16 Best Mouse Repellers

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Rodents and insects have always given people a lot of trouble. Most of all, rats and mice destroyed food supplies. Until now, property owners are surprised by the “penetrating power” of these pests. The fight against them was carried out at all times, but if our ancestors relied on home-made traps and poisoned baits, today electric repellers have proven themselves well. Although they do not immediately force them to leave the equipped nests, rodents leave with whole families. The only inconvenience in some cases is the presence of an electrical network, which is not found in all cellars or basements. But devices powered by batteries will come to the rescue. The recommendations of our experts will help you make the final choice of the repeller.

Recommendations for choosing a mouse repeller

Device type. To repel pests, manufacturers use two types of devices.

  1. Ultrasonic models are distinguished by quiet operation and a frightening effect on insects and rodents. The built-in emitter generates waves with a frequency of 2 to 50 kHz. So that the “Mickey Mouse” does not get used to the acoustic stream, some models provide for a periodic update of the radiation in frequency.

  2. Electromagnetic devices are absolutely safe for people. As soon as the appliance is plugged into a socket (220 V), electromagnetic fields are created throughout the electrical network, passing through walls, ceilings and floors. These devices work most effectively in rats and mice.

Emitter power. One of the main parameters of an electric repeller is power. The higher this indicator, the larger the coverage area of ​​the device. However, when choosing ultrasonic models, it should be taken into account that the waves lose their strength when passing obstacles (walls, floors, ceilings).

Sound power. In addition to the frequency of ultrasound, the power of the sound stream affects the repelling efficiency. The higher this value, the faster pests leave the premises. Experts consider the optimal power range of 110-130 dB. With a weak impact, the waiting time increases.

Radius of action. It is necessary to select a repeller taking into account the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe room.

  1. If you want to protect a large warehouse from pests, then you should stop at ultrasonic models. Their coverage area reaches 1000 square meters. m.

  2. In a private house or apartment, electromagnetic installations can be used. Their range is limited to 200 square meters. m. Experts also advise removing soft things, carpets and clothes from the room that absorb the signal.

Device power. All repellers are powered by electricity. In houses and apartments, it is easiest to use network models. But in cellars, warehouses or in open areas it is more convenient to use mobile devices that can run on batteries. In this case, only ultrasonic devices are suitable.

Security. Both ultrasound and electromagnetic field are harmless to humans. But some models can create some discomfort for the residents of the house. Owners of domestic rodents (hamsters, guinea pigs, rats) need to be approached responsibly when buying repellers.

We have selected 16 of the best repellers for our review. All of them are sold in the Russian trade network. When distributing places, the editors of the simplerule magazine took the opinions of experts as a basis, taking into account the feedback from domestic consumers.

How to choose a repeller – ultrasonic or electromagnetic

Repeller type




+ versatility of use

+ durability

+ large coverage area

+ different food options

– radiation power is lost after passing obstacles

– soft objects absorb the signal


+ noiseless and harmless

+ light and compact

+ radiation passes through walls

+ affordable price

– do not run on battery

– efficiency depends on the branching of the household network

16 Best Mouse Repellers

Nomination a place Name of product price
Best Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers (Rodents Only)      1 Grad A-1000 Pro+      5 740 ₽
     2 Tornado 400      1 881 ₽
     3 Typhoon Og.01      1 249 ₽
     4 Chiston-2 Pro      2 100 ₽
     5 Typhoon Og.01      1 249 ₽
     6 Electrocat      1 190 ₽    
The best ultrasonic repellers of rodents, insects, animals      1 Ecosniper Ls-927m      1 985 ₽
     2 Weitech Wk-0600      6 900 ₽    
     3 Mongoose Sd-042      1 990 ₽
     4 Hawk-200      1 700 ₽
     5 Rexant 71-0009      799 ₽
     6 Smartpest-01      890 ₽
The best electromagnetic mouse and rat repellers      1 Emr-21      1 100 ₽
     2 Riddex Plus      790 ₽
     3 Digital      570 ₽
     4 Pest reject      419 ₽

Best Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers (Rodents Only)

Ultrasonic waves perfectly cope with scaring away a wide range of rodents. They are practically not felt by people, instilling fear in rats, mice and moles. Experts selected several effective devices.

Grad A-1000 Pro+

Rating: 4.9

Among the ultrasonic rodent repellers, Grad A-1000 Pro + occupies a leading position in sales. It effectively repels rats and mice, reliably protecting houses, basements and warehouses from uninvited guests. Experts appreciated the wide operating temperature range (-35…+75ºС). Another characteristic influenced the final opinion of the editors of simplerule magazine. This is the range of the ultrasonic signal (up to 1 thousand sq. m.), which is enough not only for a private house, but also for a warehouse. Rodent repeller takes first place in our review.

Domestic users speak flatteringly about the convenience of working with a repeller. The power of ultrasound can be adjusted, and it can be connected not only to a household network, but also to a 12V battery.



Tornado 400

Rating: 4.8

The Tornado 400 repeller is somewhat inferior to the winner of our hit parade in terms of range. It protects houses, basements and warehouses up to 400 square meters from rodents. m. But the manufacturer came up with another way to improve work efficiency. The device has an automatic signal frequency switch. Thanks to this option, mice and rats do not have time to adapt to the negative effects. Experts praised the Russian development for its low noise level and compactness. But you can only connect the device to a household power outlet. Therefore, the device takes the second line in our review.

Owners of the Tornado 400 repellers in the reviews report light weight (500 g), effective protection against intruders and absolute harmlessness.



Typhoon Og.01

Rating: 4.7

In rooms up to 400 sq. m successfully repels rodents device Typhoon Og.01. Experts recommend using it in homes and warehouses where the air temperature is between -15 … + 45ºС. It is allowed to use several Typhoons if the building is large. The secret of the effectiveness of the device lies in a wide range of ultrasonic radiation (from 19 to 70 kHz). The device does not start working immediately, so consumers should be patient. Usually rodents leave for 2-4 days. You can mount the device on the floor, walls and ceiling.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with the lightness and compactness of the rodent repeller, affordable price and quiet operation. The disadvantages include poor signal penetration into neighboring rooms and a short cord.



Chiston-2 Pro

Rating: 4.6

A special method of emitting ultrasonic waves was invented by the developers of the Chiston-2 Pro repeller. When the device is turned on, packets of waves of different frequencies are sent towards the rodents. The coverage area of ​​the device reaches 500 square meters. m. Experts note the high efficiency of the repeller, the wave range is in the optimal range (20 … 70 kHz). Pets are not disturbed by the working device at all. It is recommended to install the device in heated and unheated rooms with air temperature from -20 to +50ºС.

The owners of the Russian repeller praise it for its reliability and affordable price. The device is absolutely safe for people and pets. Of the minuses, there is a short cord and the inability to work on battery power.



Typhoon Og.01

Rating: 4.5

Another Russian rodent repeller has earned a place in the TOP-5. Model Typhoon Og.01 becomes a serious danger to rats and mice in a room up to 400 square meters. m. The device is able to work not only in closed houses or warehouses, but also on the street. You just need to protect it from moisture. The repeller is powered by a household network, the low power of the device (9 W) does not affect the cost of electricity (12 kW per month). Rodents are frightened by ultrasonic waves with a frequency range of 19 … 70 kHz. In this case, the acoustic power level reaches 100 dB. For a person, this is akin to the sound of a grinder cutting steel.

Users find the handle that is made for mounting the device convenient. The short cord and the durability of the work are criticized.




Rating: 4.4

Combined protection against rodents is offered by the developers of the Electrokot repeller. In addition to ultrasound, the psyche of rats and mice is also affected by light radiation. Such a bunch of frightening factors effectively operates on an area of ​​​​up to 200 square meters. m. Depending on the time of day, the device can be configured in one of two modes. If during the day it is enough to turn on the acoustic unit, then at night the light will also help to keep the rodents at a distance. The experts put the device on the sixth line in our review for the annoying effect on people. Therefore, the mouse repeller is best used in warehouses, cellars or garages.

Users confirm the unpleasant effect of ultrasound on the nervous system, especially in the daytime. In addition, the range is not very large.



The best ultrasonic repellers of rodents, insects, animals

When residential buildings or warehouses are attacked by pests of various types, universal repellers will come to the rescue. They operate in a wide range of acoustic radiation, intimidating both rodents and insects. Our review included the following effective models.

Ecosniper Ls-927m

Rating: 4.9

The universal repeller Ecosniper Ls-927m has the best combination of price and quality. It works effectively on a wide range of pests, from insects to animals. Experts attribute the high repellents to the sound power (135 dB) that the device emits. In addition, the frequency of the signal is constantly changing, which prevents the addiction of insects and rodents. The mouse repeller is suitable for rooms up to 540 sq. m. It consumes little electricity, so it is not necessary to turn it off during the entire cycle (3-5 weeks). The device becomes the winner in our review.

Domestic users in the reviews speak flatteringly about the build quality, affordable price, and scare efficiency. But the device works only from a network of 220 V.



Weitech Wk-0600

Rating: 4.8

The Belgian apparatus Weitech Wk-0600 becomes a reliable assistant in the fight against cockroaches, mice and squirrels. Its coverage area is limited to 350 sq. m, the device works from a household network. Experts highly appreciated the effectiveness of exposure, harmlessness to people and pets. The user can choose one of 9 modes, depending on the location of the pests. Since the acoustic range is 2 … 50 kHz, then at the lower limit the human ear will pick up sound vibrations. Therefore, in a residential area, it is recommended to set the mouse repeller to emit waves with a frequency above 20 kHz.

Russian consumers are satisfied with the performance of the Belgian device, the pests completely leave the coverage area after about 2 weeks. But the high price is a deterrent to buying.



Mongoose Sd-042

Rating: 4.7

The Russian Mongoose Sd-042 mouse repeller will organically fit into any modern interior. It is for the aesthetics that the model has earned praise from experts. To power the device, a household power supply is required, the maximum coverage area is limited to 100 square meters. m. Pests are frightened by 2 types of ultrasonic waves and ultra-low electromagnetic oscillations. The waiting time is 15-30 days. The device is equipped with an indicator, the color changes when the frequency is switched. Since the device is inferior to the leaders of the review in terms of the main parameters, the editors of the magazine gave it the third place.

The owners of houses and apartments most of all liked the design of the repeller. It is affordable and effectively repels pests. But its coverage area is small, and even when turned on, interference appears in the radio receiver.




Rating: 4.6

The oldest of many ratings is the Russian Yastreb-200 mouse repeller. The electronic “bird of prey” adequately competes with more modern gadgets. Experts explain the effectiveness of the repeller by radiation of 2 thousand types of frequencies. Neither bugs, nor cockroaches, nor rats can withstand such a powerful acoustic stream. The waiting period is approximately 1-2 weeks. The area of ​​intimidation reaches 200 square meters. m. Using the device, it is possible to solve the problem of pests both in warm rooms (up to + 80ºС) and on the street in 40-degree frost.

Users consider the absorption of ultrasonic waves by upholstered furniture and clothing to be the weak side of the device. And the appearance of the owners seems outdated. But durability and availability are the advantages of the device.



Rexant 71-0009

Rating: 4.5

The light and compact model Rexant 71-0009 is designed for pest control in living rooms. The operating area of ​​the device is quite modest (up to 60 sq. M), it may not be enough for a medium-sized house or a three-room apartment. This moment most influenced the final position of the device in our review. The advantages of the device experts include a nice appearance, compactness, the effectiveness of repelling moths, cockroaches and mice. The Chinese repeller is absolutely harmless to both people and their pets.

Judging by the reviews of domestic users, they have no particular claims to efficiency. Pleases only affordable price and stylish design. But sometimes the device turns itself off, so you need to monitor its operation.




Rating: 4.4

Another Chinese repeller was in the TOP-6 of our review. Despite the short range (50 sq. m), the Smartpest-01 device is in steady demand among Russian homeowners. Attracts a repeller from mice with an affordable price and silent operation. The scope of the device is limited to apartments, cellars and garages. Experts praised the Chinese manufacturer for the minimum power consumption (0,5 W), which allows you to occasionally turn off the device. By the way, the device is turned on directly into the outlet, it does not have a power cord.

Domestic consumers primarily note the compactness and aesthetics of the repeller, quiet operation and low electricity consumption. Among the shortcomings, they distinguish a modest range and fragility.



The best electromagnetic mouse and rat repellers

Invasion of rodents can not only spoil the mood, but lead to damage to food or furniture. In the presence of an electrical network, electromagnetic emitters are capable of scaring away rats and mice. It is enough to insert the device into the socket so that frightening impulses go through the entire wiring. Praise from experts deserved the following models.


Rating: 4.9

The compact Chinese device Emr-21 demonstrates an enviable efficiency in repelling rodents. The experts gave him the palm in our review for a decent coverage area (230 sqm) and stylish appearance. When the device is connected to a household network, a signal that is frightening for mice and rats is distributed through the wires. After 2 weeks, the pests do not withstand electromagnetic exposure and leave their homes. The owner can monitor the operation of the device by light indication. The repeller does not have any uncomfortable effects on humans or individual pets (dogs and cats).

For many years, Russian users have been using the Emr-21 model. Despite the high price (compared to competitors), it remains in demand in the domestic market.



Riddex Plus

Rating: 4.8

The second line of our review is occupied by another Chinese repeller Riddex Plus. It attracted the attention of experts with its balanced performance. The strength of the device is a durable waterproof case. Therefore, the mouse repeller works without failures in wet basements and on the street, it is not afraid of bumps or falls. The model also boasts a wide temperature range from -30 to +45ºС. The device is quite a bit inferior to the winner in terms of range (up to 200 sq. m).

Users in the reviews praise the Riddex Plus repeller for the effectiveness of rodent control (leave after 2-4 weeks), reliability and durability. It does not interfere with radio signals or Internet communications via Wi-Fi. But insects practically do not react to electromagnetic radiation.




Rating: 4.7

The optimal combination of price and quality allowed the Digital repeller to take a prize in our review. Experts drew attention to the versatility of the model. Electromagnetic radiation effectively fights not only rodents, but also insects. A special converter maintains the frequency of the current in the household network, so failures in the wiring do not affect efficiency. The device failed to bypass the leaders due to the low power of the emitter. Therefore, the coverage area is only 80 square meters. m. The scope of the device – living quarters, garages and storage rooms.

Users highly appreciate the work of the repeller, noting environmental friendliness and harmlessness to people. But pets react nervously to the inclusion of this device.



Pest reject

Rating: 4.6

The combined fight against mice and rats is offered by the developers of the Pest Reject repeller. The device has two emitters, one of them creates electromagnetic waves, the other produces an ultrasonic flow. Experts appreciated the range (up to 200 sq. m), which is enough for a private house and a small warehouse. After connecting the device to the household electrical network, property owners should be patient for about a month. Every day the rodent will become smaller. The device stops a step away from the top three due to some critical reviews.

Domestic consumers prefer the Chinese model for its low price, silent operation, and the presence of a light indication. But users have complaints about the effectiveness of scaring away mice and rats.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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