15 sexiest fitness trainers in Perm. Vote!

Fitness trainers are people we trust with our bodies. After all, it is under their sensitive guidance that we become slim and attractive! And the best advertisement for any coach is his physical form. See, rate and don’t forget to vote for the one you liked the most!

Photo Shoot:
Evgeny Martyshev’s archive

Personal Gym Trainer

Age – 29 years old, height – 176 cm, weight – 92 kg

Place of work: fitness studio “Style Zhi”

About: “I come from the village of Platoshino, I have been living in Perm for 8 years. I love sports since childhood. At school I adored physical education, at the age of 14 I came to the rocking chair for the first time. He was also engaged in wrestling. Sports and fitness took up all my free time. I loved it so much that I decided to dive into it completely and completely! I work in different directions, it all depends on the client’s wishes. “

Advice from Eugene: “Have you started going to the gym? Well done! Let sport become a way of life for you, your philosophy and your favorite thing. “

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Photo Shoot:
provided by the Bodyboom Club

Gym instructor, personal trainer

Age – 26 years old, height – 174 cm, weight – 88 kg

Place of work: fitness center Bodyboom, st. Stakhanovskaya, 43

About: “I was born and raised in the Orda region, but I have been living in Perm for 11 years. I have been involved in sports since I was 15. I started with athletics, now I am engaged in bodybuilding. There are results: 1st place in on-net bodybuilding competitions, 3rd place in the Perm open bodybuilding championship. For a long time I myself trained in the Bodyboom fitness club, even then many paid attention to my physical fitness and knowledge in bodybuilding. I have been doing coaching for six months. I am a manager by education, graduated from the Prikamsk social institute. But now my main job is as a fitness trainer. “

Advice from Rustam: “The most important thing is to understand why you come to a fitness club. You need to set a specific goal and try to achieve this goal as much as possible. Take it more seriously and not try to lift large weights right away, because this leads to various injuries. Perform everything technically and train according to a specially selected program. I advise beginners to take their first steps only with fitness trainers in order to get involved as quickly as possible and avoid injury. In general, I advise everyone to go in for sports. It’s useful, exciting and fashionable! “

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Photo Shoot:
archive of Artem Smolnikov

Personal trainer

Age – 25 years old, height – 189 cm, weight – 113,5 kg

Place of work: fitness center “Colosseum”

About: “I was born and raised in Perm. I have been going in for sports since I was seven. At first it was Greco-Roman wrestling (three times took first places in competitions), then hockey, after that I came to the hall, and stayed there. I trained for myself, studied everything myself by trial and error. I have been officially engaged in coaching for eight months. Before that, he trained himself in his free time (he was engaged in construction – this is a family business) and coached friends and acquaintances. I work in three directions: gaining muscle mass, maintaining tone and losing weight (drying). “

Advice from Artyom: “Believe in yourself. NEVER doubt what you are doing. NEVER say “I can’t, I can’t, I’m weak.” Imagine a ladder to your goal and move towards it gradually – step by step. And not a step back. “

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Photo Shoot:
provided by Stanislav Alikin

Personal Master Trainer for Strength Sports

Age – 29 years old, height – 170 cm, weight – 100 kg

Place of work: fitness center “Medlife”

About: “I was born and raised in Nytva, moved to Perm in 2005. I have been involved in sports since childhood. My sports career started with boxing, but then I slowly went into powerlifting. My achievements: “Elite of Russia” in bench press (WPC / WPO), MSMK in bench press (WPC / WPO), CCM in powerlifting, multiple winner and medalist of the championships of Russia, Europe and Asia.

A coach is my main profession and my life’s work. As a child, I knew what I would do. And his career began while studying at the Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture. Already at the age of 17, I worked as a trainer in the barbell gym in one of Tchaikovsky’s dispensaries.

I consider my main goal to be harmonious physical development and health improvement of those who came to train. Any sport is an inexhaustible source of energy for a person at any age and any profession. I focus on strength training, development of the body’s functional capabilities, weight loss, preparation for competitions and nutritional advice. “

Advice from Stanislav: “Don’t doubt your abilities. Come to us and start training! “

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Photo Shoot:
Dmitry Chaly’s archive

Personal Gym Trainer

Age – 26 years old, height – 175 cm, weight – 90 kg

Place of work: fitness club “X-FIT PEARL”

About: “I have been involved in sports since childhood. At first it was swimming, and then at the age of 13 I decided to take up weightlifting. At the age of 17, he got into the country’s junior weightlifting team. He performed among young men, youth and adults. My achievements: master of sports of international class; participant of the XXVI World Summer Universiade in China (2011); Russian weightlifting champion in 2013; winner of the Russian Weightlifting Cup 2013; Medalist of the 2014 Russian Weightlifting Championship.

My education is technical, now I am in graduate school. I have been working as a fitness trainer since 2012. I am an athlete, and one of my goals is to introduce professional sports techniques into fitness. Fitness came from sports. Some exercises have been modernized, thanks to simulators it became possible to train isolated muscles. I am interested in including as many muscles as possible in the work. I work for the result. And for this result to be, you need to do it regularly: three times a week according to an individual program, which should include both strength and cardio loads, as well as stretching and group training. “

Dmitry’s advice: “Just start working on yourself: devote at least three hours a week to classes. Do not stop! Try something new. And for the result to please, contact a professional trainer and go to the goal together. “

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Photo Shoot:
Dmitry Bochkarev’s archive

Personal trainer

Age – 21 years old, height – 177 cm, weight – 89 kg

Place of work: fitness center Bodyboom, st. Stakhanovskaya, 43

About: “I come from Nytva, I moved to Perm two years ago. He began to play sports seriously at the age of 13. And his sports career began when he got a job at Bodyboom. I always wanted to make money with my hobby, and now my dream has come true! For two years now I have been engaged in coaching, working in strength and dance directions (there were even awards for the second). I am happy to work with a wide variety of people! “

Dmitry’s advice: “You need to love what you do, and success will not keep you waiting.”

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Photo Shoot:
archive of Sergei Dmitrievsky

Gym manager, personal trainer

Age – 29 years old, height – 176 cm, weight – 92 kg

Place of work: fitness center “Colosseum”

About: “I am a native of Perm. He began to play sports at the age of 15. After a year of training, the coach offered to speak at the regional bodybuilding championship. My subsequent achievements: bronze medalist of the Eastern European Cup, multiple champion of the Perm region in bodybuilding.

After 5 years of competitive bodybuilding, I have accumulated sufficient theoretical and practical experience in bodybuilding, learned and tested various methods of training recovery and nutrition and “pumped” my discipline in preparation for the competition. After all this, I entered the fitness industry as a personal trainer.

I work in different directions: strength, functional and cardio training, weight loss, weight gain. I practice kinesitherapy for spine health. In addition, I collect information on biochemical processes that affect the competitive form of an athlete. I prepare athletes for bodybuilding competitions.

I don’t care about the gender, age and level of the client. It is important that a person believes in what he is doing. He believed that he would achieve the desired result by all means. A coach is like a guide: motivates, explains, compels, teaches, predicts, analyzes, etc. A person must trust the coach and follow all the recommendations, then the result will be achieved! “

Advice from Sergey: “Fitness is not just an occupation, it is a way of life! If you want to look like an athlete or a fitness model, then you need to adjust your entire lifestyle to achieve this goal. Irregular unhealthy diet, lack of sleep and alcohol are incompatible with good physical shape and exercise! “

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Personal Gym Trainer

Age – 27 years old, height – 168 cm, weight – 77 kg

Place of work: fitness club “ALEX FITNESS-MILLENNIUM”

About: “I come from Barda, I have been living in Perm for 10 years. I have been playing sports all my life, as long as I can remember. Graduated from the Perm Pedagogical College of Physical Education and Sports. After training, I decided to work as a trainer, and I successfully succeed. Among my sporting achievements – 3rd place in the championship of the Perm region in pull-ups and 2nd place in the Russian bench press in Perm.

I really love my job and am always in the gym. I love to train people, guide them and help them achieve the desired results! Now I am engaged in the preparation of individual training programs, a personal dietary meal plan. Gaining muscle mass, increasing strength, losing excess weight – all this can be achieved in a much shorter time under the supervision of an experienced specialist! In general, as a man, it is more pleasant for me to work with girls. But in general, I train everyone: gender and age are not important, the result is important, since each of you is my advertisement ”.

Advice from Ravis: “Take care of your health now, not from Monday!”

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Photo Shoot:
provided by the Medlife fitness center

Personal Master Trainer for Strength Sports

Age – 30 years old, height – 182 cm, weight – 95 kg

Place of work: fitness center “Medlife”

About: “I come from the Orda region, I have been living in Perm for 14 years. From the age of four my father began to teach me to sports. At the age of 12, I started classes in the boxing section. This is how my sports career began (I am a CCM in boxing). He came to the profession of a fitness trainer on the recommendation of friends nine years ago. I have an incomplete higher education, I have a diploma of a personal trainer.

Now I work in the direction of health fitness. I adhere to a simple philosophy: all clients are relatives, all are like children. “

Advice from Denis: “You shouldn’t rush to get results. Choose a balanced load in the gym, observe your diet and sleep patterns, choose your personal trainer wisely. “

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Photo Shoot:
provided by Alexey Korobeinikov

Personal Gym Trainer

Age – 24 years old, height – 191 cm, weight – 104 kg

Place of work: studio “Style Zhi”

About: “I come from a retired rocketry family, I was born in a military town near Kirov. I have been living in Perm for 15 years. I have been involved in sports since childhood. Already in the first grade I became interested in volleyball. And after moving to Perm, I immediately got into the volleyball team of gymnasium No. 17. But in high school I began to rapidly gain kilograms and completely stopped playing sports. My weight reached 120 kg. Shortness of breath, snoring appeared, I was constantly sweating, I stopped feeling comfortable, I was shy, I was not sure of myself. One wonderful day I said to myself: enough! At first he overcame himself, then he began to help others to find a slender, beautiful body. I have been doing coaching since 2009. This is my calling. Graduated from PNRPU, completed training courses for trainers at FC Hollywood, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Nutrition (for non-physicians), specializing in “Consultant on rational nutrition and the use of dietary supplements”.

Now I work with people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. I also work in the following areas: CrossFit (I am a winner of district and participant of district CrossFit competitions), CrossFit kids, functional training, balanced nutrition.

Advice from Alexey: “Pay more attention to the technique of performing the exercises and do not rush, any achievement takes time and a lot of effort.”

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Photo Shoot:
provided by the Bodyboom Club

Personal trainer

Age – 25 years old, height – 180 cm, weight – 75,5 kg

Place of work: fitness center Bodyboom, st. Stakhanovskaya, 43

About: “I have been involved in sports since I was 12 years old. It all started with basketball training. I have been working as a coach since July 2012. They always told me: “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” But I didn’t think it was enough to do only myself! I have a law degree, but fitness trainer is my main profession. I am a Candidate Master of Sports (Candidate Master of Sports) deadlift. I work mainly in two directions – body shaping and preparation for power sports (bench press, deadlift, barbell squats, powerlifting).

I am proud of the sports achievements of my pupils: Irina Kharitonova – I adult category in bench press, silver medal of the European Cup – 2014; Nikolay Fedoseev – CCM in bench press, European Cup gold medal – 2014; Vladimir Buzmakov – Candidate Master of Sports in bench press, gold medal of the European Cup – 2014 “.

Dmitry’s advice: “Start your workouts in the gym with a qualified trainer. First of all, he will supply equipment, draw up a power plan and be able to competently lead to the competition! “

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Photo Shoot:
provided by Dmitry Kamenskikh

Personal Gym Trainer

Age – 30 years old, height – 178 cm, weight – 85 kg

Place of work: fitness club “X-FIT PEARL”

About: “I have been involved in sports since I was 16. I am a candidate for master of sports in powerlifting. I graduated from the university and received the qualification “psychologist, teacher of psychology”, but my main profession is a fitness trainer. I like it, it works. And there is enough knowledge in this area. I became a fitness trainer in 2010. The main areas of work: weight loss, increase in muscle mass, rehabilitation after injuries, posture correction. “

Dmitry’s advice for beginners: “You need to remember about the daily routine: get up and eat on schedule, sleep a certain amount of time and lead a healthy lifestyle.”

Experienced advice from Dmitry: “If you go in for sports, but the desired results are not, revise the training system and expand your horizons – try other types of loads. Perhaps the body has adapted to a certain type of training and it is necessary to change classes. “

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Photo Shoot:
provided by Victor Savelyev

Personal trainer, leading specialist in preparation for the competition “Miss Bikini” and “Beach Bodybuilding”

Age – 23 years old, height – 180 cm, weight – 90 kg

Job: fitness center “Colosseum”

About: “Since birth I have been living in the Gaiva microdistrict. When I was seven years old, my father brought me to the Kyokushinkai. This is what I did right up to the army. In parallel, I also became interested in judo. In addition, during his school years he was engaged in artistic gymnastics and athletics, winning awards and titles in these sports. And in college several times he performed in kettlebell lifting competitions, and also successfully.

In general, since childhood, I liked physical activity. At first I worked on the horizontal bar, at the age of 12 I discovered a gym (I am generally a fan of sports). Very quickly he began to progress in terms of muscle growth and became more and more involved, looked for literature, self-taught, asked for advice from already experienced athletes. Fired up with bodybuilding. I was only 14 years old when peers and older kids started looking for training advice. And 19 years old, after returning from the army, I seriously took up competitive bodybuilding. Since then I have been working as a personal trainer.

At the moment I am a CCM in karate and a CCM in bodybuilding. Winner of regional competitions in artistic gymnastics, prize-winner of regional and regional competitions in kettlebell lifting, etc.

Victor’s advice: “Observe safety measures in the gym, otherwise you can harm health – not only your own, but those of those around you. And do not look for easy ways to achieve the desired result – there is no such thing. “

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Photo Shoot:
archive of Alexey Abramov

Alexey Abramov

Personal trainer

Age – 40 years old, height – 184 cm, weight – 100 kg

Place of work: fitness studio “Style Zhi”

About: “I was born in the city of Aleksandrovsk, moved to Perm 10 years ago. He started going in for sports at the age of 16. Back then, posters were sold everywhere. I also wanted to be as strong and seriously pumped up as the men on the posters! I started coaching eight years ago, and before that I just went to the club to study. I wanted to become a coach so much, I dreamed so much that I went to study with him. And the dream has come true! Now my main profession is a fitness trainer. I help those who want to lose weight, increase muscle tone or gain muscle mass, strengthen ligaments, joints and back muscles. I myself have taken part in bench press competitions on several occasions ”.

Advice from Alexey: “Beginners (those who have never worked with a coach), be sure to try classes with a specialist! It all starts with the first workouts in the gym. I am waiting for you, my future friends. Together – we are force!”

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Photo Shoot:
provided by the Medlife fitness center

Personal trainer

Age – 28 years old, height – 176 cm, weight – 92 kg

Place of work: fitness center “Medlife”

About: “I was born and raised in Perm. My father taught me to play sports. At the age of six I began to study in the karate section, at seven I already participated in the first competitions. Graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Perm Pedagogical University. But even before entering, at the age of 16, he had already started working in the gym. So my overall coaching experience is 12 years. Basically I work in two areas – crossfit and functional training.

There are also personal sporting achievements. I have a 3rd adult cross country skiing category, a 2nd adult athletics category, and a 2nd adult powerlifting category. I am the winner of the Solomin New Year boxing tournament, the winner of the city armwrestling competitions. “

Advice from Maksut: “It is necessary to rationally dose the load during exercise, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and current state of health.”

Vote for Maksut on the last page!

Dear Readers! The poll closed on February 20 at 12:00.

1 place – Alexey Abramov (1556 votes).

2 place – Maksut Garaev (1547 votes).

3 place – Ravis Aminov (801 votes).

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all participants!

Read more about the winners in our material.

Which of the Perm fitness trainers can be called the best? Vote!

  • Alexey Abramov

  • Ravis Aminov

  • Stanislav Alikin

  • Dmitry Bochkarev

  • Maksut Garaev

  • Sergey Dmitrievsky

  • Dmitry Kamenskikh

  • Alexey Korobeynikov

  • Evgeny Martyshev

  • Dmitry Nikkel

  • Denis Rogozhnikov

  • Victor Saveliev

  • Artem Smolnikov

  • Rustam Khusainov

  • Dmitry Chaly

Olga Yakuncheva, Alexandra Maltseva

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