16 best producers of cereals for the first feeding

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

As the newborn grows and develops, his diet expands. From 5-7 months, cereals appear on the menu. Pediatricians advise using industrial products prepared using a special technology. But what kind of porridge to choose so that it completely suits the baby? Simplerule experts have compiled their rating and are in a hurry to share information with modern parents.

How to choose porridge for the first feeding

Each baby is individual, and manufacturers have tried to take this moment into account. In order not to get confused in the variety, when buying, you need to pay attention to certain factors:

  1. Age restrictions. The box always indicates the age at which the product can be consumed.

  2. The presence of gluten. An important rule when introducing porridge for the first complementary foods is the absence of gluten. It’s all about the untuned work of the child’s digestive system. The mucosa is vulnerable to products containing this protein. It has a detrimental effect on the undeveloped intestines of the baby.

  3. The presence of additives. Preference should be given to those brands that contain berries and fruits that the baby has already tried separately, and at the same time there was no allergic reaction.

  4. Dairy and non-dairy cereals. If the baby is not allergic to milk protein, the first complementary food based on this component is allowed.

  5. Vitamins. On the shelves you can find cereals enriched with useful substances. A product with vitamins is an excellent choice for the first complementary foods.

  6. Price. First you need to decide which porridge is suitable for the baby, and then compare prices. Manufacturers present products with the same properties, but at different prices.

Parents often argue with which product to start the first complementary foods: cereals, mashed potatoes or sour milk. WHO recommends starting with vegetable purees (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini or pumpkin), and only later introduce the novice gourmet to cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat or rice). Dr. Komarovsky does not agree with this, therefore, he advises introducing fermented milk products (cottage cheese or kefir) first of all, and then letting porridges taste. Of course, the choice remains with the parents and the pediatrician.

How to start the first weaning

The body of each child is individual, but pediatricians identify several basic rules for the first complementary foods:

  1. You need to start with a gluten-free one-component porridge, without milk and fruit additives. If the crumbs have a negative reaction, you need to understand what it arose for. In the case when the product contains milk and 3 types of cereals, it will be difficult to figure it out.

  2. The amount of the first feeding should be no more than half a teaspoon. A child’s reaction to a new food can be unpredictable, so start with small doses. The next day, you can give a full spoon. Follow the reaction for at least 3 days.

  3. Feeding time should be in the morning. The crumbs may show an allergic reaction, and it is easier to notice it during the day.

  4. The sequence of introduction of new food is important. If the mother gave the child buckwheat porridge, other new delicacies should be excluded until this product is fully introduced.

  5. Allergic babies should immediately choose a hypoallergenic option. The manufacturer indicates this information on the box.

After studying the main aspects and comparing popular cereals for the first feeding, we have compiled a rating of the best.

Rating of the best producers of cereals for the first feeding

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of the best producers of cereals for the first feeding      1 Fleur Alpine Dairy-Free Buckwheat      290 ₽
     2 Nutrilon (Nutricia) milk-free corn      159 ₽
     3 Fleur Alpine Dairy Free Rice      235 ₽
     4 Baby Sitter Dairy Free Oatmeal      226 ₽
     5 Nutrilon (Nutricia) Dairy-Free Buckwheat      165 ₽
     6 HiPP milk-free corn      210 ₽
     7 Semper dairy-free rice      215 ₽
     8 Nutrilon (Nutricia) Dairy-Free Rice with Apple      165 ₽
     9 Fleur Alpine dairy-free millet with a mixture of cereals      235 ₽
     10 Gerber dairy free multigrain with apple and prunes      149 ₽
     11 Remedia dairy-free buckwheat      249 ₽
     12 Nestle dairy-free oatmeal      104 ₽
     13 Heinz dairy-free corn      108 ₽
     14 FrutoNyanya dairy-free rice      100 ₽
     15 Bebi dairy-free corn with prebiotics      139 ₽
     16 Heinz dairy-free 3 cereals with linden and chamomile      43 ₽

Fleur Alpine Dairy-Free Buckwheat

Rating: 4.9

The leader of the rating was dairy-free buckwheat porridge from Fleur Alpine. According to 90% of parents, this product is ideal for the first feeding. It is made from selected natural raw materials with the preservation of natural nutritional value.

The grinding of the product is quite small. If you follow the cooking instructions, there will be no lumps. Porridge is ideal for children with allergies. A pleasant aroma easily awakens the appetite of a little gourmet. The taste of porridge is very tender, easy to digest. A definite plus is that you can add delicious ingredients that the baby has already tried. We are talking about various berries, fruit puree, zucchini, carrots. A package weighing 0,23 kg costs between 280-380 rubles.



Nutrilon (Nutricia) milk-free corn

Rating: 4.8

The next place in the ranking is corn porridge without milk from the Nutrilon brand. Parents praise her for the monocomponent composition and the absence of harmful additives. The product contains only corn grits. In terms of taste, it completely suits the kids. Fragrant and tender porridge just melts in your mouth.

Parents appreciate the convenience of packaging with a resealable zip and cooking information. The manufacturer recommends the product from 5 months, which is great for formula-fed babies, because they are advised to start complementary foods a little earlier than for babies. Nutrilon dairy-free corn costs no more than the previous participants in the rating. For 180 g you need to pay 166 rubles.



Fleur Alpine Dairy Free Rice

Rating: 4.8

The Fleur Alpine brand is loved by many parents for its excellent composition of products. First meal cereals are 100% whole grains that are great for your baby’s delicate digestive system. It does not cause colic and other intestinal irritations. Children perfectly tolerate the product even at night. The groats are processed in such a way that the smell and taste of rice are preserved.

The composition does not contain starch, salt, sugar. This allows you to start complementary foods at 6 months. The manufacturer on the package recommends trying from 4. Porridge is diluted with water, but after the child is completely used to this product, it is allowed to add the mixture familiar to the crumbs.

The fine fraction makes it easy to prepare the dish without forming lumps. Despite the fact that the composition contains vitamin B1, the product is suitable for allergy sufferers.



Baby Sitter Dairy Free Oatmeal

Rating: 4.7

The next line in the ranking belongs to the Baby Sitter porridge. All products of this company are dairy-free. This is a plus, because parents should not worry that even a small fraction of milk will accidentally get into the package during production.

The taste is quite light, not too sweet, which inspires the confidence of moms and dads. The composition contains vitamins of group B, folic acid and other useful substances. Soft consistency when diluted with water. Lumps are not formed. Many mothers recommend leaving the porridge for a couple of minutes after cooking, so that it swells properly, then it will acquire the desired density. in aroma and taste, the finished dish is not much different from the usual oatmeal.

Parents also note a rather economical consumption, since the mass of one pack is 200 g. The package costs about 300 rubles. You can buy a product for a sale for 150 rubles.



Nutrilon (Nutricia) Dairy-Free Buckwheat

Rating: 4.7

The next participant in the rating won the trust of mothers due to the natural composition. There are no additional elements in it, only cereals. Buckwheat grains are processed so carefully that they have retained all natural vitamins and nutrients.

Before getting to the store counter, Nutrilon cereals for the first complementary foods are thoroughly tested for physical, chemical and microbiological properties. When diluted with water, no lumps are formed. The texture is quite soft and pleasant to the taste.

According to parents, porridge does not cause allergies or other negative reactions. A definite plus is the absence of gluten. In addition, the term of the opened package is 3 weeks, while most other manufacturers have only 2 weeks.



HiPP milk-free corn

Rating: 4.7

Corn porridge for the first complementary foods of the well-known manufacturer HiPP deservedly got into the rating. It does not contain milk, so the product is suitable for children who cannot tolerate protein. Among the ingredients listed on the package, only corn, rice flour and vitamin B1. As for cooking, porridge is quite easily diluted with water. Lumps are not formed.



Semper dairy-free rice

Rating: 4.6

The next participant in the rating is a great option for allergy sufferers. The composition is just perfect: there are no additives other than rice flour. All vitamins are exclusively natural and are contained in the grain itself. Rice is processed according to a special technology that does not destroy useful substances.

In appearance, porridge really looks like flour. The snow-white color and rice aroma cannot but please parents. Kids will appreciate the taste. He is very gentle and pleasant. The absence of gluten brings an extra point to this product.

Toddlers who have already tried milk can eat porridge with its addition. It is allowed to include a little mixture during cooking. Judging by the reviews of parents, the consistency forms lumps when stirred. This makes it difficult to dissolve.



Nutrilon (Nutricia) Dairy-Free Rice with Apple

Rating: 4.5

The next line in the ranking is occupied by Nutrilon rice porridge with apple. The composition is quite suitable for children with allergies. In addition, rice does not contain gluten, which causes irritation in the fragile intestines of the baby. Porridge does not fix the chair. If the child suffers from constipation, and the mother avoids rice porridge, then this product can be given safely. The composition also claims an apple, which is considered a source of vitamins.

The consistency after cooking does not suit all parents. When dissolved, the porridge remains liquid, and lumps may form. According to most moms, the product is tasteless. Some parents correct this deficiency by adding the usual milk mixture to the first complementary foods. The taste immediately becomes noticeably better. Recommended treat from 4 months.



Fleur Alpine dairy-free millet with a mixture of cereals

Rating: 4.5

Many parents have fallen in love with the Fleur Alpine brand for the natural composition of the products. Millet dairy-free porridge for the first complementary foods is no exception. It is a rich blend of rice, buckwheat, corn and millet groats.

A big plus for the absence of gluten in the composition and the rich content of cereals. It is better to try multi-component porridge after the child has tasted all of the above types of cereals separately.

Cooking this porridge is no more difficult than in the case of the rest of the rating participants. Mom is attracted by the fact that no lumps form after dissolution. The packaging is quite economical, it lasts for a long time. However, the shelf life of an open pack is 2 weeks, and not all children have time to consume such an amount during this time.



Gerber dairy free multigrain with apple and prunes

Rating: 4.5

The next position in the ranking is occupied by a rich in composition porridge for the first complementary foods from Gerber. Milk is not included. However, the product is prepared in a factory where it is added to other products, so there may be traces of milk here. That’s what the manufacturer says on the box. A plus for honesty.

Children prone to allergies should not rush to introduce this product into the diet. The composition contains gluten, as the manufacturer reminds on the box. According to parents, kids who are prone to allergic reactions tolerate this porridge well, without negative manifestations.

The presence of apple and prunes only add points to the product. These products are ideal for babies with constipation. Porridge should be given as the first complementary food only after the baby has tried all the ingredients contained in the composition separately.



Remedia dairy-free buckwheat

Rating: 4.5

The next participant in the rating is porridge, with which you can safely start the first complementary foods. Remedia buckwheat does not contain gluten. It is great for the immature gastrointestinal tract of a child. Contains no milk. According to the instructions on the package, they can dilute the product. Therefore, mom has the right to choose how best to use this porridge.

When dissolved, lumps are not formed. Contains only buckwheat and vitamins. The latter are synthetically obtained, so in some babies they can cause allergies. Convenient packaging allows you to securely close the contents on the valve. The product is recommended as a first complementary food from 4 months. A 200 g package costs about 250 rubles.



Nestle dairy-free oatmeal

Rating: 4.5

The porridge of the well-known Nestle company continues our rating. This company has earned the trust of many mothers. Contains no sugar or preservatives. Opened product is stored for 2 weeks. This is an extra proof of the naturalness of the composition.

Despite the absence of sugar, cooked porridge has a sweet taste. It’s all the fault of maltodextrin, indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. This substance is added to many products for thickening during the cooking process. Maltodextrin is related to molasses and has a sweet taste.

Oatmeal itself contains gluten. Therefore, the product is recommended for children who have tried the entire line of gluten-free cereals and are not allergic to this insidious substance. There are reviews of heterogeneous consistency and laxative effect.



Heinz dairy-free corn

Rating: 4.4

A great option for kids who can’t drink regular milk is Heinz Dairy Free Corn. You can add a little familiar mixture or water to it. Corn is a gluten-free product and is great for first foods. However, it takes quite a long time to be digested by the immature gastrointestinal system of the child. Therefore, it is better to introduce such a product into the diet after getting acquainted with buckwheat and rice.

The composition is supplemented with vitamins and the probiotic inulin, which is a natural substance that helps to better absorb and digest the product. Porridge dissolves quite easily, without forming lumps. Not all children like the taste. It is better for kids to eat the dish in the morning, so as not to cause heaviness in the digestive system. The price is quite consistent with the quality. It costs Heinz dairy-free corn 120 rubles (200 g).



FrutoNyanya dairy-free rice

Rating: 4.3

Porridge of the FrutoNyanya company is another favorite of our experts, deserving to be in the ranking of the best. This is a good choice for parents who appreciate a rich formula without unnecessary ingredients. Porridge includes rice flour and a complex of vitamins. The cereal dissolves remarkably in water, without forming a single lump. It is not sour in taste. This is due to the complete absence of sugar and sweeteners.

The lack of milk makes it possible to add your baby’s favorite mixture. It is permissible to breed porridge with water. The manufacturer indicated that traces of milk may still be present, because all FrutoNyanya products are made at the same production site.

Be aware that the product may cause constipation in a child. Therefore, it is necessary to give rice porridge to children with similar problems less often, replacing it with more suitable ones. A big plus is put by our experts for the complete absence of gluten.



Bebi dairy-free corn with prebiotics

Rating: 4.3

The next participant in the rating is Bebi corn porridge, which is perfect for children suffering from allergies. The composition is filled only with cereals and a vitamin complex. It also contains inulin. This is a natural substance that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Pleased with the absence of salt, sugar and preservatives. This explains the mediocre taste, which not all children like. Many parents recommend flavoring ready-made porridge with your baby’s favorite berries and fruits. True, not all children go to these tricks. The consistency after dissolution is satisfactory, but small lumps may form. In general, the texture is delicate and airy, its density is easy to adjust. Porridge is good not only for the first feeding, but also for older children. The product does not cause negative reactions, the stool does not change for the worse. Therefore, we can safely recommend Bebi for the first feeding, starting from 5 months.



Heinz dairy-free 3 cereals with linden and chamomile

Rating: 4.2

Further in our rating, porridge for the first complementary foods from the Heinz brand is presented. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicated that this option is perfect as a dinner. Linden and chamomile soothe the baby and promote better sleep. The multicomponent composition with gluten and sugar does not make it possible to introduce this product into the diet earlier than 6 months. At a minimum, the baby should try all the ingredients in advance.

The complex of vitamins and inulin perfectly complement the composition of 3 cereals, making the product more useful and valuable for the development of the baby. If children do not have negative reactions to these components, porridge with chamomile and linden is perfect for the first feeding. You can buy the product in almost any children’s or network market. According to the reviews of most parents, the claimed sedative effect was not noticed. It’s most likely a publicity stunt.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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