15 foods that strengthen bones
What we need to eat to help our skeleton become stronger and stronger.
Do you care about the health of your musculoskeletal system and want to strengthen your bones? Then cut back on salt, as it promotes calcium loss. Remember that tea and coffee also flush calcium out of the body. Sweet carbonated drinks are the enemy of our bone apparatus. Drink plenty of clean water. And include in your diet the foods that will be discussed later.
Apricots contain vitamins A, C, E, K, potassium, magnesium, iron. These fruits remove salts from the body, which is why they are often included in their diet by people suffering from arthritis and arthrosis. The minerals needed for bone density are also found in large quantities in dried apricots, so eating them reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
Eating coconut pulp protects the body from osteoporosis. Coconut water is rich in calcium, which is essential for healthy muscles and bones. The active substances contained in coconut flakes help fight joint diseases. And coconut oil is very beneficial for teeth and bones and is often used in cosmetology. Do not forget that coconut can cause allergic reactions, so you need to use it wisely, in limited quantities.
Pumpkin seeds
Zinc deficiency adversely affects our skeleton. Seeds contain a lot of zinc, which helps restore bone density. The level of nutrients after frying the seeds is reduced by half, so it is recommended to use them raw. If you don’t like eating seeds neat, add them to vegetable salads.
Here we mean both beef liver and chicken, and also cod liver. This product is good for strengthening bone tissue, maintains healthy teeth, skin and hair. Chicken liver contains almost as much protein as breast meat. Those who love beef liver have strong bones, nails, and hair. Cod liver is recommended to eat more often with fractures. But in order to avoid these very fractures, it is better not to forget to include this product in your daily diet. Eating 100 grams of cod liver once a week is enough to avoid vitamin D deficiency.
It is believed that sesame seeds hold the record for calcium content. They also contain a lot of copper, iron, zinc, protein, fiber and a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. Calcium from sesame seeds is excellently absorbed by the body. By regularly adding seeds to your daily meals, you will insure yourself against a lack of calcium in the body and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
Tofu cheese
Tofu is a whole vegetable made from soybeans, rich in protein and calcium. It is a true superfood for bones, it is useful in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, and it increases bone mineral density. In addition, tofu is a low-calorie product, so girls who monitor weight and follow a diet can safely include it in their diet. The daily allowance for tofu cheese should not exceed 100 grams.
In our kitchen, spinach is not very popular. But in vain! Vitamin K, which it is rich in, plays an important role in bone metabolism, the renewal of bone cells. One study from the US National Institutes of Health confirms that eating foods rich in vitamin K can reduce the risk of fractures. Spinach leaves can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed – as you wish! Prepare soups, salads, smoothies, adding spinach to them, it goes well with a variety of products.
In ancient times, it was believed that a person would improve health and ensure longevity by eating dates. They contain phosphorus, which strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel. Lack of phosphorus, on the other hand, can lead to fractures and cracks. The high amount of vitamin A contained in dates helps maintain healthy hair and strong nails.
Accelerates the absorption of nutrients by the body. Thanks to the calcium, potassium and magnesium contained in its fruits, figs support bone strength. You can eat both fresh and dried figs. But keep in mind that dried fruit has a significantly higher calorie content. If 100 grams of fresh figs contain 55 kcal, then the same amount of dried figs contains 257 kcal. Girls will also be interested to know that figs help fight hair loss and breakage.
These citrus fruits will help keep you from infection, strengthen your immune system, and keep your bones and teeth healthy. In addition, regular consumption of oranges can help prevent the development of arthritis and atherosclerosis, and reduce muscle and joint stiffness. Orange juice is recommended when recovering from fractures.
With little contact with the sun, we replenish the vitamin D deficiency with food. Salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring are fatty fish, which contain a lot of vitamin D. The skeleton will never do without this vitamin, because its main function is to ensure proper absorption of calcium by the body. Do not forget about canned fish, eat them directly with seeds – they are soft, edible, rich in calcium and useful trace elements.
Remember the line from the song that sounded in the cartoon “Who Grazes in the Meadow”? “Drink, children, milk – you will be healthy!” Everything is so, and applies not only to children, but also to adults. Milk, cottage cheese, natural yoghurts are among the leaders in calcium content. Fermented milk products have this essential element in an easily digestible form. It has been scientifically proven that people who regularly consume milk are less likely to encounter ordontological problems.
Just like spinach, white cabbage contains a lot of valuable vitamin K, which is essential for the health of our bones. And in terms of vitamin C content, it is not inferior to citrus fruits. Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of vitamins that strengthen the immune system! Kale cabbage (aka “kale”) is also rich in vitamin K, and it contains almost more calcium than milk. Calcium, phosphorus and, again, vitamin K in considerable quantities can be obtained from Peking cabbage, it slows down the development of osteoporosis, strengthens teeth and bones. Which cabbage will you choose?
Vitamin D, which is so essential for the absorption of calcium, is found most in the yolk. It also contains phosphorus, which helps to keep teeth and gums in excellent condition. By boiling a couple of eggs for breakfast, you are making the right choice in favor of a strong skeleton. By the way, it is often recommended to use crushed eggshells as a prophylaxis for calcium deficiency.
The state of bone tissue, the correct formation of bones of the skeleton, the strength of teeth, nails and hair depend on fluoride, which is rich in lamb. In addition, meat contains a lot of easily digestible proteins, potassium, magnesium and other useful minerals.
Nutritionist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Alla Polyashova.
Calcium is needed not only for bones, calcium is one of the foundations of beauty. In addition, this is the effective work of the brain, heart, our activity, our energy, this is the state of our skin. Try to eat tasty and varied food. Remember: there are no prohibited foods, you can eat anything, but in moderation. But calcium preparations must be prescribed by a doctor. You can’t drink them just like that, of your own free will.
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