15 budget kitchen sets that look very expensive
If you have long dreamed of making your kitchen a fashionable space, but there are no funds to implement bold ideas, then you should not despair. There are methods that will help you achieve what you want without much cost.
Single table top
The trend when the kitchen set consisted of separate modules has long sunk into oblivion. It is known that trash was always clogged between these lockers, but it looked, frankly, not so stylish. However, over the past few years, designers have been advising to purchase a headset with a single tabletop. This has many advantages.
First, it looks beautiful. Especially if you pick up the original colors. Secondly, it is convenient. Your space is no longer divided into blocks. Cleaning the countertop is also pretty easy. In addition, it does not require a huge investment. There are options for a budget headset, which assumes the presence of a single tabletop. However, you can evaluate it yourself.
Kitchen “Vintage”, 24 622 rubles.
Refusal of accessories
As practice shows, in budget versions of the kitchen set, the handles are not made of the best materials. In addition, in order for them to look presentable and not overwritten by constant touch, they will have to be looked after.
However, according to experts, it is better to abandon fittings altogether. Drawers and cabinets that lack the typical handle format look more stylish. They may be replaced by a system called Gola. It represents the recesses created on the inner surface of the cabinet. They can be positioned on the side, bottom or top. Most importantly, the Gola pens will be completely invisible, which will give your headset a more expensive look. And it is also quite convenient to use them, and the purchase will not take large investments.
Kitchen “Alvaline”, 39 066 rubles.
Stylish apron
Here you can turn your imagination to the maximum level. The apron above the worktable goes a long way in how stylish and good your kitchen looks. Avoid the typical plastic skirting boards. If you decide to lay it out with tiles, choose monochromatic shades or a gradient, which is now at the peak of popularity. As a rule, the creation of an apron does not require a large amount of materials, and, accordingly, no investments. Now on the market, you can easily find an option that will not hit your wallet.
Kitchen “Audrey”, 28 rubles.
Kitchen without upper cabinets
If you have a small family and there are not many things and cutlery in the kitchen, this option is fine. Minimalism is in vogue now, and therefore it is not at all necessary to clutter up the interior with hanging cabinets. To diversify the remaining space, you can, for example, place a laconic shelf for Navarha, where beautiful jars of spices or a flowerpot will be located.
Kitchen “Beton”, 20 600 rubles.
The simpler, the better
Discard the numerous paintings by unknown authors, which many people love to hang in the kitchen. A cluttered interior is not the best way to make a space look stylish. Also, don’t hang your fridge with travel magnets. Experts advise creating a separate box for storing such souvenirs. The more concise and simple your interior looks, the easier it will be to create the look that your kitchen is not the most budget option, but a successful design solution.
Michelle kitchen, 22 rubles.
To get inspired by the simplicity and elegance of budget kitchen set options, we present to your attention a whole gallery of pictures. They prove that even on a tight budget, you can turn a space into a designer’s dream.