From week 15, the second trimester of the gestational period begins – the most calm period of pregnancy. Childbirth is still far away, the growing belly is not so large as to limit the woman’s activity, the excitement of the first months has gone, toxicosis has ended. Now the expectant mother is waiting with excitement when she feels the first movements of the fetus, will be able to feel in reality the signs of a new life inside her body.
What happens to the fetus?
The main achievement of the 15th week is the formation of the fetal cerebral cortex, the active division of nerve cells. At this time, the process of development of the cerebral hemispheres will not end, it will last the entire fourth obstetric month. The smooth surface of the cortex is covered with grooves and convolutions, acquiring a typical structure. The number of neurons corresponds to the approximate norm, the formation of their processes begins. Now the central nervous system is able to perform even more functions, to more accurately coordinate the activity of the fetus.
The active development of muscles and bones enables the child to make a variety of movements. He can roll over, bend and unbend his legs and arms, clench his fists, suck his fingers. Despite the fact that the epidermis consists of several layers, the skin of the fetus is not yet dense enough to hide the pattern of blood vessels. The hairline becomes thicker, you can see eyebrows and hairs on the head, as well as fluff on the body, which will disappear only a few days after childbirth. In the thickness of the smooth and transparent skin, the sebaceous and sweat glands begin their work.
Fetal parameters at week 15:
Weight – 70 g;
KTP (coccygeal-parietal size) – 10 cm;
Body length from heels to crown – 14 cm;
Heart rate – 120-150 beats / min.
The proportions of the baby’s body change with the course of pregnancy. Now he no longer looks like a clumsy “tadpole” – the body has become more proportional, and the legs, as expected, have overtaken the length of the arm. The genital organs are in the developmental stage, so it is still difficult to determine the sex of the child on ultrasound.
The activity of the internal organs of the fetus at week 15:
The kidneys produce primary urine, which ends up in the amniotic fluid;
The intestine develops;
The liver produces bile, which will become the basis for the original feces – meconium;
The endocrine glands of the male fetus begin the production of testosterone;
The head ligaments are formed, the glottis is open;
The receptors of the tongue and oral cavity are able to recognize the taste of food;
The heart pumps more than 28 liters of blood per day.
Amniotic fluid is cleaned up to 10 times a day, so the baby does not experience discomfort. Due to the intensive work of the cardiovascular system, the skin of the fetus most often has an intense pink or red color.
Video about the prevention of stretch marks and the condition of the fetus at week 15: