- 1. Remember to keep in touch with loved ones
- 2. Write down what you are grateful for
- 3. Prepare a healthy breakfast
- 4. Forgive wrongs
- 5. Allow yourself to be angry or sad if you need to.
- 6. Throw out negative thoughts
- 7. Breathe more fresh air
- 8. Take a break from social media
- 9. Listen to good music
- 10. Move more
- 11. Stretch
- 12. Don’t be afraid to show others that you value your time.
- 13. Remember to take care of yourself
- 14. Be kind to others
- 15. Be kind to yourself
Absolute happiness seems like a utopia, but everyone can give themselves a little joy. Every day we face problems, and it would be good to learn how to control the condition and well-being. Simple techniques will help you face life’s adversities more steadfastly and make you happier.
1. Remember to keep in touch with loved ones
Nowadays, there are so many ways to communicate to make communication very easy. However, we often forget about it. Say hello to someone close, talk via video call, send an email or a letter. Strong family and friendship ties help you live longer and happier. There is not always time for a long phone conversation, but a smiley face will cheer you up.
2. Write down what you are grateful for
Happiness and gratitude are connected. It is useful to keep a diary in which you write down what you feel about it. If there is no desire, you can, when you have a free minute, write down what good things happened today. It can be something insignificant: an empty train came, they answered a difficult question in a quiz show, they ate deliciously. The exercise will help not to forget that, despite the troubles, there are many bright moments in life.
3. Prepare a healthy breakfast
“The morning usually sets the tone for the day,” says psychologist Tim Sharp. Start your morning with a hearty breakfast. Eating fruits and vegetables helps keep you in a good mood, while morning calories energize your body and brain for the day. Preparing such a breakfast is easy: pour oatmeal with milk and leave overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning, add fruit, nuts, honey, or whatever you like. This fiber-rich breakfast satisfies hunger.
4. Forgive wrongs
This is not easy to do, but it is useful for well-being to be able to leave grievances in the past. If it doesn’t work out, you can imagine that, by forgiving an insult, you are making a gift not to a person, but to yourself. The ability to forgive is good for psychological well-being, reduces anxiety and strengthens the immune system.
5. Allow yourself to be angry or sad if you need to.
The advice may seem misguided, but it works. It is necessary to forgive and not cling to the past, it is equally important to allow yourself to feel. Complaining about injustice can be constructive. When you keep everything to yourself, you are doing yourself more harm than good. Many people regret holding back their emotions. It is worth allowing yourself to cry, crying can have a healing effect on the psyche.
6. Throw out negative thoughts
If unpleasant thoughts come back and interfere with enjoying life, throw them away. Write them down on a piece of paper, wrinkle it up, and throw it in the trash. Exercise helps to think less about the bad. Why not try, because you have nothing to lose except negative thoughts.
7. Breathe more fresh air
The medicine for happiness is outside the window, it remains to go outside. The smells of nature, coniferous trees, freshly cut grass reduce stress and help to relax, fresh air gives energy. It will be useful to leave your home or office for a few minutes and take a walk in the park.
They often evoke negative emotions. To get rid of the “digital depression”, it is useful to take a break from them. You don’t have to delete your account, though, if you want… If you look at other people’s wedding photos less and stop reading political discussions with insults, there will be room in your brain for joyful emotions.
For starters, you can remove social networking apps from your phone – you will only access them when there is a computer nearby. It will also help you stop checking for updates every five minutes and feel like you’re in control of the tech again, not you. It will also be helpful to unsubscribe from blogs and news feeds that bring negative emotions and opt for something more joyful and positive.
9. Listen to good music
Even children enjoy their favorite tunes. Music can make us happier. Pleasant sounds increase the level of dopamine in the brain, turn on the hit playlist more often.
10. Move more
Physical activity can improve mood, but this does not always motivate you to go to the gym. You need to find the kind of physical activity that will be pleasant, for example, jogging, walking, look for video tutorials with a workout program. Try out the options to see what you like.
11. Stretch
Even if you’re the kind of person who’s looking forward to pedaling on a stationary bike, there are days when you don’t feel like hitting the gym. Stretching exercises will help, they also contribute to the release of endorphins. Some yoga exercises can be done without getting out of bed.
12. Don’t be afraid to show others that you value your time.
This is important if you tend to please and take on a lot of responsibility. Give yourself a gift, allow yourself to refuse others more often – for example, if they invite you to go to a bar when you have other plans, or if they offer a project that is incompatible with your schedule.
We can improve our lives by learning to say “no” more often. To decide what is worth your time and what is not, listen to your first instinctive reaction. “For example, you are asked for something, and the request provokes anxiety, stress, irritation. Even if you eventually agree, then it will seem that you were forced, ”says psychologist Rachel Tomlinson. Your time is as valuable as someone else’s.
13. Remember to take care of yourself
Face masks, afternoon naps, manicures, a football game on TV, reading in silence should bring joy. Let it be a backup way to deal with stress. If you don’t fully understand how to take better care of yourself, you’re not alone. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, who at 29 became the youngest congresswoman in US history, asked readers on Instagram how they understand self-care. At the same time, she emphasized that this is necessary, otherwise nervous exhaustion will inevitably come.
“I used to do yoga and cook for dinner, for example, salmon with a side dish of wild rice, but over time I got to the point that I began to dine fast food and fall asleep in jeans without taking off my makeup. In our culture, this is tacitly approved, considered a sign of real hard work. But I will say: there is nothing good in this, in the end you only complicate your life even more.
14. Be kind to others
Smile at a stranger, hold the door open for those coming from behind, skip the checkout line for someone with a couple of groceries. Kindness costs nothing, and helping others makes us happier.
15. Be kind to yourself
The inner voice can be cruel if allowed. The key to happiness is self-acceptance, but we often do not try to do this. One of the best gifts to yourself is to learn to suppress unhealthy self-criticism.
Source: Huffington Post