15 Cocktails With Weird Ingredients: Mice, Dried Finger and Bones

Do you like to try unusual and new cocktails? Arriving in a new country, do you first go to the nearest bar for a glass of the original drink? So do I. But not all of them I dare to try.

Today I have prepared for your attention a selection of 15 cocktails that can really surprise you.

What unusual ingredients are used in different countries of the world

It’s not always worth knowing what your cocktail is made from. Some ingredients for making an alcoholic drink can be so strange that they will beat your appetite for a long time:

  1. Blood. In one of London’s pubs, you can try a “bloody Mary” with fresh pig’s blood. In addition to vodka, tomato juice and a couple of drops of Worcester juice, a little pig’s blood is added to the drink, which gives the cocktail a peculiar aftertaste.
  2. Mice. In Korea, you can taste a drink made from rice vodka infused with newborn mice. The recipe for a “cocktail” is quite simple: a large number of mice are placed in a container and poured with rice vodka. The drink is infused for a whole year. They say that it has not only amazing taste, but also medicinal properties.
  3. Dried finger. At the Canadian bar “Sourtoe Cocktail Club” you will be served a cocktail with a “zest” – a dried toe of a human foot, filled with your favorite alcohol (from beer to whiskey). To drink it or not is up to you, but, according to tradition, at the end you must definitely touch your finger with your lips.
  4. Bones. To prepare the Dry Bone Martini cocktail, chicken bones are fried and dissolved in phosphoric acid. A little of this composition is added to a mixture of martini and vodka, taken in equal proportions.

Top 5 unusual cocktails from Asia

1. Bilk – milk beer. The Japanese have always been famous for their desire to combine incongruous things. Therefore, it is not surprising that a drink made from beer and milk, which are mixed in equal proportions, is popular here.

2. Cocktail with snake blood. Snake drink is popular in Asia. The body of a freshly killed snake is cut open, some blood is added to a glass of red wine. Drink in small sips.

3. The Earl Gray Caviar Martini. Air and sea meet in this cocktail of molecular cuisine from Hong Kong. For a drink, martini, cucumber and lime juice, apple juice and a little elderberry syrup are mixed. Earl Gray tea eggs, created by a master of molecular cuisine) give the cocktail an unusual texture, and light foam is created by mixing Earl Gray tea with sugar and lecithin.

4. Diamonds are Forever – a luxurious cocktail that only the very wealthy can afford at the Ritz-Carlton (Tokyo). The composition includes Belvedere vodka and a slice of lime. But besides this, they also add a real diamond weighing 1,06 carats. I don’t know how this affects the taste, I’m not a millionaire.

5. Jandia – Indian alcoholic drink made from hay, rice and a variety of herbs. The ingredients are mixed, left in the sun. Then soaked in water for fermentation. The resulting liquid is poured into glasses and served.

Top 5 unusual cocktails from America

1. In a bar in Los Angeles, visitors are offered a cocktail “Uni” (uni) with the pulp of a sea urchin. For a drink, the hedgehog is boiled, the pulp is crushed and combined with lemon juice, caraway syrup, nori and tequila. Served with salt and sesame seeds.

2. Apple pop – in the entertainment city of Las Vegas, they came up with an original cocktail for lovers of sweets. For a drink, gin is mixed with dry vermouth and apple liqueur. The drink is served in a martini glass and is distinguished by its bright green color. The edges of the glass are sprinkled with fizzy sugar, and the olive is replaced with candy.

3. Crapper is another bar in Las Vegas. It is here that they serve chocolate Pina Colada with Snickers in an extravagant dish – a glass in the form of a miniature toilet bowl. You can take the “dishes” with you as a keepsake.

4. Vicious dream. In San Francisco, you will be served an unusual drink with white vermouth and porcini mushrooms. Despite the strange ingredients, the cocktail is quite pleasant to the taste.

5. In New York, you can try the Foie Gras Slip cocktail, which is made from dark rum with the addition of foie gras. Alcohol is mixed with foie gras and garnished with roasted nutmeg.

Top 5 unusual cocktails from Europe

1. German bars are famous for their unusual serving of cocktails. In the Ballshooter drink, vodka, Red Bull (Red Bull) and Blue Curaçao (Blue Curacao) are turned into pearls using molecular chemistry and poured into three different test tubes. The liquids can be mixed in any order.

2. The original cocktail with squid ink will surprise anyone. The black drink is made from tequila, lime juice, protein, syrup and tinted with squid ink.

3. Meat tequila. What do you think about a meat cocktail? A London restaurant offers a “Meat Tequila” consisting of meat, tequila, vegetable juice, smoked pepper and balsamic vinegar.

4. In addition, in London you can taste a cocktail and watch an enchanting show at the same time. The Grand Marnier drink, made from dark rum and cinnamon powder (its composition is kept secret) is set on fire right in front of the visitors.

5. Drink “Moby Dick Sazerak” from “Lianbar” (Lian bar) contains ambergris – a substance produced by the intestines of the whale. The substance has a persistent oceanic smell and is mixed with moonshine, a small amount of absinthe and bitters.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

Bartenders all over the world do not get tired of experimenting and today you can try many cocktails with interesting, unusual and strange compositions. What original cocktails have you tried?

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