- What is the pill?
- What are the different types of pills?
- Is it possible to smoke and take the pill?
- How old to start taking the pill?
- Is a prescription required to purchase the pill?
- Does the pill make you fat?
- Can you still get pregnant on the pill?
- Pill: what to do if you forget?
- Is it possible to take the pill without your period?
- Should I take the pill at a fixed time?
- Does the pill put an end to skin problems, to acne?
- Does the pill reduce period pain?
- In video: Does getting pregnant on the pill happen?
- After taking the pill, is it harder to get pregnant?
- Is it possible to take the pill again immediately after giving birth?
- Can we stop the pill when we want?
What is the pill?
This is an contraceptive product, in tablet form which helps prevent unwanted pregnancy following intercourse. We use a blister pack of 21 or 28 tablets per cycle, ie per month. It blocks ovulation, prevents implantation and makes the mucus in the cervix thicker to prevent sperm from passing through.
What are the different types of pills?
There are the so-called ” combined Which contain two hormones – progestins and estrogen. This type of pill is usually taken three weeks per month, with a break of one week between two packs. But there are also pills combined with 28 tablets, the last of which are inactive (placebo), to avoid forgetting to start a new strip.
There are also pills ” progestatives Which contain, as their name suggests, only a progestogen. This type of pill is taken continuously.
Is it possible to smoke and take the pill?
It is strongly advised not to smoke while taking the pill. The tobacco-pill combination increases the risk of cardiovascular accident. If you are a heavy smoker, the pill is not the best method of birth control for you. Talk to your doctor who may, in this case, prescribe an estrogen-free progestogen pill, which is more compatible with tobacco.
How old to start taking the pill?
There is no age. The only condition is the onset of the first period, therefore puberty.
Is a prescription required to purchase the pill?
Only the family planning centers can dispense the pill without a prescription.
Otherwise a medical prescription (often renewable) from your general practitioner or your gynecologist is necessary. But if your usual pharmacist is indulgent, he can help you out with a blister pack.
Does the pill make you fat?
No, the pill does not make you fat. But in some people, it can cause a feeling of hunger, which in itself may cause weight gain. If you feel a big change, do not hesitate to speak with your doctor to adjust.
Can you still get pregnant on the pill?
Even if no contraceptive method is 100% safe, the pill remains the most reliable way if, of course, it is taken correctly, without forgetting. Depending on the type of pill (microdoses in particular), it may happen that a single forgetfulness is enough for the body to start ovulating again or for implantation to be possible. So be careful!
Pill: what to do if you forget?
You had set your lunch break time to take your tablet, but this time you skipped it… Don’t panic, take it immediately and calculate the time to forget. In the majority of pill types, if the missed period is less than 12 hours, everything is normal. Otherwise, use another contraceptive method in addition because you are no longer protected from possible pregnancy until your next period. For those who have microdosed pills, attention the delay is only 3 hours: refer to the instructions that comes with the blister pack for the procedure to follow if you forget a tablet.
Is it possible to take the pill without your period?
Yes completely! Periods while on the pill are an illusion. They are artificial and only mimic your natural cycle. We talk more about so-called “deprivation” hemorrhages rather than actual periods. You can therefore take your classic pill without stopping for a week. And in addition: the contraceptive effect is increased.
Should I take the pill at a fixed time?
Yes it’s important. At breakfast, at bedtime … Combine one of your daily actions with taking the tablet to avoid any risk of delay and therefore of unwanted pregnancy. And if, because it suits you, you want to change your schedule, wait until you are at the start of the pack. To think about it, don’t hesitate to give yourself an alarm, you can never be too careful!
Does the pill put an end to skin problems, to acne?
Want to say goodbye to that juvenile acne that haunts you even after you’re 27? The pill is not THE solution in itself but, sinceit acts on your hormonal balance, it can in some women put an end to these nasty skin problems. Ask your doctor or midwife for advice on whether contraception would be more suitable for your skin problems.
Does the pill reduce period pain?
Hopefully, you shouldn’t have any pain at all during or before your period (this is called PMS). And for good reason: with the pill there is no cycle therefore no ovulation ! In case of discomfort or pain, talk to your doctor who may prescribe a more suitable pill, or discuss with you a possible risk of endometriosis, of which the painful periods are one of the main symptoms.
In video: Does getting pregnant on the pill happen?
After taking the pill, is it harder to get pregnant?
It is enough to stop the pill to find a normal fertility. The cycle will gradually get back into place. 90% of the women who voluntarily stopped it to be pregnant, were so during the year. So do not hesitate to consult if the menstrual cycle struggles to return to normal after stopping the pill, or if no pregnancy occurs after one to two years of regular sexual intercourse.
Is it possible to take the pill again immediately after giving birth?
If you are not breast-feeding your baby, you can resume the pill immediately after stopping the treatment. stops the flow of milk. And if you are breast-feeding, you can take microprogestatifs three weeks after your delivery. The classic pill cannot be prescribed because its combined hormones pass into breast milk.
Can we stop the pill when we want?
It’s when you want. No need to talk to your gynecologist. But remember: as soon as you stop it, your ovulation system kicks in and pregnancy is possible if you have unprotected sex. In addition, in the event of testing babies to get pregnant, a preconception consultation with the gynecologist is required, in particular for a prescription of folic acid (folate or vitamin B9).