15 Best Sofa Factories

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The sofa is one of the main items of comfort in the house. But in addition to creating a common interior, it has an important function. The benefits of a night’s sleep directly depend on the quality of the bed. There is a wide range of products on the market, but how to choose the best option from them? We have analyzed and prepared a rating of the 15 best sofa factories.

Rating of the best manufacturers of sofas

Nomination Place Manufacturer Rating
Rating of the best manufacturers of sofas      1 Shatura-furniture      5.0
     2 ANDERSEN      4.9
     3 Ostrobothnia      4.8
     4 KRISTIE      4.8
     5 Avanhard      4.7
     6 Allegro-Classic      4.7
     7 Furniture Holding      4.7
     8 Katusha      4.6
     9 Pinskdrev      4.6
     10 Rivalli      4.5
     11 Borovichi Furniture      4.5
     12 Lagoon      4.5
     13 lerroy      4.5
     14 Slavic Furniture      4.4
     15 Pegasus      4.3

After analyzing the market for the production of upholstered furniture, we made certain conclusions. Modern manufacturers use safe raw materials, have certificates of conformity and apply new production technologies. Each firm will be able to please the client and provide him with a quality sofa at an affordable price.


Rating: 5.0

In our ranking of the best of the best, it was customary to give the first place to the Shatura factory. The furniture is of high build quality. The production process uses European equipment and raw materials. “Shatura” has a large selection of sofa models. Various textures of upholstery and a multifaceted palette of colors pushes you to make a choice in favor of this brand. Having tight control over production and delivery, the factory managed to minimize the appearance of defective goods.

Thanks to many years of experience and a place of honor in the domestic market, Shatura deserves our trust. She values ​​her reputation and provides the consumer with quality furniture. But the main thing is that the manufacturer does not stand still, but moves with the times and improves production technology. Over the past couple of years, she has successfully introduced the newest principles of production organization and improved the technical base.


Rating: 4.9

The upholstered furniture factory produces products for lovers of stylish and practical furniture. And just like Shatura, it won its place of honor in the market. Thanks to an interesting design and reliable fastenings, ANDERSSEN sofas continue to be among the leaders in sales. The masters at the enterprise have many years of experience and give themselves entirely to their work. On the Internet you can find positive reviews from buyers who appreciated the quality of the furniture. The manufacturer has repeatedly received diplomas and awards not only at domestic, but also foreign exhibitions.

The ANDERSSEN factory has in its arsenal its own design department, which has been operating since the day the production was founded. The management constantly keeps abreast and is the first to introduce novelties in the technology of creating upholstered furniture. To create sofas, high-quality materials are used, which have been thoroughly tested by the control department. In order to achieve maximum convenience in delivery, after checking, the furniture is again disassembled into its constituent elements and securely packaged. ANDERSSEN sofas have compact design details and due to this, they can easily fit into absolutely any doorway. We decided that this feature deserves attention and therefore ANDERSSEN furniture takes the second place in the ranking.


Rating: 4.8

The book should be interesting, tea should be fragrant, and the sofa should be comfortable and cozy. This motto has been adhered to by the Finnish factory for over 50 years. Despite the fact that the company is the largest manufacturer of Finnish furniture, it gives preference to manual work. The master puts his soul into the production of the sofa, so each item has its own character and mood. Furniture from Finland Pohjanmaan surprises with the ratio of beauty and comfort. Handwork gives the furniture models of this manufacturer an unusual zest. Thus, highlighting against the background of other competing factories.

In production, only materials that are safe for human health and of high quality are used. Furniture factory Pohjanmaan respects the environment and all products are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and have the appropriate quality certificates. Ecodesign is becoming more and more popular and over time Pohjanmaan will grow its following. But still, in our ranking, we give the manufacturer of sofas the 3rd place.


Rating: 4.8

Unlike the top three of our top, KRISTIE has only been on the market for 25 years. A young, daring and very ambitious company managed to win the trust of the buyer in such a short time. The production uses high-tech equipment, new technologies and constantly attracts highly qualified specialists. Factory KRISTIE can offer quality furniture with distinctive features. These include:

  1. high strength;

  2. sophisticated stylish design;

  3. reliability;

  4. long service life.

Designers diligently work on each project in order to ultimately satisfy the needs of the consumer. Every year, fashion dictates new rules, and experienced professionals skillfully adapt to the next stylish trend. In the assortment you can find both classic design and bright models. The manufacturer approaches the order individually, has favorable prices and high quality goods.


Rating: 4.7

Another relatively young company that has made its way to the top of Olympus in a short time. More than 12 years have been spent on turning from a small enterprise into a full-fledged factory for the production of upholstered furniture. Avangard manufactures products for various solvent consumers. The value for money is well balanced. As the factory grew, it underwent a complete reorganization of its structure. New ideas and technologies immediately flowed into the working process of furniture production.

Avangard uses only natural raw materials in its production. High-quality beech woods in the North Caucasus and environmentally friendly upholstery materials of the European standard allow us to produce decent products and compete in the market. For the processing of external elements, a new Italian technology and environmentally friendly polyurethane paint and varnish materials are used. A high-quality coating provides reliable protection against the effects of environmental adverse factors. We evaluated the assortment of the Avangard factory and put it in the 5th position in the ranking of the best manufacturers of upholstered furniture.


Rating: 4.7

The factory for the production of furniture has been defending its right in the market for a little less than 30 years. She has considerable popularity among the consumer and has established herself as a professional in her field. The established positive reputation even today has an impact on the development of the company. “Allegro-Classic” inspires confidence in us, thanks to its attitude towards the buyer. Just like Shatura, it carefully monitors all the stages of creating its product in order to exclude the slightest defect in time. Increased attention to the quality of manufactured models is pleasantly pleasing.

“Allegro-Classic” does not lag behind its competitors and uses European technologies and standards in production. Highly qualified staff helps to improve the quality of work. The company encourages the development of skills, and employees have the right to replenish their stock of knowledge. “Allegro-Classic” is not just an ordinary furniture factory – it is a full-fledged mechanism where every even an insignificant detail performs its function to the maximum.

Furniture Holding

Rating: 4.7

Another example of how a small company could turn into a solid enterprise. Being a small workshop, it gradually transformed into a multifunctional furniture factory. Several production sites appeared on its balance sheet.

In its arsenal “Mebel-Holding” has more than 700 articles of furniture products, constant updating of the range, many stores and tens of thousands of satisfied customers. The main part of the entire production, the company performs according to individual sketches. The product quality complies with GOST standards. The price range is different, so each buyer will be able to purchase a sofa for his budget. Mebel-Holding keeps up with the times and creates up-to-date models that, in terms of their functional characteristics, are not inferior to well-known brands. European materials, bold design solutions, a classic series of sofa models – all this makes the company inimitable and unique.


Rating: 4.6

For more than a dozen years, the Katyusha factory has been pleasing with high-quality products, elegant design and comfortable functional furniture. In production, the experience of the older generation is used and examples of successful European companies are taken as a basis. Personal ideas and design decisions are also applied. Sofa layout mechanisms meet high quality standards. The materials used in production are time-tested. Fabrics are classified by price. Don’t be afraid to overpay. The more expensive the material, the more durable the sofa will last.

In addition to the main models, the Katyusha company works to order. All preferences and wishes of the customer are taken into account in order to reach mutual understanding in the final result. The buyer can independently choose the folding mechanism of the sofa, its internal material and external upholstery. The variety of fabrics will make the most extravagant desires come true. Competent specialists will help you make the right choice.


Rating: 4.6

The Belarusian company for the production of upholstered furniture deserves to be included in our rating. According to the information on the official website, the manufacturer guarantees quality products at affordable prices. A wide range of goods will satisfy the needs of any buyer. Like previous factories, Pinskdrev is actively developing and has improved its production, focusing on European standards.

Everyone who already had an acquaintance with the sofas of the Pinskdrev factory notes the high quality and good appearance of the product. On the Internet, you can find many positive reviews. The company has awards at exhibitions and takes not the last place. In 2016, she was awarded the “People’s Brand 2016” award. Affordable prices and decent quality are the main criteria for which the factory got into our rating.


Rating: 4.5

Compiling a rating of the best sofa factories, we did not bypass the Rivalli factory. The young company was able to keep its place in the market in the midst of economic crises. She actively promoted new ideas for creating sofas, while her competitors could not even imagine this. The leaders of the furniture factory, despite the potential risks of losing everything, were the first to bring French equipment to Russia and introduced the technology of creating cover sofas on a metal frame. But no one was going to stop there, and every year the production of upholstered furniture improves, and the skills of craftsmen are honed by additional education. The company keeps a clear course to create the most comfortable furniture for the home.

The Rivalli factory did not miss the opportunity to show itself from the good side and also picked up the ecological fashion. Elements of the metal frame have replaced wood materials. We also wanted to note the automation in production. Namely, despite the sufficient amount of technology, there is still a place for human labor in the factory. Quality control at all stages of production gives us confidence that defective goods will not enter the market.

Borovichi Furniture

Rating: 4.5

The furniture factory is one of the largest enterprises in Russia. The company prioritizes the safety and quality of the material used. Brand sofas can be safely called environmentally friendly. The health and comfort of the consumer are the main guidelines in the creation of furniture. Raw materials are carefully checked, and even accessories are subject to close quality control.

By purchasing a sofa brand “Borovichi Mebel”, you can be completely confident in the reliability and safety of the product. The company participates in many competitions and its merits are marked with appropriate certificates. Like larger competitors, the factory uses advanced technology and closely follows fashion trends. Despite such painstaking work, prices are democratic, and the range of goods pleases with its quantity. Analyzing the work of the company, we can conclude that high-quality solid furniture can be obtained at a low price. Perhaps this is what makes the factory so popular among buyers.


Rating: 4.5

Create comfort in the house will allow comfortable furniture “Laguna”. A wide range of goods pleases with its price and quality. Everyone can find something suitable for themselves. Even for the most demanding customers who are hard to please, the factory produces furniture to order. All wishes and fantasies will be taken into account, and the attentive attitude of the staff will leave a positive mark on the heart of the client. We looked through the catalog of goods and we can say with confidence that Laguna has something to attract the attention of the consumer. I would like to note the individual approach and European quality of upholstered furniture. Functionality and ease of use are also a positive side of the manufacturer. Modern design goes according to the latest fashion trends.

Laguna sofas combine all the best. Affordable prices, a large assortment, comfortable use, advanced production technologies and solid material – all this distinguishes it from other manufacturers.


Rating: 4.5

Another young company has established itself on the positive side in the upholstered furniture market. Lerroy, like Borovichi Mebel, pays special attention to the safety of its product for consumer health and the environment. For the company, each of its clients is important and important, and therefore all raw materials used in production are environmentally friendly. The factory has the appropriate certificates that can confirm this. All sanitary and hygienic standards are observed in the process of manufacturing upholstered furniture.

In the manufacture of new models of sofas, the ratio of aesthetic appearance and functionality is taken into account. These two indicators should be harmoniously combined with each other and therefore the Lerroy factory approaches the most insignificant trifles responsibly. In the process of creating the frame, multilayer plywood, high-quality fittings and softwood are used. This technology allows you to increase the life of the sofa and increase its strength. Thanks to domestic and foreign suppliers, the factory has a large selection of high-quality fabrics in its arsenal. That is why “Lerroy” will be able to translate into reality the most extraordinary design projects. According to the manufacturer, their furniture should not only please the eye, but also fulfill its main purpose. We cannot disregard this approach to work and highlight the 13th place in our ranking of the best sofa factories.

Slavic Furniture

Rating: 4.4

“Slavyanskaya Mebel” produces sofas from economy to premium class. The price range is so multifaceted that you can pick up a sofa at an acceptable cost. The factory does not lag behind its competitors and uses the latest technologies in production, develops a modern principle for creating upholstered furniture. The company uses advanced equipment, works with high-quality materials, and uses imported and domestic components. All raw materials are strictly controlled. The production has documents confirming certification according to the international quality standard.

Technological processes for the manufacture of upholstered furniture are under close control. At each stage there is a separate check. This approach ensures that a quality product enters the market and allows you to identify defects at an early stage of product development. The company values ​​long-term relationships and therefore tries not to lose positive reviews. Factory “Slavic Furniture” is constantly working on the creation of new models. The company does not stand still and increases its turnover every year. We noted the democratic price and high quality of products. Based on this, “Slavyanskaya Mebel” is included in the rating of the best furniture factories.


Rating: 4.3

The factory of upholstered furniture “Pegas” offers the consumer an excellent range of goods. The manufacturer spent a lot of effort, time and various other resources on creating the company in order to please with the quality of their products. Compared to other factories included in our rating, Pegasus is the least available on the market. But despite its young age, it has already won the trust of customers. All products are certified and have relevant regulatory documents.

Models of sofas firm “Pegasus” are unlike each other. Thanks to various mechanisms and unique designs, each product acquires its own unique cut. The modular system allows you to choose the best sofa option, focusing on the size of the client’s room. Foam rubber and holofiber fillers are used. Modern, environmentally friendly materials, advanced European production technologies and attentive attitude to the needs of the client – all this makes the furniture factory “Pegas” a worthy competitor in the domestic upholstered furniture market. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves a worthy version of the product that will satisfy all needs. Moderate prices make Pegas even more attractive to potential consumers.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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