Among celebrities, there are real cleaners who carefully make sure that the house is always tidy. There are many excellent chefs who are ready to stand at the stove for more than one hour to create a masterpiece. But there are those who do not like cleaning and cooking, preferring to spend time on other things.
The actress has collected an excellent collection of various film awards, including Oscars. But Jennifer is deprived of the talent of the hostess. She does not cook well and therefore tries to do it as rarely as possible: she prefers to dine in restaurants or order food at home. Besides, Lawrence doesn’t like cleaning up at all.
Will Smith’s wife does not know how to cook at all. Jada Pinkett herself talks about this in an interview and nods to genetics: her grandmother was very poor at cooking, where did her granddaughter get such a skill? Cooking classes could help the actress, but Jada Pinkett does not show the slightest desire to sign up for them.
Megan Fox often forgets about basic hygiene. She openly calls herself dirty and sloppy. She admits that she is too lazy to even just collect things: they are scattered all over the house, where Megan left them. Add to this the animals that walk around the rooms (we are not talking about banal cats or dogs, but, for example, about a pig or squirrels), and it becomes clear that sometimes the house of Fox and her family is very dirty.
It is unlikely that anyone will be able to persuade Tyra to reincarnate as a cook – not for the sake of a photo in gloss, but for real. The supermodel explains that she just doesn’t have time to cook, so she buys takeaway food. Stand by the stove itself? What for?
The TV presenter prefers to spend time on a career and communication with loved ones, leaving household chores to hired workers. In one of the interviews, Ksenia admitted that even in her student years she cut out money to pay for the cleaning lady who came. I saved on something else, if only I did not need to take up the broom and rag myself. Sobchak also does not like to cook, which she warned Maxim Vitorgan about even before the wedding. But in this matter, the husband managed to change her opinion: from time to time in the mornings, Ksenia treats Maxim to cheesecakes and pancakes, which she cooks herself.
Entering the store, the actress cannot resist shopping. Therefore, in her apartment, everything is littered with bags of new outfits that Lindsay simply does not have time to wear. Lohan does not find time to sort out the acquired things and lives in complete chaos. Because of this, by the way, one of the housekeepers even quit: she considered such working conditions too difficult.
Since childhood, the famous tennis player devotes most of her time to sports. Therefore, she never learned to cook, although she launched her own line of sweets. However, Maria admits her flaw and hopes that when she has children, she will still master the art of cooking.
The actress, who made her famous role in the series “La Dolce Vita”, honestly admits that she does not know how to cook and is not going to learn how to do it. There are a few ordinary dishes – that’s enough. Rather than standing by the stove, it is better to read an interesting book. And if you want something tasty, you can always go to a restaurant.
The sexy actress doesn’t know how to cook at all. The father of her daughters Ryan Gosling once told with a laugh how Eve wanted to treat everyone to pasta, but the dish tasted awful. Mendes herself is not particularly upset by this: you can always go to a restaurant or have a snack on the go. And in her free time, she will play better with her daughters.
In the house of the shocking singer and actress, there are dogs and a little pig, whom she does not forbid to do their business right on the floor. Plus, there are pizza boxes, dirty plates and wrappers everywhere. Cyrus does not bother with cleaning, believing that this is the care of the maid. Lazy even to carry garbage to the basket. It is not surprising that Miley’s guests try to walk very carefully, carefully looking at their feet: few people like to step into a dog’s puddle or slip on a foil from a chocolate bar.
Going to visit Beyoncé, her friends can be sure that they will be deliciously fed. But the singer has nothing to do with the appearance of culinary masterpieces on the table: she orders them in expensive restaurants. Beyoncé herself does not know how to cook and does not seek to learn.
Since childhood, the actress has become accustomed to having a servant, she herself has never been cleaning or cooking. A hired chef prepares food for Sofia and her family. And also the son of Vergara, who unexpectedly discovered his culinary talent and now pleases everyone with interesting dishes.
Like Lindsay Lohan, Jessica throws her clothes everywhere. The situation is aggravated by the singer’s dogs: their fur is everywhere, as well as tufts of Jessica’s false hair, with which the animals love to play.
A mother of many children does not have the patience to stand at the stove and stir something. She gets distracted and forgets about cooking. When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were still living together, the man, thinking about the possible unpleasant consequences of such behavior, even asked his spouse not to bother himself with work in the kitchen.
The famous singer is a real disaster for housekeepers. Even after snacks in bed, Britney does not clean up after herself, leaving cookie crumbs and even pieces of sandwiches! Well, to see a star with a vacuum cleaner in hand is completely unrealistic.