Spices are a rich source of fiber and are good at burning fat. Paprika and cinnamon are especially famous for these abilities. But, of course, the main purpose of spices is to enhance the taste of dishes, to emphasize the taste of ingredients in order to get the most out of the dish.
If you don’t have time to read about the purpose and properties of each spice for a long time, use this plate. It clearly shows which spice is used for which dishes.
TOP 5 interesting facts about spices:
- Each seasoning is a real storehouse of vitamins. For example, in 100 g of bay leaves – 180 mg of vitamin B9, in red pepper – 281 mg of vitamin A, in saffron – 80 mg of vitamin C. Do not neglect spices!
- Absolutely all spices increase and for some time accelerate the metabolism.
- The oldest spice is cinnamon. The mention of the use of cinnamon was found during the excavation of pyramids in Egypt, and the ancient Romans equated the spice with silver.
- The largest spice supplier in the world market is India. India annually exports about 230-250 thousand tons of spices.
- Among the classic spices, the most expensive today are saffron (from $ 400 to $ 1000 per kg.), Cardamom (Cardamom – 1 euros per kg.) And natural vanilla.
Photo: pate.in.ua
Recall that earlier we talked about what the Chinese seasoning “5 spices” consists of, as well as which herbs and spices are the most important for the brain.