16 Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Any Wedding

The ransom of the bride, riding in limousines, a five-tiered cake – the wedding ceremony has acquired all sorts of traditions from different eras and cultures. And not all of them look appropriate in the XNUMXst century. And some can completely spoil the feeling of the holiday. Wedding planner Olga Meldzikhova tells what to avoid when planning a celebration.

The most common mistake is to refuse a dream wedding for fear that relatives will not like the chosen theme. “This is your day. Do you want a barefoot wedding on the grass? Do it! And it can be organized in such a way that parents who insisted on the classic format will be delighted. And most importantly, this day will be remembered as something special,” advises Olga Meldzikhova.

And so that no missteps spoil the impression, you need to approach planning correctly: designate a comfortable budget, make a list of guests, set priorities and not make mistakes from our list. Here are the errors.

1. Call everyone you know

Do not invite guests, just so as not to offend. On this day, there should be those with whom you really want to share this joy. A second cousin aunt may well be happy for you even at a distance.

But do not forget to think over the seating arrangement, even if you invite only 20 people. In order for guests to enjoy the evening, people with similar interests, the same age category or at least a little familiar with each other should be nearby. If many of the guests are planning to come with small children, it is wise to invite an animator for them.

2. Do not take into account the time of year and weather

An plein air wedding in April or October is not a good idea. Even if last year on October 25 the weather was wonderful. In addition, the outdoor wedding table and dancing on the grass look great only in the picture. On a hot day, guests will languish from the heat, and in the evening they can be bitten by mosquitoes. What if it rains and it gets cold?

In this case, you need to have a fallback option – a tent or a restaurant nearby. Blankets and heat guns will not be superfluous. After all, the weather in our latitudes is not constant.

3. Use guests as contractors

“My brother takes good pictures. Why doesn’t he film our wedding?” “Mom’s friend bakes a delicious Napoleon. Let him prepare a three-tiered wedding cake. Moreover, she herself offered. Such ideas seem good only at the beginning. It is impossible to build a “customer-client” relationship with friends and relatives: it is inconvenient for them to make strict requirements or ask to redo poor-quality work.

Let the guests enjoy the holiday, and let the professionals do their job for the appropriate reward.

4. Follow all superstitions and signs

To marry in May is to toil all your life, wedding rings must be without stones, a wedding dress cannot be put on through your legs, you must get married in old shoes, Thursdays and Sundays are bad days. A variety of signs, many of which are borrowed from Western culture, significantly complicate the life of the bride and groom.

Stop focusing on various superstitions. Better think about the fact that a wedding on Thursday or Sunday will significantly save your budget, you can choose a good venue and get a discount. The same goes for weddings in May.

5. Arrange a ransom

Most modern couples arrange it just to please their parents. Explain to your loved ones that competitions in a typical high-rise building entrance do not fit into your idea of ​​good taste. Or figure out how to spend them in an original, witty and fast way. Hint: for example, not in the entrance!

6. Trying to do everything in 24 hours

Registration at the registry office, exit painting, a walk, a photo session, a buffet table, a restaurant – in order to have time to observe all the “wedding decorum”, the bride and groom wake up at six in the morning. And already by lunchtime they are exhausted from their feet. But you can plan everything so that the special day passes measuredly and comfortably. “I always advise couples to spread the trip to the registry office and the celebration itself for two days,” says the expert.

The task of the modern presenter is to create the most pleasant atmosphere, and not to put guests in an uncomfortable position with contests

Going to the registry office is, in fact, a formality. It is quite possible to come there on a weekday even in jeans, invite only your parents, and then take a walk together in the park or sit in a restaurant. For the rest of the guests, you will organize a beautiful outdoor ceremony before the wedding dinner with romantic vows, your favorite music and an exchange of rings.

7. Do a photo shoot in the city center and ride decorated cars

Who came up with the idea that guests have fun riding around all the tourist places in the city? And what is the semantic meaning of your photograph against the backdrop of the monument to Pushkin? A photo session of the bride and groom (without friends and strangers) is best done not against the backdrop of local attractions, but in a park or in a studio.

As a result, by abandoning these two supposedly mandatory items, you will save time and energy. There will be no need to invite a stylist and makeup artist by six in the morning and plan complex traffic jams.

8. Take a limousine

According to Olga Meldzikhova, this is the worst car for a wedding – uncomfortable and unmaneuverable. It is impossible to turn around in a limousine, drive into a courtyard or a narrow alley, or avoid a traffic jam. Not to mention the fact that inside the limousine can look completely unromantic: leopard print upholstery or a shabby interior that has seen a lot.

It is much more reasonable to order a vintage car or a good executive class car. And for guests, if they need a transfer to a country restaurant or to the place of exit registration, there are mini-buses.

9. Invite the toastmaster instead of the host

The difference is not only in the name. The task of the modern presenter is to create the most pleasant atmosphere, and not to put guests in an uncomfortable position with competitions. Another good presenter makes sure that everyone can congratulate the newlyweds and at the same time the wedding dinner does not turn into an endless series of toasts.

10. Collect money from guests

Bride kidnapping, fortune-telling about a boy and a girl, an auction for the sale of the first piece of cake – today “wedding fees” are inappropriate. After all, the guests have already spent money on a gift or put a certain amount in an envelope. And they did not count on additional expenses.

11. Ordering too many different types of alcohol

Champagne, red and white wine, two types of strong alcohol – this set should be limited to a wedding dinner. Before him – only champagne and soft drinks. Do not try to get guests drunk at check-in. Otherwise, the wedding can get out of control.

12. Choose uncomfortable clothes and shoes

A dress with a narrow corset, the most fluffy skirt and a five-meter train looks spectacular in the photo. But think, are you ready to spend the whole day in it? If from the age of five you have been dreaming about just this, plan a shift – simpler and more convenient, for dancing at the end of the evening.

A spare pair of flats is also a must, even if you are confidently balancing on stilettos. In addition, you need to make sure that your outfit will be in harmony with the groom’s suit. And you should not save on a stylist and makeup artist in the hope that later the photographer will correct their flaws with the help of Photoshop.

13. Forcing guests to follow a certain dress code

“It’s nice when all the guests are dressed in the style of the holiday,” says Olga. “However, one should not impose too strict limits and demand their observance. It will be a shame that someone did not come due to the lack of a suitable outfit. Just politely suggest to guests in an invitation to support the theme of the event: “We would be happy if you dress in the spirit of the 1950s, as our wedding is inspired by the movie Hipsters.

14. Save on the organizer and contractors

There is a misconception that a wedding planner can only be afforded on a very large budget. But it’s not. A good organizer will help you save money (tell you where it is cheaper to order flowers, a cake, etc.), avoid mistakes and related expenses, and assemble a team of professionals. You will save your nerves and get the most out of your holiday. Especially if you start preparing in advance – ideally 3-6 months in advance. And since you have hired a professional, trust him and follow the advice. This is your first or second wedding, he already has a hundredth.

You don’t have to pose all the time. Natural emotions – what you want to see in photographs in ten years

If you still do the preparation yourself, hire a wedding coordinator at least for the day of the celebration. He will remove from you all the worries and troubles associated with meeting and accommodating guests, bringing decor, alcohol and preparing a banquet.

15. Refuse professional photography or videography

Of course, technology has stepped forward, but it will be a shame if, after a great event, you are left with a dozen of different quality pictures on your phone. Now it seems not so important, but believe me, you and your children in 10-15 years will be interested in watching a colorful film about this special day. And don’t try to pose all the time. Natural emotions are what you want to see in photographs in ten years.

16. In any incomprehensible situation, shout “Bitter!”

The last piece of advice is for guests. Many believe that any pause at the wedding should be filled with this scream and kisses of the newlyweds. However, not all couples enjoy kissing in public. So just enjoy a pleasant evening in good company.

About expert

Olga Meldzikhova – wedding studio manager Evensters.

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