15 things in the house that make a hostess life hell

Designers, when they came up with these interior items, completely forgot about common sense. And that their creations will have to be cleaned and washed by someone.

For the sake of beauty and fashion, people are ready to do unthinkable things: squeeze into choking corsets, dye their hair incredible colors, wear shoes that are painful even to look at. All, if only others were surprised, gasped and envied. Common sense and comfort often fall prey to design delights in the interior too.

What happens when things are created solely for the sake of aesthetics, forgetting about the practical side of the issue? For example, a designer may not even think about what it will be like to wash or clean his creation. Or maybe designers never do cleaning? It is to such masterpieces that the group “Things made by people who don’t have to wash them” on Facebook is dedicated to.

Group founder Will Fitham hates cleaning. And the things that already complicate the unloved process, even more so. “Cleaning is often devalued by society. It is usually done by women, and men just shrug their shoulders and say that this is women’s work. I think this is wrong. Therefore, design is partly a political issue, “said Fitham in a conversation with BoredPanda.

It’s hard to disagree with him, considering some of the design masterpieces. For example, this is an amethyst shell. Expensive, rich, beautiful, pretentious. And it is categorically inconvenient. Just imagine how to clean it! Toothbrush? With your own tears?

A frame for a mirror or painting made of crystals. They are processed, sanded, but this is unlikely to save them from dust. And washing such a masterpiece every other day is unbearable.

With candlesticks made in the same technique, everything is somehow simpler – you can simply substitute them under the stream of water. If, of course, there is a living woman who will not forget to do it.

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Or a ceiling made in the form of a cloud from something very similar to cotton wool. It glows like a stormy sky, very beautiful. And very unhygienic. Just imagine how much dust accumulates there and how high insects breed there.

Separate applause was awarded to the soft toilet seats. If a man does not have the habit of lifting the toilet seat, it’s scary to think what such pads under the ass turn into in a couple of days. Is it hygienic? Doubtful.

Stone bathtubs, toilets and sinks are another story. For example, a bathtub sunk into a pedestal of rough cobblestones – how do you like it? It seems to us that this is primarily inconvenient. It is necessary to climb into it by some miracle, without hitting the little finger on a stone, and then by the same miracle get out back. But what if mold starts between the cobblestones? After all, the bathrooms are usually pretty damp.

What about the flooring? After all, how can you turn around! Here is a snow-white floor lined with tens of thousands of porcelain skulls. How much dirt will there be in these pits and grooves in a week? Especially when you consider the habit of foreigners to walk in street shoes at home. In Russian realities, this is generally impossible to imagine. Or a black rug made of scraps of leather. Vacuum under each one? Seriously?

A bed made of books is just a monument to common sense. On the one hand, there will be no problem what to read at night. On the other hand, even if you have not yet had an allergy to dust, in a couple of months it will definitely be on such a bed. After all, bugs and dust mites will breed with pleasure in the pages of books.

Mugs with intricate decor in the group are called “a gift to the one you hate.” And you can’t argue! Even if such a present is not used for its intended purpose, it will become dusty, standing idle. And you still have to wash it. Of course, you can put it in the dishwasher, and then pretend that you are upset when all this beauty falls off.

And, of course, the carpeted bathrooms. Tightening everything from floor to ceiling in polyester is an idea that looks incredibly vicious. But for some reason it is very popular, despite all the evidence that it is a complete unsanitary condition.  

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