- 15th week of pregnancy – baby’s development
- 15th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body
- 15th week of pregnancy – symptoms
- 15th week of pregnancy – care
- 15th week of pregnancy – building a bond with your baby
- 15th week of pregnancy – tests
- 15th week of pregnancy – what month is it?
- 15th week of pregnancy – prophylaxis
- 15th week of pregnancy – interesting fact
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You are just starting the 15th week of pregnancy and have probably forgotten the hardships of the first trimester. Your baby does not slow down, however, and is developing intensively. Check what changes are taking place in his body in the 15th week of pregnancy.
At 15 weeks gestation, your uterus should be clearly above the symphysis pubis, especially if you are giving birth again. But remember that how visible your tummy is also depends on your body composition. In women with rounder shapes it is simply harder to see the bump. In such cases, it may not be noticeable until after the 20th week of pregnancy!
15th week of pregnancy – baby’s development
The fetus is constantly growing, but some parts of the body develop faster than others. Thanks to this, the head is finally not so disproportionately large. The legs also become longer than the handles, although they have evolved from protrusions of the same size. The baby is also developing inside – the bones are constantly hardening and almost all of them are already mineralized.
In addition to the intense body movements in the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby is very intensively exercising all the reflexes it will need right after birth. First of all, it “breathes” the amniotic fluid, which stimulates the lungs to develop further. With the first breath, they will fill with oxygen, and then the baby’s breathing muscles will be essential.
The amniotic fluid is also swallowed so that the fetus learns this reflex. Are you wondering how your baby knows how to eat female food while suckling? No wonder – already in the 15th week of pregnancy, it happens that a baby is “caught” on an ultrasound suckling its thumb.
Even though the baby’s eyes are still closed, the photosensitive cells already react to light! The taste buds and olfactory cells are specializing. There is a breakthrough in the 15th week of pregnancy. The bone system continues to harden, which means that the ossicles are ready for action.
The amniotic fluid is perfect for conducting sounds, which means that your baby hears what is happening inside your body, which is primarily your heartbeat. Some sounds from outside the mother’s body also come to it. The baby is also sensitive to tactile stimuli, which means that it can react to stroking the belly.
Most of your baby’s internal organs begin to function as early as 15 weeks pregnant, but continue to grow and mature. They work intensively, among others endocrine glands, i.e. the thyroid gland and pancreas. These organs are already starting to produce thyroxine and insulin, respectively.
The baby’s skin is still very thin. During this period, the whole body becomes covered with a fluff, which will gradually cover the whole body of the baby. It is worth noting that at the time of delivery, the fluff will only be left on the head and eyebrows of the baby. All the blood vessels and the beating heart of the baby can be seen through the delicate skin.
It is worth knowing that such a baby can sense emotions in its mother. For example, if we have a bad day, the child adjusts to our mood and is also visibly sadder and, for example, starts sucking his thumb to improve his mood.
At the 15th week, the baby grows very intensively, but its weight does not increase proportionally. This is due to the fact that the child does not accumulate yellow adipose tissue yet. The child is already very active, he is moving his fingers and waving his arms and legs intensively. It rotates in the uterus in every direction.
Baby at 15 weeks it is about 10 cm long and weighs about 60-70 g. In the 15th week it is also possible to determine the sex of the child with the appropriate positioning of the child during the ultrasound examination.
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15th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body
The woman is 15 weeks pregnant she usually feels very good and has a lot more energy than before.
The body of a woman at the 15th week is also changing. Uterus at the 15th week of pregnancy continues to enlarge, which makes the pregnancy belly quite visible and nicely rounded. From the 15th week of pregnancy, the abdomen begins to noticeably enlarge, which makes the spine bend a lot. Unfortunately, this increases the risk of a white border divergence.
This is the gap between the two parts of the rectus abdominis muscle. The white line dehiscence increases with the growing uterus, but the situation should return to normal after delivery. However, it happens that this does not happen, which is what the silhouette of a woman suffers from after pregnancy.
In addition, at week 15, a dark line may appear in the center of the belly on a woman’s abdomen, which connects the navel with the pubic symphysis, the so-called Linea Negra. Moles and freckles also darken. Skin discoloration may also appear as a result of hormonal changes, but usually disappear within a year of giving birth.
Thin women at this stage of pregnancy are primarily focused on their rounded tummy. The uterus is located between the pubic bone and the navel, and this is where it can be felt and even seen. If you are not sure where the uterus is, lie on your back and gently examine your abdomen with your hands. You will feel a hard rounding there.
A growing baby and expanding uterus can make it difficult for you to find a comfortable position. This applies primarily to sleeping. Women who are 15 weeks pregnant often experience insomnia and should not be alarmed. The most important thing now is to provide yourself with the most optimal conditions for rest.
If you are comfortable on your side, you should choose the left side. This side is where the stomach is located. If you lie on the opposite side, the organ will be above your esophagus and much more digestive acid will be seeping into it, causing you heartburn.
In the 15th week of pregnancy, there is also often an increased appetite. Meanwhile, painful gums may hinder its satisfaction. Changes in their area are caused by the action of hormones. The gums become swollen, more bloodied, and when brushing, you can even notice red spots on the toothbrush.
The sensitivity of the gums itself should not be of concern to you, but you must remember to take special care of your oral hygiene. Gum problems can lead to gum inflammation, which in turn can lead to periodontal disease. Scientists have shown a link between these conditions and an increased risk of premature birth.
The biggest surprise in the 15th week of pregnancy may be the baby’s first noticeable movements! It is true that some women experience this sensation much later, but if you have given birth and are slim, you may enjoy this unique sensation now. Some women compare their baby’s movements to “gurgling” or “flapping wings”, so this symptom is easy to overlook at first and mistake it for, for example, intestinal peristalsis. The moment a mother realizes that this is her unborn child may come as a surprise.
Around week 15 of your pregnancy, you may also experience distractions. Have you forgotten why you came into the room or you don’t know where you put your keys? This is perfectly normal. Your brain works a bit differently – less oxygen reaches it than usual, and the hormonal changes in your body are also doing their job. Don’t get frustrated, everything will be back to normal after the birth and your mind will be as good as ever.
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15th week of pregnancy – symptoms
In the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman may develop some symptoms that are characteristic of this point in her pregnancy. Belong to them:
- changes in the vascular drawing on the breasts – the drawing can be much stronger and more distinct. The heart grows bigger, and a lot more blood circulates in a woman’s veins. It is a natural state. The skin stretches and the blood vessels dilate under the influence of estrogens, which makes them much more visible both on the breasts and on the décolleté. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is worth taking care of the skin and applying appropriate care;
- Increased appetite in pregnancy – women in the 15th week may finally feel an increased appetite. Most of them have already gone through a period of nausea and vomiting, so they begin to feel the need to replenish the calories they have lost and any nutrients they have lost. Remember, however, that it is not worth overeating because the extra pounds will be difficult to lose after pregnancy. If, despite this, it is difficult for a woman to control her appetite, she should pay more attention to what she eats and use vegetables and fruits more often;
- a large amount of vaginal discharge – in the 15th week of pregnancy, the woman’s vagina is well supplied with blood, which, in combination with hormonal changes, may lead to an increase in the amount of discharge. In this way, the woman’s body creates a natural barrier that protects the child against various infections. Unfortunately, a large amount of secretions can be a source of intimate infections, so it is worth taking care of personal hygiene at this time. A symptom of infection will be a thick discharge of yellow or green color and an unpleasant odor;
- constipation, flatulence and heartburn – the woman continues to struggle with various stomach problems. The easiest way to, for example, fight constipation, is to have a proper diet rich in fiber and, for example, yoghurt, thanks to which we will support our digestive system. It is also worth eating slowly in small portions, and more often. It is also better to avoid caffeine, sweets, hot spices, carbonated drinks and fatty foods;
- pregnancy anemia – anemia in pregnancy may appear around the 15th week of pregnancy. The amount of blood increases and the body begins to store iron, so it is worth taking care of an adequate amount of it in the diet. Occasionally iron supplementation is necessary. You will find both iron and other essential vitamins and minerals in Pregnancy Complex – Viridian Pregnant Woman;
- varicose veins – increased pressure in the veins in the 15th week of pregnancy can lead to varicose veins. The woman will prevent them by exercising moderate physical exertion such as walking, swimming, gymnastics or yoga. We will not suffer from varicose veins if we avoid high temperatures, tight clothes and narrow and tight shoes;
- Mood changes – a feeling of dismay and fear may appear as early as the 15th week of pregnancy. It is not up to the woman, however, and should not be blamed for it;
- sleep problems – the 15th week is the moment when a woman begins to experience various sleep problems. They are favored by changes in mood, a growing belly making it difficult to find a comfortable position, or increased pressure on the bladder;
- a large amount of saliva – this may be another effect of hormonal changes. For this reason, we may have an unpleasant smell from the mouth, but also a runny nose, for example.
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15th week of pregnancy – care
In the 15th week of pregnancy, proper care is, as always, an important element of the future mother’s everyday life. So there are a couple of things you should pay attention to during this time.
At the beginning of the second trimester, the growing belly and the developing baby in it causes the center of gravity in the female body to change. Additionally, many women have a problem with swollen calves and feet. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to properly selected and comfortable footwear. It’s best to give up high-heeled shoes and replace them with flat-heeled shoes or low wedges, and it’s best to choose sports shoes.
It is also worth remembering about the right amount of fluids. During pregnancy, you should drink plenty of water in small sips every day. To drink water regularly, it is a good idea to have a small water bottle with you.
A pregnant woman should drink about 2-3 liters of water every day. This amount only applies to water. Remember, however, that fruit, vegetables and soups are also sources of water. On hot days, a woman should drink up to 3,5 liters of water.
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15th week of pregnancy – building a bond with your baby
In the 15th week, you can successfully make the first attempts to establish contact with the baby and start building a maternal bond with the baby. Around this week, the baby begins to hear various sounds, and the baby’s brain begins to develop an area responsible for hearing.
Now that your baby can hear, you can start talking to him. Developing this habit as early as possible is important from a psychological point of view, because it makes women accustomed to the role of mothers. Research shows that the newborn is able to recognize the mother’s voice very early among other voices. It is believed that it was due to the fact that the baby “listened” to him during fetal development.
The baby is 15 weeks pregnant it also responds to touch. So you can stroke and gently press the abdomen in the place where we feel the baby. This way, it will be easier for us to prepare for the baby’s arrival.
If we want to establish contact with the baby, it is best to talk to the baby and at the same time speak to him in a calm voice and gently massage his tummy. It may happen that the child “responds” to us with a certain movement. You can also play him quiet music or read fairy tales, especially in the evenings.
The child will not understand the words we say, but will perfectly perceive the emotions, will remember the voice of the mother and father, and the future parents will develop the habit of reading fairy tales to their children in the evening.
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15th week of pregnancy – tests
Between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy (preferably by week 17), you can consider taking a triple test. It measures the concentration of three substances in the blood: beta-hCG, estradiol, and the AFP protein. The test helps estimate the likelihood of Edwards’ syndrome, Down’s syndrome and neural tube defects.
The triple test is a non-invasive test that draws blood from a vein. The blood is then subjected to computer biochemical analysis. This test should be performed in the case of:
- when the woman failed to do the PAPPA test between weeks 10-14 of pregnancy;
- women over 35 years of age;
- family history of genetic diseases;
- having had a baby with genetic defects earlier.
In addition, in the 15th week, the doctor may also order a morphology and urine test at a follow-up visit. A urine test will check for the development of an infection and no antibiotic treatment is required. It is also worth having a vaginal cleanliness test and a smear test, if the doctor has not ordered them in advance.
15th week of pregnancy – what month is it?
The 15th week of pregnancy is the fourth month of pregnancy. At the same time, it is also the second week of the second trimester. However, we should remember that the doctor during the check-up appointments gives the moment of pregnancy very precisely in weeks and days, not months.
15th week of pregnancy – prophylaxis
In the 15th week of pregnancy, it is also worth considering the safety and health of both the mother and the baby. For this reason, it is always worth paying attention to:
- vaginal discharge, pain, burning or itching – consult your pregnancy doctor as soon as possible;
- gently changing the position of the body, slowly getting up from a chair or bed – this way we will avoid dizziness and even fainting;
- a visit to the dentist – the 15th week is the last moment for possible dental treatment;
- the right dose of moderate-intensity exercise – thanks to which we will not only improve our well-being, but also take care of posture, facilitate childbirth and return to form faster after pregnancy.
The health of the future mother and the proper development of the child can be supported by dietary supplements. At Medonet Market you can buy the highest quality prenatal vitamins, incl. LittleMe Day + LittleMe Night Health Labs – for the benefit of mother and baby.
15th week of pregnancy – interesting fact
Some babies are born with very dark hair, while others have only a light nap on their heads. It is in the 15th week of pregnancy that hair appears on your baby’s head, and eyelashes and eyebrows around the eyes, if not developed in the previous week.
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