikolaevich because of the similarity of his gait with one person.
His biggest flaw is that he loves people too much. Especially the hostess … Chegevara does not know how to be offended, but he is able to persistently ask for handles and even jump on his shoulder.
Alexandra Kuzmischeva, 36 years old, advertising manager
Pet: cat Pusik – Persian breed, 16 years old
– I bought it in 2001 at the poultry market to make it more fun in the new apartment. So since then we have been living with Pusik. It’s scary to think – he is already 16 years old, but he is just like a youth. He loves affection very much, but only from me – he does not accept strangers, and is very aggressive – begins to hiss. Therefore, everyone thinks that he is angry, but you should have seen how he at night, when it is cold, runs up to me, asks me to put him under the covers with his paw … He sleeps all night on my shoulder, like a lyalka.
Probably, we are very similar, I also love affection, but I can also “show my teeth.”
Anastasia Khudyaeva, 25, owner of an animal shelter
Pet: cat Isa, 3 years old
– I am used to living surrounded by a huge number of animals – since childhood I have nursed abandoned cats and kittens. Now I have an animal shelter, but I also have my own animals. Yes, it sounds funny, but besides the 22 cats that I take care of every day, I have my own kitty, Aiza, who goes through everything with me, takes the blows of newcomers and brings up young ones!
Aiza came to me when she was very little, 2-3 months. This was the first cat that I took for overexposure while my friend finds her a home. It was a terrible time, because I was completely unprepared for those tricks that Aiza presented to me: she tore furniture, jumped at night, spoiled something all the time, bit someone, was furious. There was hard labor.
But after a while I could no longer part with this terrible cat. I coped with some problems, with some – I resigned myself. When it’s hard for you, do not give up what you started, endure, you can cope with all the difficulties, because the life of a small creature is in your hands!
From the moment Aiza appeared with us, I organized a shelter for bounties and refuseniks. Since then, we have rescued and cured hundreds of cats.
Choose the most adorable couple – a girl and a cat!
Irina Ushenina
Anna Fedotova
Tatiana Bogdanova
Aleksandra Demidova
Elena Modenova
Christina Janshina
Natalia Shakhova
Maria Kalinkina
Anastasia Baitulina
Elena Mityanina
Linda Pavlova
Ekaterina Politova
Katerina Zvereva
Olga Khripchenko
Alexandra Kuzmischeva
Anastasia Khudyaeva
Ekaterina Politova became the winner of the vote. Her prize is tickets to
(Lunacharskogo st., 137, tel. 350-06-93. The best film premieres, special screenings, promotions)