15 jokes that will cheer you up

😉 Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting this site! It is known that laughter, jokes and a sense of humor can help you get through a difficult life situation. People who smile more often live longer. I hope these anecdotes about the coronavirus will make you smile.

Humor about the coronavirus

They say that due to the coronavirus, registry offices no longer register marriages. All specialists are engaged in onsite divorces.

St. Petersburg, as always, distinguished itself from other cities in the state. Everywhere they disinfect the entrances, and there – the front ones.

According to reports from the Ministry of Economy, the pandemic has brought the greatest harm to restaurants, travel agencies, the beauty industry and representatives of show business. This means that for most people it will not have any consequences.

People who will have children 9 months after quarantine will be fined for violating social distance.

Married couples who have gone through self-isolation together without conflicts are allowed to wallpaper together.

Among pets, cats are the most affected by the pandemic in those homes where small children are self-isolating.

Citizens, do not be afraid to gain excess weight during self-isolation. If the quarantine continues, then a tough diet looms ahead for most people.

The Kaspersky company began producing medical masks. As soon as it encounters a virus, it immediately turns red and blocks air. It is possible to update the virus database with a 50% discount.

Teachers complain that during online classes attention is distracted by drunk parents in their underwear looming on the screen.

Russia trolled the United States by sending them humanitarian aid, issued at the enterprises against which the Americans once imposed sanctions.

Weird! This has never happened before children cry and ask to go to school.

15 jokes that will cheer you up

To be on the safe side, he threw all the Chinese things out of the apartment. Now I stand naked in an empty apartment.

In the near future: – Mom, who is my father? – I don’t know, son, he was wearing a mask …

During the coronavirus pandemic, we can say that you do not go abroad to rest, not because of lack of money, but because quarantine!

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