15 best manufacturers of aerated concrete blocks

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Aerated concrete is made from a mixture of quartz sand, cement, lime and water. While stirring the mass, aluminum powder is added to it, which reacts with lime and produces gas. This foams the material, giving it lightness and lowering thermal conductivity. Then the products are immersed in steam chambers, where at a temperature of 195º C and a pressure of 8-13 atm they are processed, which increases the strength of the gas block. This is an excellent material for the construction of residential buildings and other structures, and our review of the best manufacturers will help you choose a company with proven quality aerated concrete.

Tips for choosing aerated concrete blocks

Before considering specific manufacturers, we mention the main criteria for choosing aerated concrete. This will help you decide what product to look for and what to consider when building from this material.

Density of aerated concrete

This is the most significant factor that you should pay attention to when choosing a building material. The density of aerated concrete is 350, 400, 500 or 600 kg / m³. Accordingly, blocks are sold divided into grades D350, D400, etc. The most popular among buyers are grades D400 and D500. The density of aerated concrete affects three factors, improving some characteristics and worsening others. The higher the density, the better – this is not always correct. Therefore, consider the following effects of high density.

Strength of aerated concrete

First of all, the density affects the strength, indicated in kgf / cm² (compressive strength, it can be from 3 to 7 units) or class B 2.5-5 (load bearing in MPa). The higher the density, the stronger the aerated concrete, and therefore, the thinner walls will withstand a greater load. This is important if you plan to build a house with several floors.

Aerated concrete weight

On the other hand, the higher the mass density, the greater the weight of the building module, which increases the load on the base. The mass of a gas block with the same dimensions can vary from 16 to 31 kg. Therefore, for low buildings, utility rooms or a garage where a shallow strip foundation is used, it is worth looking for gas blocks with a lower mass. This type is also suitable for the construction of walls of the second floor in order to reduce pressure on the base.

Thermal conductivity of aerated concrete

This characteristic is measured in W/m*S. The lower the density of the gas block, the more air it contains, which means that it passes positive or negative temperatures through itself worse. Therefore, in terms of thermal insulation of the house, high-density aerated concrete blocks will require laying walls with a greater thickness, which is not financially profitable.

Block dimensions

The dimensions of aerated concrete building modules are standard and are 600-625 mm long, 200 or 300 mm high, and 75/100/150/200/250/300/350/400/500 mm wide. Take this into account when determining what wall thickness you need to achieve according to thermal conductivity and strength calculations. Also remember that the selected dimensions must fit on the future foundation, so create it with a sufficient width.

Geometry error

Going to buy aerated concrete, you should know that it comes with two levels of accuracy. High-precision gas blocks have an error of 1-2 mm from a given size, so they are allowed to be placed on a thin layer of adhesive solution. The walls are obtained without cracks and very smooth. Low-current blocks have an error of 3 mm and their installation is carried out only on a cement-sand mixture, which contributes to the formation of “cold bridges” and slightly slows down the laying process.

What is better aerated concrete or foam concrete

Since aerated concrete is not the only building material with a cellular structure, it is worth understanding its advantages and disadvantages compared to other similar blocks. We present them in a comparative table of the pros and cons of aerated concrete and foam blocks.
















Since foam concrete is not treated with steam, its strength is lower. Even foam blocks freeze faster due to the penetration of water vapor into the brick structure. Therefore, for building a house, it is better to give preference to aerated concrete, but which manufacturer’s products to choose?

Rating of the best manufacturers of aerated concrete blocks

In this list, we have collected the best manufacturers of porous building materials, taking into account the characteristics of the products. We also focused on the technologies used, as well as feedback from buyers and builders. The Top 15 Best Manufacturers will help you narrow down your search to a few companies that have what you need.

Nomination Place Name of product Rating
Rating of the best manufacturers of aerated concrete blocks      1 XELLA (YTONG)      5.0
     2 aerostone      4.9
     3 Aeroc      4.8
     4 LSR      4.7
     5 U.D.K.      4.6
     6 NLMK      4.5
     7 Bonolit      4.4
     8 EuroAeroConcrete      4.3
     9 Kazan plant of silicate wall materials      4.3
     10 Stonelight      4.3
     11 Voronezh plant of building materials      4.2
     12 Lipetsk silicate plant      4.1
     13 Glavnovosibirskstroy        4.1
     14 Saratov plant of building materials      4.0
     15 Kostroma silicate plant      4.0


Rating: 5.0

In the first place is the manufacturer XELLA, which began its activity in 1924. The company was founded in Sweden and originally produced cellular concrete. The authorship of the invention belongs to the architect Ericsson Axel. The gas blocks of this manufacturer are sold under the name YTONG, which means “durable cellular autoclaved concrete from Ixhult”. This is an environmentally friendly material, which is considered one of the best in the world. The company produces rectangular and U-shaped blocks, as well as O-shaped ones, used to organize ventilation ducts. There are three types of brands D400, 500 and 600. The manufacturer has many factories outside the country (a total of 91 enterprises in 20 states), one of which is located in Russia, Mozhaisk. The head office of the company is now located in Germany.

The manufacturer is considered the best not only for the high quality of the building material, but also for the manufacture of non-standard slabs of aerated concrete. The panels are produced with dimensions of 625x750x75 mm or the same, but with a section of 100 mm. This doubles the speed of installation of interior partitions.




Rating: 4.9

Aerostone-Dmitrov LLC, which manufactures aerated concrete products under the Aerostone brand, is in second place. Production is carried out on Masa Henke equipment. The company offers cellular blocks only with a density of 400-600 kg/m³. The range includes wall panels and partitions, U-blocks, assembly mixes and tools for cutting and laying material. The manufacturer carefully monitors the quality of products, so the masters in the reviews praise the plates for the high accuracy of dimensions, where the height error does not exceed 1 mm. When using proprietary Aerostone adhesive, seams with a height of 1-3 mm can be created. The width of the foam block according to the catalog is available in 5 options from 250 to 500 mm. The entire range is designed for frost resistance up to 100 freeze and thaw cycles during storage, so the product can be safely placed on the construction site and wait for the right weather for masonry.

We placed the manufacturer in the list of the best, since its gas blocks are characterized by low vapor permeability. For example, the D600 brand has an indicator of 0.16 mg / m * h * Pa, which surpasses even the products of the German Xella. This characteristic contributes to better protection of load-bearing walls from freezing.




Rating: 4.8

The next in the list of the best is the manufacturer – Aeroc, which has been operating since 2006 and has two production sites. One plant uses a high-tech line of the German brand Wehrhahn Smart, capable of producing up to 180 m³ of building material per year. At the second enterprise, the production of aerated concrete is carried out using the Hess AAC Systems complex, which generates a design capacity of up to 000 m³ per year. The manufacturer has its own certified laboratory that tests samples for strength, moisture resistance and density, as well as testing new types of products.

We chose the manufacturer as the best in terms of the variety of aerated concrete lines provided. The company’s catalog offers products in the series: Eco Term and Eco Term Super Plus, which are characterized by increased environmental friendliness of binders. Other series – Classic and Element contain building blocks. In addition, there are ultra light Econom and Econom Plus options available at a reduced cost. Additionally, the manufacturer offers floor slabs, U-blocks, lintels and Aeroc Energy, which allows you to buy everything you need to build a house in one place.


  1. a large selection of lines;



Rating: 4.7

Under this brand, aerated concrete from the Sertolovsky Plant and the Kikerinsky Aerated Concrete Plant, located in the Leningrad Region, is sold. This ensures optimal logistics and fast delivery of goods to anywhere in the region. The manufacturer produces building blocks with a strength of D400-600, class B2-B5. In terms of dimensions, he has gas silicate with a length of 625 mm and a height of 200/300 mm. In width, the manufacturer offers options from 250 to 400 mm. There are very thin blocks of 100 mm in cross section used as inter-wall partitions.

We consider the manufacturer to be the best among the companies producing the lightest aerated concrete. For example, a block of the D400 brand with dimensions of 200x250x625 mm has a weight of 16 kg, when similar products of competitors weigh 17 kg and more. This allows you to significantly reduce the mass of the wall, especially if it is laid several blocks thick. This characteristic is relevant for the construction of the second floor of the cottage in order to reduce the load on the foundation.




Rating: 4.6

The UDK company owns the equipment of the German brand Masa AG, which manufactures gas blocks. In addition to the standard composition, the company uses gypsum stone additives to slightly lighten the weight of the final product. The manufacturer is known for producing high-precision module dimensions with a deviation of no more than 1.5 mm for each unit of goods. The company has focused its activities on the manufacture of grades D400 and D500, which are the most “running” in the construction market. In the case of D400, it is allowed to lay a wall with a thickness of 375 mm without additional insulation, which the craftsmen like in the reviews.

The manufacturer on the official website offers several online calculators that make it easier to calculate the required volume of products. For example, there is a program for calculating the cost of 1 m², which already includes the price for glue, plaster and labor, which helps to see almost the total amount of the house box construction project. Another convenient function is the calculation of the required aerated concrete, depending on the desired dimensions of the house. The third program helps to calculate heat losses. With such functionality, even without being a specialist, you can see the approximate amount of material and draw up an approximate budget for construction (all calculations are correct if you use aerated concrete from this manufacturer, since the program contains the characteristics of a particular product).




Rating: 4.5

The abbreviation of this manufacturer stands for “Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works”, and first of all the company is engaged in steel casting. But in 2003, the construction of its own plant for the production of cellular concrete began. The company implemented this project together with the German concern Hebel, which delivered equipment to Russia and provided proprietary technology for the production of building materials. On the basis of this enterprise, in 2011, the LLC Gazobeton 48 plant was created, which over 9 years of its operation produced 2.5 million cubic blocks of aerated concrete. The product range is represented by grades D200-600, with strengths from B 0.75 to B 5. Judging by the reviews, the craftsmen have no complaints about the geometry of the modules, the masonry is carried out with glue with a minimum thickness of the seams.

This is one of the few manufacturers offering aerated concrete blocks with a cross section of 5 cm. This thickness makes it possible to reduce the cost of building partitions and reduces pressure on the foundation.




Rating: 4.4

The brand belongs to the concern Bonolit Group, which combines the products of several leading plants for the production of aerated concrete. In the domestic market, the share of offered cellular concrete from this manufacturer reaches 30% of the total volume. Production is carried out on the Werhann system, which combines environmental friendliness and high precision. The manufacturer’s catalog contains brands from D200 to D600. In addition, reinforced jumpers and U-shaped blocks are produced. The masters in the reviews share that the aerated concrete of this manufacturer does not shrink after installation and its surface is perfectly fixed with glue without the formation of cold bridges.

We consider the manufacturer to be the best due to the release of the original polyurethane adhesive for mounting blocks, which helps to reduce the thermal conductivity of joints in aerated concrete. The product is called “Heat Formula” and has a thermal conductivity of 0.036 W/m*C, the same as that of mineral wool. This is an adhesive that simultaneously insulates the masonry. With such proprietary technology from the manufacturer, your aerated concrete house will be even warmer.




Rating: 4.3

This manufacturer manufactures products at a factory in Slantsy, not far from St. Petersburg. The company has been operating since 2008. All suppliers of raw materials are located in close proximity to the production site, so production is ongoing and there are always large batches of goods in stock. All production process systems are automated by Siemens equipment. The catalog offers blocks of cellular concrete with a density of D600, D500 and D400. Separately, partitions with a cross section of 8.5 cm are produced, used for planning the room.

In terms of the quality of aerated concrete, the products of this manufacturer are slightly inferior in terms of pressure strength, demonstrating an indicator of B 1.5, while competitors have B 2.0-2.5. At the same time, the price of the goods here is approximately the same. But we considered the manufacturer to be the best if you need to build a low-rise building not for residential use. On the official website, the company offers to buy aerated concrete of the 1st and 2nd grade, which may have one or two chips at the corners. As a result, its cost is 25-50% lower than usual. This will allow you to build a garage or a technical structure at minimal cost.


  1. smooth and even surface.


Kazan plant of silicate wall materials

Rating: 4.3

The next manufacturer started its activity in Tatarstan in 1930. Then it was the enterprise “Named on the 1st of May”. The factory produced silicate bricks. The cellular concrete workshop was launched in 2005, so the equipment there is new and the products meet high construction requirements. The manufacturer produces blocks with a length of 60 cm, which is slightly less than the generally accepted standard. There are options from 20 to 40 cm in thickness.

The manufacturer’s assortment contains blocks with a density of D400, 500 and 600. But unlike most competitors, KZSSM produces aerated concrete grade D700. This is an extremely durable porous stone that can withstand increased stress. If you need a very reliable building structure that can withstand strong winds, soil subsidence or even mechanical shock, pay attention to this category of manufacturer’s products. Such blocks are available in sizes from 600x200x200 mm to 600x100x400 mm, so you can choose the mounting brick for the width of the foundation and the specified wall parameters.




Rating: 4.3

The manufacturer produces cellular blocks for low-rise construction with a density of 400 kg / m³. The company offers mounting panels with a thickness of 200 and 300 mm for the construction of walls with a total heat transfer resistance of 4.1 m² * K / W, at a rate of 3.3 m² * K / W, which does not even require external insulation. Judging by the reviews, the manufacturer uses Stretchhood film for packaging, consisting of polyethylene, polypropylene tape and cardboard corners. This reliably protects aerated concrete from moisture and mechanical damage during transportation.

The manufacturer stands out from the general background due to interesting offers. For example, a company can produce a batch of gas blocks of certain dimensions by a specified month in the current year. This allows not to occupy the construction site with materials that interfere with land work, and to receive the goods just in time. Another interesting offer of the manufacturer is free storage of blocks in its own warehouse, subject to 100% payment. The terms of storage are negotiated at the time of the transaction. You can safely carry out other work and pick up gas blocks when the construction of the box begins.



Voronezh plant of building materials

Rating: 4.2

The enterprise was founded in 1951 in Voronezh and was engaged in the manufacture of silicate bricks. Gas silicate products began to be produced in 2004, and since 2012 another line has been launched. This manufacturer produces aerated concrete blocks at a more affordable price, which all buyers like in the reviews. So, 1 m³ of porous concrete with different segment dimensions can be purchased for about 1000 rubles. cheaper than similar products from more famous brands. In terms of density, the products mainly have a class of D500, so the building material is widely applicable both for laying load-bearing walls of cottages and small buildings on one floor.

In our opinion, the manufacturer is the best if you want to build a house with elements of semicircular walls. Such an architecture is possible due to the dimensions of aerated concrete bricks 30×29.8×20 cm, although there are products and standard sizes 60x30x20 cm. A shorter length allows you to round the masonry line with a smaller radius, which is useful when decorating balconies or towers.



Lipetsk silicate plant

Rating: 4.1

This manufacturer has been operating since 1938. Like most other similar enterprises, at first only white bricks were produced here. Since 2004, a line for the production of aerated concrete has been built. The company offers products with an average density of 400, 500 or 600 kg / m³, as well as dimensions with a length of 40-60 cm, a width of 10-40 cm and a height of 28.8 cm. The compressive strength class is from B1.5 to B3.5. According to the characteristics of thermal conductivity, the material demonstrates 10-12 W / m * C.

A good indicator of the quality of gas silicate products is that building organizations of the Moscow, Tula, Ryazan and Tambov regions apply for them in Lipetsk. Such interest in the product is also explained by more affordable prices for contractors, to whom the manufacturer provides discounts. Therefore, if you own a construction company, cooperation with LSZ will bring you more benefits.




Rating: 4.1

This manufacturer as a company has been operating since 1991. The company specializes in complex services: it produces aerated concrete and other building materials, designs residential buildings and builds structures with subsequent sale. The fact that the manufacturer uses its own aerated concrete in construction shows the reliability of the product. This is one of the first construction companies that, after the collapse of the USSR, decided not to use plates and blocks of foreign companies, but to start their own production. At the same time, the plant became the first beyond the Urals, where production was established according to German technologies. The manufacturer sells aerated concrete in Russia under the SIBIT trademark.

In the catalog, the company offers wall blocks with a length of 60 and 62.5 cm, strength B 2-4, as well as partitions of the D600 brand. But we considered the manufacturer to be the best, since he also produces lintels and ceilings by autoclave, which allows us to build the entire box of aerated concrete. For example, it has lintels with a length of 120 cm and a strength of D600, which are perfect for window and door openings. A floor slab 1940x600x240 mm with a tongue-and-groove configuration will even help create a floor between floors. It withstands 800 kgf / m².



Saratov plant of building materials

Rating: 4.0

This manufacturer has been operating since 1976. Initially, the concern specialized in the manufacture of silicate bricks. Already in 1982, the company launched the production of cellular concrete in the amount of up to 160 m³ per year. In the reviews, buyers like the affordable cost of materials of a domestic manufacturer, which is 000-1 thousand cheaper than other companies. Recently, the company experienced some difficulties and the enterprise even stood idle for two years with almost no work, but since January 2, the plant has changed ownership and started working with renewed vigor. The production of aerated concrete is carried out on German linear machines and fully complies with the state GOST 2020-31360. But since silicate brick remains the main product of the enterprise, the range of sizes of aerated concrete blocks is not the largest here.

The products of this manufacturer are the best in terms of price and dimensional accuracy. This allows you to use assembly glue when laying, and not a cement-sand mortar, as well as to plaster the wall surface with a thin layer.



Kostroma silicate plant

Rating: 4.0

Our review is completed by an enterprise located in the city of Kostroma. The manufacturer is one of the oldest factories in Russia, since it has been operating since 1930. It is the largest supplier of building materials in the Russian Federation on the territory of its region. The manufacturer’s catalog contains: paving elements, silicate brick, autoclaved cellular concrete, various building dry mixes. Blocks are produced in accordance with GOST 31359-2007 and 31360-2007. Among porous concrete products, blocks with sizes from 60x25x20 cm to 60x30x40 cm are available. All have F100 frost resistance and come in two grades D500 and D600.

For laying its blocks, the manufacturer produces two types of glue “Summer” and “Winter”. The second product is interesting in that it allows installation at low temperatures, while maintaining the viability of the solution for 3 hours. For this, the company got into the list of the best.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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