15 best self-leveling floors

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Self-leveling floors are easy to install due to their fluidity, which provides self-leveling. This contributes to the filling of all cracks and craters, forming a perfectly flat surface. The master only needs to knead the composition correctly and distribute it with a special spiked roller. The modern building materials market offers a wide range of self-leveling floors, so expert advice on choosing a mixture will be very helpful. We have also prepared the TOP 15 best products that users have already tried and evaluated, and this will simplify the purchase.

Tips for choosing a self-leveling floor

When deciding which self-leveling floor to choose, you should first decide on its purpose. Some compounds are used to level the base, on which another coating will then be laid (laminate, linoleum, carpet, etc.). They are called – floors for leveling. Others serve as a full-fledged floor covering, acting as a decor. After you have decided on the type of floors, pay attention to the following characteristics.

Binder and place of operation

The substance that forms the basis of the mixture affects the strength of the future floor and the place of operation. Here are the options:

  1. Cement. They are cheaper because they consist of cement, sand and various additives. Suitable for quick floor leveling in an apartment, house, or enterprise. But such a coating dries longer, and since it looks less presentable, it needs subsequent finishing.

  2. Gypsum. They are distinguished by accelerated drying and surface resistance to abrasion. The only negative is hydrophobicity. This is the best option for finishing the floor in the bedroom and living room.

  3. Epoxy. Epoxy-based liquid mixtures are fast curing, environmentally friendly and have a glossy sheen. They also have higher elasticity and resistance to moisture. But under shock loading, traces can remain. With their help, it is better to finish the floor surfaces in the bathroom and bathroom. Transparent mixtures are relevant for creating complex floors with a patterned substrate. It is the choice for entertainment centers and other places of recreation.

  4. Polyurethane. They are considered the most durable, but also expensive. Use them in baths, bathrooms or gyms.

Floor height

The height of the floor pouring can be from 1 mm to 10 cm. Specific parameters are indicated on the product packaging. In this regard, the mixtures are divided into basic, medium and finishing. Depending on the condition of your floor, you can choose a base for leveling serious defects with height differences of up to 6-10 cm, or a medium mixture for eliminating protrusions and holes of 1-5 cm. -5 mm.

Application temperature

It is possible to fill in “liquid floors” at a certain air temperature. For most products, this figure is +10º C. But there are levelers that are allowed to be used at +5º C, which allows you to carry out repairs later in the fall or early spring in an unheated facility.

Also pay attention to the scope of the product, where some products can only be used inside the house, while others are allowed outside. The latter are suitable for parking lots, terraces and sports fields.

Drying time

Drying time refers to when the new surface can be walked on. This will allow you to operate the room, continue the next stage of repair or open access to other rooms. Some products have a curing time of only 3-4 hours, others 6-8 or 12 hours, and others up to 24 hours.

Consumption composition

This is an important factor, since the lower cost of a 20 kg bag does not mean savings. Dry mix consumption per 1 m² with a layer height of 1 mm can be from 1.2 to 1.7 kg. Accordingly, with a floor area in the apartment of 50 m² and an applied height of 7 mm, either 420 kg or 595 kg will be required, and the difference of 175 kg is precisely the savings.

Which is better – screed or self-leveling floor?

When choosing self-leveling floors, one cannot fail to notice that the cost of a conventional cement screed is much lower. In order to fully decide on the choice, we offer a comparison table of these two options for pouring the floor. It presents the advantages and disadvantages of both types of floors, but the last word, of course, is yours.


























Rating of the best self-leveling floors

Nomination Place Name of product Price
The best self-leveling floors for leveling surfaces     1 Weber Vetonit Strong     450 ₽
    2 Plitonit Universal self-levelling 20 kg     420 ₽
    3 Found Skorline FK48R Self-Leveling 20kg     290 ₽
    4 Ceresit CN 175     550 ₽
    5 Uphill Easy Ground     370 ₽
    6 Volma Leveler Express self-leveling 20 kg     400 ₽
    7 Creps RV 25 kg     190 ₽
    8 Prospectors Fast hardening 20 kg     350 ₽
    9 Eunice Unis Horizon     230 ₽
    10 Volma Leveler Comfort     330 ₽
The best decorative self-leveling floors     1 Arthur EP2500     11 100 ₽
    2 Polymerstone-2     425 ₽
    3 Monopoly 5     500 ₽
    4 Teping Pol 205 PU     395 ₽
    5 Elakor-ED     515 ₽

The best self-leveling floors for leveling surfaces

If there are many craters on the subfloor and there are differences of several centimeters, then it needs to be leveled. To do this, use bulk compositions with a height of 10-100 mm. After they harden, the floor can be covered with a finishing fill with a layer of 1-7 mm or covered with other materials. Among the goods of this category sold on the Russian market, experts identified the following options.

Weber Vetonit Strong

Rating: 4.9

The first place in the review is occupied by a product that belongs to the “increased comfort range” in the Weber Vetonit product line. The pouring mixture is designed to bring the floors to perfect evenness, and the layer thickness is 1-5 cm. The liquid itself accepts the horizon well and can be applied without special beacons. Masters in the reviews note that when pouring an area of ​​​​20-40 m² with this tool, it is easy to bring the joints together, making them invisible. Experts recommend the product for use in living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms and balconies. The bulk mixture quickly hardens, so you can walk on it after 3-4 hours, and this will not slow down other stages of repair. Another advantage of this self-leveling coating is the possibility of combination with a heating cable.

We considered the product to be the best due to the presence of synthetic fibers in the composition, which act as reinforcement. The threads provide a mechanical connection of the bulk material, preventing the formation of cracks at the points of impact. These floors are better able to withstand falling hard objects.



Plitonit Universal self-levelling 20 kg

Rating: 4.8

Second place goes to Plitonit self-leveling mineral floors, which are sold in 20 kg bags. The product is positioned as a tool that allows even beginners to achieve professional results in repairs. This is possible due to the high mobility of the composition to level or correct the surface. The hardening time is 3 hours, which is convenient if you need to walk on the created floor at the end of the day. Work can be carried out at a temperature of +10º C. For better adhesion to the base, it is required to treat it with a primer. The dry mixture is stored in the bag for up to 12 months, so you can buy a bulk leveling compound in advance so that everything is slowly prepared for repair, but the viability of the solution in liquid form is only 30 minutes, which means you have to work quickly.

The experts liked the self-leveling composition with the ability to create a floor thickness of up to 8 cm, and in some places up to 10 cm in cracks. This allows you to even out any differences and quickly organize the base for mounting the finish. But the mixture is also allowed to be used for the final layer with a height of 2-5 mm, so it is considered universal.



Found Skorline FK48R Self-Leveling 20kg

Rating: 4.7

And here is another self-leveling universal floor that can be poured from 3 to 80 mm high. Due to this, the composition is suitable both for leveling large differences and for finishing. The liquid mixture has high mobility and spreads 26-28 cm from the pour point, which simplifies the leveling work. The surface hardens after 4 hours, and its strength is so strong that it can withstand 15 MPa. This ensures the transfer of loads from walking and furniture installation, but the material cannot be used without additional coating. The consumption of the bulk mixture is 15 kg per square meter if the layer height reaches 10 mm.

Although this self-leveling compound and the one described above are somewhat similar in characteristics, the product from Osnovit is allowed to be used at a temperature of +5º C, which allows you to start repairing floors earlier in spring or later in autumn in a building without heating.



Ceresit CN 175

Rating: 4.6

The Polish brand Ceresit offers the CN 175 pouring compound in 20 kg bags, which is suitable for leveling floors or finishing surfaces for laying parquet boards and carpets. The permitted height of the substance is 3-60 mm. For 1 m², with a layer of 1 mm, the average consumption is 1.6 kg of dry powder. The bulk coating spreads well over the surface and does not shrink after solidification. The initial drying process lasts 4 hours, after which it is allowed to walk on the floor. Rovnitel is recommended for use in private housing and commercial premises. Its large fraction up to 3 mm and high adhesion to the surface make it possible to effectively use the pouring agent to cover the heating cable of “warm floors”. In the reviews, the masters confirm that the composition spreads well and does not leave streaks.

A feature of this product is the possibility of application on a weak basis. For example, if it is poured from concrete with a low grade of cement. This design contributes to increased friability and even flaking. But the bulk mixture of Ceresit CN 175 has good adhesion and perfectly holds together a weak base.



Uphill Easy Ground

Rating: 4.5

The bulk leveler from the Bergauf brand is positioned as a product for beginners to do their own repairs. But reviews show that the self-leveling of the mixture is low – careful leveling of the substance with a roller is required. To mix the solution, you will need 7.5-8 liters of water per 20 kg bag. The fine particle size of 0.6 mm provides a good floor density and no cracks, as well as good gap filling. The product is suitable for use on concrete or cement substrates, in order to later lay parquet, laminate, carpet or linoleum. The maximum layer height is allowed up to 5 cm, and the minimum is 6 mm. Although the fluidity of the pouring agent is not the highest, it does not belong to the quick-hardening agents – the solidification time is about 8 hours. Any irregularities (bumps, roller marks) can subsequently be sanded, providing an acceptable surface quality.

We noted this product for the possibility of pouring floors at a temperature of +5 degrees. He also has a cost of 100-150 rubles cheaper per bag than the leaders of the review, so on an apartment area of ​​45 m², where about 25 bags are required, it will be possible to save 2500-3750 rubles.



Volma Leveler Express self-leveling 20 kg

Rating: 4.4

The domestic brand “Volma” offers bulk self-leveling floors in the form of a dry mix of 20 kg, which are designed for use in residential and commercial premises. You will have about 40 minutes to pour the floor and level the substance. Work can be carried out already at a temperature of +5º C. Filling of the leveling agent is allowed on concrete and cement bases, and the adhesion strength with them is 1.0 MPa, while for the above-described competitors it is 0.5 MPa. But the composition hardens a little slower, so walking is possible after 6 hours.

We liked the self-leveling floor with the permitted layer height range from 5 to 100 mm. This allows you to restore even a badly damaged surface or correct the situation after poor-quality filling of the subfloor. Another advantage of the product is the consumption of 1.35 kg per square meter. But this indicator can be achieved by using several bags in order to fully understand the optimal consistency, because the instructions give a rather large run-up in terms of the amount of water per package – 5.8-6.8 liters.



Creps RV 25 kg

Rating: 4.3

Dry mix in packs of 25 kg is designed for dilution with water and pouring floors with a screed height of 5-50 mm. Compared to the competitors described above, the product stands out for its increased strength under pressure from above – the floor will withstand a load of up to 20 MPa and will not crack. The substance serves not only to level the surface, but also acts as sound and heat insulation. The product can be combined with a heating cable or expanded clay, and linoleum, laminate or tiles can be laid on top. But only manual application is allowed. The manufacturer allows pouring the composition even on complex substrates (paint, waterproofing, oil stains), only under the filling layer there should be a film with a thickness of 100 microns.

In our opinion, self-leveling floors of this brand are the best, since they can be used on sloped surfaces. The manufacturer also allows the use of the mixture outside the building, which expands the scope of operation. This became possible due to the increased strength of the self-leveling combined coating containing reinforcing fibers inside.



Prospectors Fast hardening 20 kg

Rating: 4.2

Bulk solution of this brand can be served manually or by machine. The mixture is suitable for leveling the floor in residential and commercial buildings, as well as technical rooms. A liquid substance with a gypsum base sets in 4 hours, after which walking on the surface is allowed, but you will have to work quickly, since the viability of the mixture is only 40 minutes. The average consumption is 1.4 kg per 1 m². The pouring agent adheres well to the base due to adhesion of 0.8 MPa. According to reviews, the leveler spreads well and requires minimal distribution with a roller. If you have to work in several layers, then the joints will need to be sanded with a machine.

We singled out the self-leveling floor as the best in terms of cost and leveling height. This relatively affordable mixture is suitable for smoothing out differences up to 10 cm. Increased crack resistance makes it ideal for budget repairs in utility and industrial premises (warehouses, workshops, etc.).



Eunice Unis Horizon

Rating: 4.1

Here is another proven self-leveling floor from the domestic brand “Eunice”. The name “Horizon” indicates the ability of a substance to self-level. The universal product is suitable both for eliminating serious differences of 6-8 cm, and for finishing. The pouring agent perfectly adheres to the base due to adhesion of 0.7 MPa. If you pour a “warm floor” system with this cement-based composition, then the coating will withstand regular temperature changes and last up to 15 years without cracks. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for this. Buyers in the reviews like that an inexpensive bulk leveler is allowed to be used in rooms with high humidity. Users also note that after drying, the surface becomes like glass.

We have included the product in the list of the best due to more economical consumption – 1.2 kg per 1 m². If the substance does not pour well after stirring, then in the reviews I advise the masters to boldly add up to 300 ml of water, which will contribute to high-quality spreading and promise additional savings.


  1. suitable for bathrooms and bathrooms;


Volma Leveler Comfort

Rating: 4.0

The product from Volma completes the category of self-leveling floors for leveling the base. Dry mix “Comfort” is designed to eliminate bumps and pits with differences up to 10 cm. But it can also serve as a thin-layer finish with a height of 3 mm. Light beige color looks great, unlike the gray shades of competitors. This product also has a less pronounced specific smell. Such a self-leveling floor is suitable for use on concrete to lay linoleum, laminate, board or tile on top. The only limitation is that you cannot level the floors in wet rooms.

Reviews show that the solution solidifies evenly. The craftsmen share that it is not difficult to knead the composition, and during quick processing with a roller, there are no air bubbles left in the floor, and this eliminates the formation of cracks. Users like the product for its cheapness and the fact that the bulk mixture does not “stand up” after 30 minutes. We recommend the product for beginners to do their own repairs.



The best decorative self-leveling floors

This category of products is designed to create a finish layer with a pleasant color or decorative pattern. In appearance, the coating may resemble expensive linoleum, but is more durable and durable. Here are the positions that are available on the Russian market and have decent characteristics.

Arthur EP2500

Rating: 4.9

This category was topped by Arturo’s EP2500, which has an epoxy base. The standard height of the applied layer is allowed from 1 to 3 mm. Users in the reviews like that the pouring agent can be mixed with quartz sand, and this increases the anti-slip effect and allows you to fill the level up to 10 cm. Without sand, the surface will be glossy and shiny. The self-leveling floor is tinted according to the RAL catalog in any shade. The hardened surface becomes frost-resistant and can be used outside heated rooms. The coating also acquires water-repellent characteristics, so spilled liquid will not leak to the lower floor.

The experts have noted the bulk product as one of the most durable products with an epoxy base. Its compression characteristic is 50-90 MPa. This allows the use of the substance not only in residential premises, but also in halls, warehouses, parking lots and other highly loaded areas.




Rating: 4.8

The second place in the category was taken by self-leveling floors made of a polyurethane base, made with two components. Before application, they need to be mixed, after which you will have 40 minutes to pour and smooth everything. By color, you can choose any shade. The mass fraction of non-volatile substances in the composition reaches 99%, so the coating does not shrink after polymerization. When the floor dries, it will become uniform and glossy. The relative elongation at break reaches 75%, so the coating perfectly tolerates mechanical loads in the form of walking, running or static furniture pressure. In the reviews, consumers like that the bulk substance is odorless, so there is no discomfort during use.

We singled out this product for the permitted operating temperature up to -35º C. The instructions also indicate that the manufacturer allows the use of bulk leveling agent outdoors, even in places without a canopy. This is the best option to cover a parking lot, a terrace or concrete floors in an outdoor pavilion.



Monopoly 5

Rating: 4.7

This product is positioned as a self-leveling floor for rooms with increased load. The product is supplied in three containers, where the epoxy base, hardener and filler in the form of quartz sand are separated. There are 12 standard colors in total, but the manufacturer is ready to release additional ones on special order. The pouring agent is applied to the primer and can be 1-2 mm high, hiding minor cracks, pits and protrusions. After drying, the floor acquires a beautiful semi-matt appearance. The decorative coating is resistant to abrasive effects, and also does not decompose from spilling chemically active liquids.

We recommend this product for creating a self-leveling decorative floor in places with high traffic such as shopping centers, exhibition halls, covered parking lots in business centers. The surface with a height of 1-2 mm perfectly resists pressure or sliding loads, since the density of the material is 1600 kg/m³. For clarity, the density of hollow ceramic bricks is 1100-1400 km/m³.



Teping Pol 205 PU

Rating: 4.6

This self-leveling floor, unlike the previous one, can be applied with a layer height of up to 5 mm, so it is easier to hide defects on the base with it. After hardening, the coating acquires a high degree of gloss and literally reflects everything, as in a mirror, which increases the originality of the floor finish. One of the advantages of such a surface is the absence of seams even on an area of ​​100 m². At the same time, the material sticks to the base so much that the contact force is 2.5 MPa, so it is almost impossible to separate it (theoretically possible, but only together with concrete).

A feature of this product is suitability for flooring in gyms. The pouring agent has increased resistance to vibrations and retains elasticity throughout its entire service life. In addition, the manufacturer offers a shock-absorbing pad (“Taping Sport”) for it, which enhances the springy effect, which is useful in the volleyball or basketball hall.




Rating: 4.5

This category is completed by a self-leveling polymer floor, where, in addition to the base and hardener, the manufacturer offers dosages of quartz sand. Thanks to the third component, you yourself can adjust the coating strength and roughness. This product has a good reputation for UV resistance, which customers love in the reviews. Such floors can be poured on concrete with a strength grade of M200, as well as on wooden and metal surfaces.

The experts selected the product due to the possibility of creating 3D floors with its help, where the colored base will be on the bottom, and the top layer, 1-2 mm thick, will remain transparent. The optical effect opens up wide possibilities for floor decoration, where patterns in the form of leaves, coins, shells or other objects can be placed on the “bottom”. We recommend this self-leveling layer as a floor covering in restaurants, bars, cafes and entertainment complexes.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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