15 books for self-development and self-improvement of a person’s personality

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! If you are looking for what books to read for self-development and self-improvement, then you are in luck, as the best literature is presented here. It can help you move forward, and at the same time is understandable and accessible to readers of any level.

Top 11

1. Manuel J. Smith “Self-Confidence Training….”

Recently in this article, we raised the question of how to politely refuse a request to a person. And the creation of Manuel will teach you not only to defend your boundaries, but also to discover them for a start. He will introduce you to interesting techniques that will help you figure out which people you should keep away from yourself, and with which, on the contrary, establish close relationships. This book is truly impressive and a must-read for anyone interested in self-development.

2. Robert Cialdini «Psychologists of Influence»

It is about such seemingly ordinary things that after reading you are surprised how you did not notice all sorts of tricks yourself before? As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Only now you have to make a little effort to understand, but it’s worth it. Robert touched upon such areas as conflictology, social psychology and even management. You will receive information on how to protect yourself from subtle networks of manipulation, and, by the way, how to influence others in order to achieve your goals.


3. Robin Sharma «The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari»

Motivating and inspiring story about a man who was trying to cope with a crisis. Thanks to him, he was able to find himself and his true destiny, although he was already successful and wealthy. In general, if you want all-round development, feel harmony and find your place in life, be sure to check out this bestseller.

4. Stephen Covey «The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People»

It is worth reading for every person who seeks to know himself, learn to formulate and designate his desires, and for starters, track and notice them, as well as set goals and achieve them. It is for those who lack motivation to act and inspiration to live. Stephen described 7 powerful tools of successful people that, in principle, anyone can learn. By the way, he is one of the top thirty authors in the United States, so it’s not even worth saying that the book is distributed around the world in a million copies.

5. Brené Brown «All because of me (but it’s not)»

The modern world is full of all sorts of standards and canons that must be adhered to, otherwise there is a risk of being rejected and feeling ashamed of oneself. So, Brené teaches how to discover the true cause of the complex, in order to correct the situation and live freely and happily, and not to torment loved ones with nit-picking and anger. If you work on yourself, you will be able to accept this world as it is, and most importantly, yourself, turning vulnerabilities into advantages and trump cards.

6. Alan Lakein «The Art of Keeping Up»

Alan shares 61 time-saving methods, arguing that it is irrevocable, so the loss of every minute is the loss of a good piece of life. Moreover, the methods included in his list are not rigid and restrictive, they are easy to apply in everyday life. Therefore, go ahead for experiments and improving the quality of life!

7. Robert Kiyosaki «Rich Dad Poor Dad»

It was based on the story of a boy who wanted to make money and had to choose between two completely different approaches and principles, which were followed by his father, a civil servant with a low fixed salary, and the father of a friend, the richest private entrepreneur in Hawaii. It is very interesting to observe the difference between these financial approaches and the type of thinking. It is recommended to anyone who wants to become a millionaire by changing their attitude to money. It is worth reading thoughtfully, comprehending and comparing with your financial principles, so you will understand what you did wrong and what needs to be corrected.

8.Birch, Penman Mindfulness Meditation. Practical guide … «

The name speaks for itself, I will only add that this manual includes step-by-step instructions for practical exercises. That is, if you devote about 15 minutes a day for 8 weeks to the implementation of the described practices, you will significantly increase the body’s resistance to stress, cope with depression, insomnia and asthenia.

9. Erich Fromm «The Art of Loving»

This is a whole study of love in its most diverse manifestations and relationships. You will learn about its origins, wrong judgments and visions, get information about exactly how it manifests itself and what consequences a person faces if he experienced a lack of love in childhood, did not feel what parental unconditional acceptance is for who you are. By the way, look at the rest of his creations, they are the best in this branch of psychology, as they are understandable to the average reader without a specialized education.

10. Dan Buttner Blue Zones. 9 rules for longevity … «

Written for people who care about their health and youth. Dan first talks about five habitats on our planet that are considered the most favorable for a long and happy life. Then he shares 9 rules on how to maintain your health in the modern, technological world. By the way, the book won recognition instantly, Dan even got on the Oprah Winfrey Show with his team, and participated in the development of new blue zones.

11. Steve Pavlina «Personal Development»


It is never too late to start living consciously, qualitatively and feeling every minute filled with meaning. Steve helps to understand that we are not always helpless, and even in the most difficult situation, you can find a loophole. Strengthen your spirit, will, learn responsibility, love, and then not only success awaits you, but also a sense of harmony and satisfaction. It will be easier for you to cope with stress and adversity on the way to achieving your goals.


15 books for self-development and self-improvement of a person’s personality

And that’s all for today, dear readers! The list was made up of books that every person striving for self-improvement should read. You can also read the article «Top 8 most interesting books that no one will regret reading,» which lists literature that is oriented for reading at your leisure, but leaves an aftertaste and a desire to rethink your life. Enjoy your time!

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